Football disaster

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Minho forced Felix to get out of his room. "You're going out for fresh air. You've been cooped up in here for weeks." Minho said and gave Felix his phone.

Felix got ready, wearing shorts and a crop top. He fixed his hair up a bit. He looked sad, his ears were flopped down and his tail was between his legs while him, Han, and Minho made their way to the stadium.

They got there and the team was there including Hyunjin. The ferret boy looked at Felix, seeing him so sad hurt him a lot.

1 hour and 45 minutes later

The game started perfectly fine, the opponent played a little rough but that's how it usually was. Halftime came by and home team was losing by seven points.

Third quarter started and it seemed that the opponents got more rough. There was an injury. Hyunjin got hurt. Felix was scared. The announcer of the game informed the crowd that Hyunjin had a concussion.

"NOOOOOO!" Felix screamed.

Chan grabbed Felix from behind and picked him up. The younger started crying somehow he broke free. Felix ran up to the stretcher Hyunjin was on. Felix hugged the unconscious boy while crying.

The doctor came up to him, "he'll be fine, it's minor but he needs to rest after this game." Felix nodded and thanked the doctor.

"Felix I'm sorry." Minho said kneeling down next to his brother. Felix hugged onto Hyunjin. "Felix..." Hyunjin mumbled. "Hyunjinnie..." Felix sniffled. The two boys hugged and kissed and the crowd cheered when the announcer said that Hyunjin woke up. Minho smiled realizing that what the two boys had was love.

When the couple saw Minho they quickly let go of each other. "You two deserve love. Be together. I'm sorry." Minho looked down. Felix hugged his brother. "Thank you.."

The couple happily embraced each other Felix laid down next to Hyunjin. The doctors said it would be fine for him to go to his dorm and that he would just need to be careful.

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