First meet

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"Stop the car".

Y/N suddenly shouted, Jungkook abruptly pressed the brake and looked at her with 'are u out of your mind' look.

"What's with that look".

She asked narrowing her eyes at him.

'What's with that look', like seriously Y/N, you know we could have gotten into accident because of this. If there would've been any car behind us then it would've hitted us".

Jungkook said oogling at her. Y/N bit her lips when she realised what she just did. She lowered her eyes and said....

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that but suddenly I remembered that it's Sunday today".

He furrowed his eyebrows at her statement.

"So what if it's Sunday"?, He asked.

"I have to go somewhere", she replied.


He sternly asked frowning more, while his interrogations pissed Y/N. She sullenly said....

"Is it your habit to be so nosy or you do it intentionally with me".

She asked, irritation was clearly seen on her face.

Jungkook's anger kind of disappeared at her sullen remark and he teasingly said....

"No no no no you're special, after all you're my only daughter".

Dunno why but being called his daughter by him made her somewhat disappointed. She gritted her teeth and furiously unfastened her seatbelt then turned towards him.

"Thank you soo much for your care DAD, but sadly I don't need it".

She mockingly said and turned to open the door when he suddenly grabbed her hand and pulled her towards him.

Their faces were so close that if one of them would move, then their lips would brush over each other. Her breath hitched when she realised their proximity and tried to pull back but he tighten his grip and lifted his free hand and ran his fingers up and down over her face.

Her heart was beating loudly, stomach was twisting and turning inside, breaths getting heavy, she was feeling the things that one feel infront of their crush.

"Don't like to be cared by me.....or..... don't like being called daughter by me".

He asked looking at her, her eyes widened and she gasped at his remark, she immediately pushed him then started fixing her clothes and nervously said...

"D-Don't assume things".

After she was done she turned towards Jungkook to look at him, but found him already looking at her with a playful smirk.

Dad or Daddy Where stories live. Discover now