The Cutie ch 2

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Jason's POV

I needed a small break from work so I decided to go to the new coffee shop around the corner. Madison got the car ready and drove me there.

Once we got there we walked inside and we ordered our coffee. I look to the corner of the shop and saw a guy sitting there face buried in a book with a coffee in front of him.

'He's cute.' I thought to myself the guy had dark brown hair with brown eyes. He looks so innocent. I continue to stare at him until I heard Madison.

"Would you like to sit over there sir?" She asked once she saw me staring.

"Yeah, I'm going to go see if I can get his name." I said

We slowly move twords him until we were in front of him. He looked up at us once he noticed we were there.

He looked confused for a moment. Then he spoke up.

"Can I help you?" He asked in small voice. I start to smile as I heard his voice.

"I saw you sitting here alone. I thought you could use some company" I said with a smile.

"You don't have to." He said in a timid voice

'Great job, you probably scared him!' I thought to myself.

"It's okay, I don't mind. Besides I think you pretty cute." I said.

I saw him blush as I sat down next to him. Madison taking a seat to my left. I saw him look at us slightly confused.

'Hopefully he doesn't think we're dating.' I thought to myself

"My name is Dr Spencer Reid." He said in a shy voice.

'He's a doctor?!' I thought to myself.

"My name is Jason black and this is my friend Madison Clearwater." I said pointing at Madison. "So do you work in a hospital near here?" I asked

"Oh no. I'm actually an FBI agent at the BAU. I'm used to introducing myself as Dr Spencer Reid. An old coworker of mine gave me that name so people will show me more respect on cases." He said.

'How is someone as innocent looking as him be an FBI agent!?' I thought to myself.

I saw him look down as if he was afraid of something. So I spoke up.

"Woah! An FBI agent that's cool!" I said excitedly "I could never see myself out in the field on cases, putting criminals in jail you must be really brave." I continue smiling at him.

I saw a slight blush appear on his face. 'Cute' I thought to myself.

"I don't mean to be rude but how did you become an FBI agent? You don't look the type." Madison said.

"I did pass all the test and exams except for the physical so they had no choice but to let me be an agent." He said he looked a little embarrassed.

"Are you a genius or something? If you pass all those tests and exams you must be really smart." I said.

"I do have an IQ of 187 and could read 20,000 words per minute with an eidetic memory." He said confidently. "That's also when the reasons they let me be an FBI agent."

Me and Madison were shocked and impressed at this. Then Madison spoke up .

"That's quite impressive! I never met anyone who could do that. You must be one of a kind." She said with a smile.

"Yeah! That's so cool. I wish I had an eidetic memory." I said.

I could tell he was shocked by all remarks. Maybe no one told him that is was actually a cool thing to have. I saw him look at me and blush but didn't say anything of it. I don't think it might hopes up just yet.

"I wish you did too so I won't have to do all your work for you cuz you keep forgetting." Madison said in a sarcastic and teasing tone.

I heard Spencer giggle at this I gasp dramatically and look to her offended.

"Hey! I do my work." I said in a offended tone.

"Only a little bit then leave the rest to me." Madison said holding up the folder in her hand.

I looked down defeated then look at Spencer who was laughing soon we joined in. Once we calm down, I heard Spencer speak again.

"So you two work together?" He asked

"Not really. She works for me. I own my own company and she's my personal assistant." I said

I see his eyes widen. 'Shoot I shouldn't have said that!' I thought to myself in a panic.

"I knew your name sounded familiar. You're the head of the black company." He said pointing at me.

"That's me been running it for the last 5 years after my father had passed." I said in a sad tone thinking about him.

"I'm sorry." I heard Spencer say. "I heard that he had passed but I never heard who took over the company." he continued.

"It's okay. I never really went out to the public. They know someone is running it but they don't know who." I said

Suddenly I heard Madison's phone vibrate. I saw her pick it up and look to see what was on it. She side putting the phone down then turn to us.

"Sorry about this but you have a meeting in 30 minutes. We should go now, we can't be late to this one." She said to me in a sad tone, not wanting to leave just yet.

I nodded slowly standing up before I look to Spencer handing him a card of mine.

"I really had a nice time talking to you and I think you're cute. You could give me a call when you're free and we could set up a meeting here again, if you want to." I said "This is my number and at the bottom is her number." I said pointing at Madison. "So if I can pick up, you could call her instead."

He took the card and blushed as our fingers touched.

'He's so cute. I wish I could stay but I can't.' I thought to myself.

"I'll make sure to give you a call on my free days or when I'm not on a case." He said in a shy voice.

I smile brightly at his response before walking towards the door. Once I'm there, I turn to him and wave I saw him wave back with the smile on his face.

I went to the car opening the door to the back seat and sat inside Madison move to the driver seat and started driving to the meeting.

"He seems nice. Do you think he's the one?" Madison asked

Madison was only one of three people who knew I was gay and looking to settle down. She'd hope I meet someone and I think I just did.

"I think so, I hope he calls soon." I said looking out the window smiling to myself.

My King (Spencer Reid x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now