Worth Forgetting

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"It's ok you don't have to. I can go on my own".

Y/n refused.

"Y/n, I didn't asked you, I told you that I'm taking you school so no more discussions. Wait here, I'll just bring the keys".

Jungkook replied, walking towards his bedroom with hands shoved inside his trouser's pocket. Y/n couldn't say anything else and started tapping her foot on the floor impatiently, while waiting for him.

Soon enough he returned with the key and they both headed towards the car and like a gentleman that Jungkook already is, opened the car's  door for Y/n. Jungkook's this action unknowingly brought blush on her face.

After Y/n settled down, Jungkook also came and took the driver seat and started the engine. The  ride was silent but this silence wasn't awkward. It was like they were fancying their time next to each other.

Soon they arrived at school and Jungkook stepped on the brake making the car to stop with a slight noise. Y/n took a quick glanced at Jungkook then stepped out of the car and turned towards him.

"Bye. Take care".

Y/n waved at him and ran inside while Jungkook kept looking at her with a small smile on his cupid lips.

"I never knew that sometime forgetting things are worthy".

Flashback  :

Jungkook was standing naked in the shower leaning on the wall in front of him with his hands placed on it. His eyes were closed, brows arched towards the centre. His chest was rising and falling with every breath he took.

Water dripping from the shower were falling on his exposed skin and going to every place where a girl would want her hands to go. His body was wet but mind was completely dry, completely dry from the memories of last night.

The only things he remembered was meeting  him then the talk with his so called mother and after that going to the bar to escape from the thoughts that were bothering him.

But what happened after that, who brought him home? Was it Mr. Min? But he went to the bar alone? Is it possible that Mr. Min looked for him and then found him there and then brought him home? And if it was him then did he said something to Y/n? Y/n, yes what was she saying about last night? What he did? And did he said something to her that he shouldn't?


Jungkook groaned, running his hand through his hair.

"What the fuck is wrong with me? Why can't I  remember any fucking thing?"

Jungkook pushed his head backward and faced the water running from the shower with closed eyes.

"Wooh...Take a deep breath Jungkook and try to remember slowly, just think, step by step".

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