The job Ch 22

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Spencer's POV

I woke up at 7:00 am with my body a little sore from last night and Jason's arms wrapped around me. I slowly and quietly got up from the bed, careful not to wake up Jason. I painfully limped to the bathroom and get ready to go to work. 'He couldn't be at least a little bit gently?! He knew I had work today.' I thought to myself as I got ready.

The hot shower helped with the soreness a little bit and as I continued walking around, the limp was less painful but the hickey's were still there. I got out of the bathroom and saw that Jason was still sleeping so I left a small note on the night stand gave him a gentle kiss on the forehead. "Goodbye, baby. I love you." I whispered before I quietly grabbed my work bag and left the room.

I cooked myself a quick breakfast and small coffee before heading out the front door at 7:45. I walked out the mansion and was about to head to my car but was confused to see Malcolm standing in front of the black SUV. Malcolm smiled when he saw me walking towards the car.

"Good morning little boss." Malcolm said with a smile as he took my work bag from my shoulder. "Seems like you had a good night." He said with a smirk as he pointed at the hickey's on my neck and I blushed.

"What are you doing here early?" I asked. "And I'm not little." I said as I gave him a blank look. He always has to tease me.

"Oh please, you're shorter than me." Malcolm said smirking at me. "I'm here early because that's my job. I'm have to be here early in case big Boss needs a quick ride but in this case he told me that I should bring you to work." Malcolm explained as he opened the back door of the car for me.

"Jason told you to bring me to work?" I asked confused as I got in the car. "I'm more than capable to drive myself to work with my own car" I grumbled. 'I can do things on my own.' I thought to myself.

"I know that and big Boss knows that but he wants you to be safe, taken care of and happy." Malcolm said before closing the door and going to the driver's seat, putting my work bag in the passenger seat. "Besides, if you were really against me driving you, you wouldn't have got in to the car." He said as he looked at me through the mirror with a smirk.

I chuckled and shook my head as Malcolm started the car. During the car ride, I decided to check my phone for any calls or texts and saw 2 missed calls and 3 texts from Morgan, 4 calls and 4 texts from Garcia and 1 call from hotch.

"Maybe I shouldn't have put my phone on silent. That probably think I'm missing by now." I said to myself as I went over the text. Morgan's were calm while Garcia's were frantic.

"Big Boss said that Hotchner called and said you could have a day to yourself." Malcolm said as he continued driving. "They should know you needed some time away."

"I know but I-" Before I could say anything else, my phone started to ring. I look at the contact and saw that it was Morgan. "Hold on, I have to take this." I said before answering the phone. "Hello?"

"Reid, why didn't you answer our calls? We were really worried." Morgan said through the phone sounding slightly worried. "Especially when you didn't come to work."

"Sorry, my phone was on silent yesterday and Hotch gave me the day off." I said as I glanced at Malcolm. "I'm heading to work right now. I'll be there in 4 minutes."

"All right, I'll wait for you at the front entrance." Morgan said with a sigh. "And next time, text me or Garcia that you're alive. You almost gave us a heart attack." He said jokingly.

I chuckled. "Okay, I will." I said before hanging up the phone and putting it in my pocket. "Well I was right. They didn't know I had a day off from work and I'm pretty sure Garcia thought I was missing." I said to Malcolm shaking my head.

"I only met her twice and I feel like that's normal for her." Malcolm said chuckling as he stopped the car in front of the BAU. Malcolm quickly grabbed my work bag and got out of the car. He rushed around the car and opened my door before I could. "You should know by now that I'm the one that opens the door when big Boss isn't here." He said with a smirk as he helped me out of the car. "Would you like me to bring your bags up for you?"

"No, it's okay." I said quickly as I took my bag from him. I look around embarrassed and saw some of the other agents and workers looking at me. I look at the entrance and saw Morgan looking at me amused and holding back a chuckle. "Everyone is looking at me." I said as I turned to Malcolm.

"Got used to it cuz it's going to happen a lot." He said as he close the car door. "You're with a rich man, you should embrace it." He chuckled as he patted my back. "I have to go now, have a good day little boss." Malcolm said as he got in the car. I waved him goodbye before he drove away and I quickly walked towards Morgan.

Nearly everyone was looking at me in shock or confusion. It was slightly uncomfortable. I couldn't help but wonder how Jason does this almost everyday.

"Look at you having someone drive you to work." Morgan said teasingly as we walked to the elevator. "Had him give you your bag and everything. You're living the dream." Morgan chuckled as he playful pushed my shoulder.

"Stop it." I said giggling. "Jason told Malcolm to drive me to work so I wouldn't go by myself. Not to mention, Malcolm said that since I'm dating a rich man that I should embrace it." I said before sighing. "I don't know how to do that. I don't spend much money on things and I can do things on my own."

"Jason sounds like he wants you to be safe and happy." Morgan said patting my back. "And me and Garcia always told you that you need more and better clothes." He said gesturing to what I'm wearing.

"What wrong with my clothes?" I asked looking down at myself.

"Reid, you look like you're still going to college. You basically wear the same thing to work and outside of work but in different colors." He said as he gently tugged my vest. "And don't ask Garcia that question because she will talk about more than just your clothes."

I was a little hurt and offended but I knew it was true. If someone looked into my closet, they would just see the same types of shirts and pants. "So I should start getting new clothes and 'embrace the Rich's' like Malcolm said?" I said confused.

"I'm not saying you should start spending money right off the bat. I'm saying you could make some small changes if you want to." Morgan said as the elevator opened and he put a arm around my shoulder. "Now enough talk about money, let's talk about those hickeys on your neck." He said smirking as he pointed at my neck.

"I don't want to talk about it." I said blushing before I rushed away from him. I heard Morgan laughing behind me as I went to my desk. Today was going to be a long day.

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