The conversation Ch 8

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Spencer's POV

I woke up in an unfamiliar place until I remembered the events that happened yesterday. I live behind me and so that Jason was not in the bed.

I got up from the bed and walk towards the door. I was afraid of getting lost since I had not been around the whole mansion yet.

"Jason!" I called out hoping he was still here.

"I'm coming!" I heard him yell. I heard footsteps race towards me fast until I saw him down the hall.

I sigh of relief knowing I won't get lost with him here. I saw him race towards me fast with the panic look on his face.

"Are you okay?!" He said, frantically looking over me for injury's.

"Yes I just thought you left and I might get lost in the halls since I haven't had a tour of the whole mansion yet." I said to him looking down embarrassed.

"Okay I can't give you the whole tour of the mansion yet since I have a meeting in an hour but I made breakfast for you in the dining room. I'll bring you there and bring you home after you're finished." He said.

We walked down the halls until we enter a room. I look around and saw long table with 16 chairs around it and breakfast in the end of the table.

 I look around and saw long table with 16 chairs around it and breakfast in the end of the table

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We sat down and begin to eat breakfast. I turned to him to ask question that's been in my mind since I got here.

"Do you have maids or do you clean this by yourself?" I asked hesitantly.

He laughs on my question and turns to me to speak.

"I don't have maids but I have cleaners that come once a week so this place doesn't get dusty." He said chuckling

"Why don't you have maids or a butler to help you cook and clean?" I asked a little confused

"The last maids that this family had kept trying to steal from us and when we try to hire some more it came out the same." He said

"So you don't have anyone that works for you here besides Madison?" I asked

"I do have a head of security that comes here and escorts me some places. His name is Malcolm I'll make sure you meet him someday." He said

We finished our breakfast and he drove me home. Once I got there I took a shower and got ready for work.

Once I was done I go to my car and drive to work. Once I'm there, I walk into the bullpen and straight to my desk.

I was here doing files for 15 minutes when Rossi walked up to my desk.

"Hey kid, can I talk to you in my office for a minute?" He asked

"Yeah I'll be there in a minute, I just need to finish this line." I said to him

Once Rossi walked away, I looked at Morgan who was looking at me confused. I shrugged my shoulders and not knowing what was going on. I hope I wasn't in trouble.

Once I was finished with my file, I want up the stairs to his office and knocking on the door. Once I hear the 'come in' I walked in his office and shut the door behind me.

"Is there something you need to talk to me about?" I asked a little confused and nervous.

"Yes I needed to talk to you about your bracelet." He said looking at me with narrow eyes.

"What's wrong with it?" I asked narrowing my eyes and looking at my bracelet on my wrist.

"Kid, I'm not blind. I know an expensive bracelet when I see one and I know I saw that one before." He said looking at me. "I know you didn't just buy that at a small store. So tell me the truth, how did you get that bracelet?"

"I didn't steal it if that's what you're thinking." I scoffed a little offended. Even though I knew I had been caught in a lie, I did not like what he was saying.

"I'm not saying that. What I'm trying to ask is, why did you lie about where you got that bracelet from?" He asked in a serious tone.

"I didn't buy it." I confessed. "A new friend of mine gave it to me as a gift."

"Is it that girl that came here 3 weeks ago with the flowers and the chocolates?" He asked

"No. And if I'm being honest those gifts weren't from her, they were from her boss." I said looking down with a small smile at the memory of Jason giving the bracelet to me.

"Kid I've been around for a long time and I had 3 wives. I know what gifts are meant for in certain type of situations. The gifts that you received and that bracelet are just from friendship." He said looking at me with the smirk.

I blush and looked back down embarrassed. Then I start to think. 'Maybe I should tell him, he's good with secrets plus he can give me some advice on what to do.' I thought to myself.

"You're right they're not from a friend." I confessed. "Her boss is my boyfriend."

Rossi looked shocked at my response. I don't know if was because I confessed I was in a relationship or I was in a relationship with a man.

When he regained his composure, he looked at me with a smile on his face. Which confused me 'why was he smiling?' I thought to myself

"I'm glad you're finally happy." He said. "And I would like to meet the man one day."

"We're taking things slow for now but when we're ready I'll tell the team and I'll let you guys meet him." I said with a smile. Happy that I finally told someone.

There was a knock on the door and JJ walked in with a file in hand.

"Sorry we got a case." She said before walking out.

"By the way you never told me his name." Rossi said

"I already told you I'm in a relationship with a guy. I'm not going to tell you his name so you can look him up." I said smirking at him before walking out the office.

I'm happy I finally told someone. And I'm happy it was Rossi cuz if it was anyone else I know the secret would have been out the next day.

My King (Spencer Reid x Male OC)Where stories live. Discover now