Movie Night/Sleepover

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"Awww you're both matching!" Felix ran up to the couple and fanboyed, like he usually did when he sees the two do something cute or couple like, the boys smiled.

NO POV:"Awww you're both matching!" Felix ran up to the couple and fanboyed, like he usually did when he sees the two do something cute or couple like, the boys smiled

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What Minho was wearing.

"Hyunjin help me set up the living room..." Minho grabbed Hyunjin's arm but Felix quickly took action and grabbed Hyunjin's other arm. "Hey Hyunjin do you want to change into some pajamas?" Hyunjin shook his head, "nah I'm fine in these, thanks for wondering though!"

 "Hey Hyunjin do you want to change into some pajamas?" Hyunjin shook his head, "nah I'm fine in these, thanks for wondering though!"

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What Hyunjin was wearing (without the shoes.)

While Hyunjin and Minho set the living room up, Felix and Jisung were making popcorn, getting drinks, chips, and sweets. Jisung went to the living room and hugged onto Minho. "Baby are you two done yet?" Jisung pouted and looked up at Minho with puppy eyes. "I think so, why don't you take a look~" Minho smirked and kissed his boyfriend's cheek. Han looked around and saw how good the living room looked.

 Han looked around and saw how good the living room looked

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The living room looked something like this.

Felix walked into the living and was shocked, "uwah! It looks so cool!!" Hyunjin smiled softly seeing how cute Felix looked. Minho hugged Felix, "thanks." Felix smiled and nodded. "You're welcome." Minho looked and the two younger boys, "are the snacks ready?" Both boys nodded, "I can help bring them into the living room!" Hyunjin suggested. "Yea me and Minho will pick a movie while you two bring the snacks!" Han said, helping them get some time to themselves.

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