The team dinner Pt2 Ch 18

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Jason's POV

We all sat at the table with Spencer beside me and Madison next to him while Malcolm was in the seat next to her. Rossi and Hotch were on the ends of the table and Morgan, Garcia, Emily and JJ were in front of us. To say this was awkward would be an understatement. I could tell Spencer was very nervous while Madison and Malcolm would just uncomfortable.

"Like I said before, I just came here to drive them so I don't need to be here." Malcolm said before he tried to get out of his seats but was stopped when Madison roughly pulled him back.

"We're all suffering here, you don't get a pass." Madison whispered to Malcolm. I shook my head at then and turned to the man I assume is Hotch.

"Spencer told me your the unit chief, is that right?" I asked him, trying to start a conversation.

"Yes that's right." He said in a deep voice.

"Is his voice always that deep?" I heard Madison whispered to Spencer.

"So Jason, where do you work?" JJ asked. It didn't sound like a friendly question that's something more like an interrogation.

I saw Spencer put down his utensils with a annoyed sigh. Madison and Malcolm leaned back in their chair, knowing that this wouldn't end well and I agree. I've been known to have quite the temper and they've seen it first hand.

"I work in the biggest companies in Quantico." I said. It was a half lie but I don't need to tell her anything.

"What about you? Madison is it?" Hotch asked Madison. I can tell he was trying to shift the attention from me to someone else.

"That is correct. I work with Jason along with Malcolm." Madison said with a smile.

"So where exactly do you work?" Emily asked me. Now this was starting to feel like a real interrogation.

"As I said I work for one of the biggest companies in Quantico. I don't feel comfortable giving out its name." I said.

"Why? Is it because it's fake?" JJ asked. Now I'm starting to get a little angry.

"It would be like asking you if your job is fake. I could say that your job is fake since I haven't seen the badge yet so in my opinion, you're not an FBI agent." I said trying to keep my cool.

"JJ, Emily that's enough. I know where he works and it's a legitimate job." Spencer said a little angry.

"We just want to know if this guy is real and if he's safe for you." Emily said. 'Like they can make decisions for him!' I thought to myself angrily.

"Yeah we don't want this to be another heartbreak for you." JJ said. I knew what the two were talking about as Spencer told me everything about his life. The drugs, kidnappings, his childhood. But what I don't understand is what they mean by another heartbreak. As far as I know he didn't have another relationship before me.

"I'm not a child that needs protection 24/7. I know Jason he tells me everything, I don't care if you guys don't approve. It's my relationship, my life so stay out of it." Spencer said angrily.

"Why don't we calm down a little bit, we don't want to make a scene." Garcia said nervously.

"Yeah and Spencer's right, we have no business getting involved in is love life." Morgan said to Emily and JJ.

"I don't know why you guys aren't asking more questions. We don't even know this guy and you're already defending him." Emily said.

"I know plenty about him. I don't need your approval. And stop acting like you have some control over who I date." Spencer said now standing up.

"You know what I think it's time to get out of here." I said wiping my mouth with a napkin before standing up.

"No no. No one's leaving. You just got here." Rossi said as he also stood up.

"No I think we should leave because I'm not going to stand here and let them interrogate my boyfriend. It was wrong of me to even bring him here, I knew I shouldn't have introduced him to them." Spencer said angrily as he started walking towards the door with me, Madison and Malcolm behind him.

"Spencer, boss can't we stay for at least a little bit. I think it was just a rocky start, we haven't even been here for 10 minutes." Madison said that she walked behind us.

We got to the car and I could see the team standing at the door. Emily and JJ were arguing with Morgan while Garcia Rossi and Hotch were looking at us.

"No I don't think we should stay here anymore." I said as I open the door for Spencer. "Malcolm start the car." I said before I got in the back seat with Spencer.

I heard Madison sigh before saying goodbye to Garcia and getting in the front seat with Malcolm. We got out the driveway and started going to my mansion.

I turn to Spencer. "I'm sorry I didn't go as planned cutie. I don't usually let my temper get the best of me but I did not like the interrogating me." I said apologetically.

"It's not your fault. I suspected something like this would happen. I could never have my own happiness without them questioning it. Mostly JJ and Emily." Spencer said in an upset tone. I see some tears form him in his eyes. "I kind of hope that it would be different."

I pulled him closer to me and he generally cried on my shoulder. "I'm sorry cutie. Maybe next time." I said as I rubbed his back.

"I don't think there's going to be a next time with the way they are." He said through his tears.

"Now don't say that it was only Emily and JJ. I kind of liked Hotch and Rossi." I said trying to comfort him.

"Yeah and Garcia and Morgan were more than welcoming." Madison said from the front seat, trying to cheer Spencer up.

Just then Spencer's phone started ringing. I picked it up because I knew Spencer was in no condition to talk on the phone. I saw it had a Hotchner's name on it so I answered it.

"Hello" I said on the phone as I kept rubbing Spencer's back. I could tell he was starting to fall asleep.

"Hello this is Hotchner, I wanted to apologize for the dinner. Had I known that this was going to happen, I would have talked to them before." Hotchner said in a apologetic tone.

"It's okay the food was nice. Can you tell Rossi that I loved his cooking?" I said slightly smiling.

"Sure thing, tell Spencer I apologize for JJ and Emily's behavior. I'll make sure they don't bother him at work. Have a nice night." He said before he hung up.

Once we got to the mansion I carried Spencer to the bedroom and put him to bed. I made sure all his devices were on the nightstand and his shoes were off before I went into bed myself. I'll make sure to talk to him tomorrow about it. Hopefully his coworkers don't bother him, I know it was hard to introduce me as his boyfriend.

Sorry about not updating in a long time. There has been a lot of tests at school and I haven't had much time to do a chapter. I'm not discontinuing the story at any time, I'm making sure to go through with the story until the ending. Sorry again about the slow updates hope you like the story. Have a nice day!

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