The Promised Kareoke

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I woke up right next to Seungmin, he look so peaceful when he's sleeping. I cuddled up close to him and fell back asleep. We slept for a few more hours before we both woke up. "Good morning foxy~" Seungmin smiled . "Good morning puppy~" I kissed his cheek while he hugged my waist. "Let's go eat breakfast, yea?" I nodded and moved my legs a bit before wincing in pain. "Did I go to hard?" Seungmin asked. "I think so...or maybe I'm too weak..." Seungmin cupped both my cheeks, "it was your first time, I should've been more gentle." He kissed my forehead. "Are you sure?" I asked him with a sad tone. "More than positive, I promise it's on me. I'll carry to you the kitchen and make you something to eat." He said with a warm smile. I nodded and he picked me up, "Let's go!" I put my arms around him. "Hey, good morning!" Seungmin said to Hyunjin and Felix who were in the kitchen. "I can't even-" Hyunjin gagged. "Oh no, poor Hyunjin got traumatised." Felix cooed at his boyfriend. "Hey Felix, again I'm really sorry for ruining what my night should've been yours with Hyunjin..." felix smiled, "I promise it's fine, it'll happen some other night!" Hyunjin rubbed the lower part of Felix's back, "it will happen again, don't worry!" It was Seungmin's turn to gag "GROSS!" Me and Felix giggled at the two brothers. "Calm down Minnie.." Seungmin rolled his eyes. "Yea calm done...SEUNGMIN~" Hyunjin teased me and Seungmin. "Don't tease them, the just love each other. That's all, now be nice Hyunjin!" Felix scolded his boyfriend. "Fine, only because you're my Pixie Lixie!" Hyunjin smiled clinging onto Felix. "Awww! You're so cute!" I looked at the two boys. "Let's just eat!" Felix suggested with blush on his face. "Great idea LixLix!" I agreed.

Me and Innie were making so French toast while Seungmin and my handsome boyfriend were cleaning off the table. We were finishing the last piece of toast when I felt a pair of arms around my waist. "Smells good.~" Hyunjin wrapped his tail around my leg, "Hyunjin~" I whined. "Hmm?" He hummed, and started twirling some of my hair in around his finger. "I'm cooking...stop teasing." I pouted as I continued to cook. "But I finished cleaning the table and I'm bored!" Hyunjin squeezed my waist tighter. "Go set the table." I instructed Hyunjin. "Fine, but I want something first!" He pouted. "Come here." I pulled Hyunjin's head to my face and kissed his forehead. "There, now go set the table." Hyunjin nodded and went to table with his brother to set up.

I walked up to the table and saw my brother with some plates in his hands. "Hey simp, help me set up the table." Seungmin teased me. "Oh shut up!" I hollered. "Nah fight me wuss!" Seungmin yelled back running off to the living and threw some pillows towards me when I chased him. I grabbed a pillow and smacked him with it and he did the same to me. "HEY!" Felix shouted, which made me and Seungmin pause right where we were. "P-pixie...hey sugar, what's up?" I was kinda scared. "Don't start, what do you think you two are doing? I told you to set the table not best on your brother!" Felix scolded the both of us. My tail was tucked between my legs, "sorry Felix..." I looked up a little at him, but quickly looked back down seeing his fierce expression. "Seungmin, sit." Jeongin was scolding my brother and I snickered, "Hyunjin, is something funny?" I quickly looked at Felix. "N-no Felix..." I stuttered. "Hyunjin, sit." I looked at him shocked. "B-but he started it!" Felix rolled his eyes at me, "I don't care if the door started it, I said sit! That is an order not a request!" I nodded and sat. "We are going to eat breakfast and when we finish you can." Jeongin stated but Felix looked at him, "Now innie we can't starve them, let them eat before us." The younger of the two boys nodded. "You two go eat." Jeongin ordered and we quickly nodded and go up, "yes Jeongin." We said together and sat down at the table and started eating. "After you're done, clean up the mess you made." Felix told us, and we nodded. We finished eating and put our dishes in the sink and went to the living room to clean up the mess we made.

Me and Innie started eating while our boys cleaned the living room, they fished cleaning when we finished eating. "Let me lixie!" Hyujin took my plates to the kitchen and did the dishes while Seungmin cleaned the counters. "I gotta say you're very fierce LixLix!" Jeongin complimented me. "Thank you!" I smiled, "Hyunjin needs to learn how to be calmer." I pouted and Innie smiled "he will eventually!" I smiled back. "Hey lixie, I'm sorry for stressing you out..." Hyunjin came up to me with a sad expression and open arms. I smiled softly, "it's okay, I'm sorry for blowing up at you..." I hugged Hyunjin who hugged me back. "No, it's my fault I should've ignored my stupid brother." Hyujin nuzzled his face into the crook of my neck, "I heard that simp!" Seungmin pouted while clinging onto Jeongin's arm. "Anyways, how about we got shopping?" Hyujin suggested. "I don't have any clothes to wear..." I pouted. "OH! How about you get fabulous with me and Seungmin and Hyunjin get ready together!" Innie said excitedly. "OK!" I jumped away from Hyunjin's grasp while me Jeongin led me to his and Seungmin's room.

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