The spiral

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Felix got to the dorm and slammed his phone on the counter and stormed off to his room slamming the door shut. All that could be heard was loud saddening sobs.

Minho slammed the front door to the dorm shut when he got there. "LEE YONGBOK FELIX!" Minho shouted, Han ran up to Minho. "Min please calm down...please. It's a long story bu-", "you knew?" Minho asked in disbelief. Han looked down and nodded. Minho scoffed. "I'm in a dorm filled with liars. Who else knew?" Minho asked his boyfriend. "We all did..." Felix said coming out of his room. "Oh that's great." Minho said sarcastically.  "Where's your phone?" The oldest asked. "Counter." Felix replied. "Good, now you are not to interact with Hyunjin at all. Go to your room."

Felix didn't protest he did what his older brother told him. Han walked up the the older, "I-I'm sorry for keeping the secret..." Han sniffled. Minho hugged his boyfriend. "I'm disappointed in you..but I still love you." Minho kissed Han's temple.

The dorm went silent except for Felix's cries that night.

The next morning Felix didn't leave his room. He didn't do anything he didn't eat, change his clothes bathe, brush his teeth, or go to his class that was scheduled that day.

Han walked into Felix's room, a wave of depression hit him. "Felix I'm so sorry this happened. If I could help you I would." Han said as Felix sat in the middle of his bed, hugging his knees to his chest staring blankly at the wall. He didn't respond.

Han hugged him and left.

Days passed and the peppy, happy Felix became a depressed ball of sadness. Minho felt bad, this was his fault but he knew he had to stay to his words.

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