The team dinner Pt1 Ch 17

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Spencer's POV

It has been a week since I went shopping with Madison and Malcolm and the dinner with the team was today and I was nervous. I'm not ashamed of Jason, I'm just afraid of how the team would react. I know Rossi is okay but I don't know about the rest.

"You're nervously pacing again. If you keep pacing you're going to wrinkle your suit." Madison said from the couch. "I don't get what the big deal is. You go in, say you have a boyfriend, have dinner, then leave."

"Madison it's not that simple." I said as I stopped pacing and sat on the couch. "I don't know if they would accept me being gay and Jason as my boyfriend."

"Why are you worried about what they think of your life? It's your life." Malcolm said from near the fireplace. "I say if they don't accept you, drop them as your friends."

"I work with them, that means even if I drop them off as my friends I'm going to see them everyday regardless." I said throwing my head back.

"All right, all right, all right. Everyone stop whining in here. Mostly you cutie." Jason said as he walked into the living room. "I have a plan."

"Ha that's funny." Madison said. "You know damn well all your plans end up in a disaster."

"I'm going to have to agree with Madison, sir. I've seen how your plans ended up." Malcolm said agreeing with Madison.

"You two realize that you work for me, right?" Jason said as he glance's between Madison and Malcolm.

"Not right now I'm not. It's my day off." Madison said leaning back on the couch. "And we're trying to help you with your dinner situation. Do you realize that you are going to meet the people that your boyfriend here call's family. You're basically have a dinner of 'meet the parents'"

"And I have an idea of what to do. You and Malcolm are coming with us." Jason said to Madison with a smile.

"I'm sorry, what!" Madison and Malcolm yell. "I'm sorry sir but he's your boyfriend and I don't know him that well so I can just leave." Malcolm said as he tried to leave the living room.

"You're staying." Jason said as he pulled Malcolm back into the living room. "Here's the plan Malcolm's going to drive all three of us to Rossi's house for the dinner. Once we get there Malcolm has a choice to either stay in the car or go with us. I suggest you come with us." Jason said as he looked at Malcolm.

It turned into a small arguments between Malcolm, Madison and Jason. "Oh my God people were losing daylight here!" I yelled from the couch before getting up. "The dinner is in an hour I need to know what to say and what to do!"

"Malcolm, you're coming with us to drive us." I said pointing at Malcolm. "Madison, you're coming as morel support." I then turn to point at Madison. "Jason, you're definitely coming because you're the boyfriend." I said pointing my finger in Jason's chest.

They all stared at me before Jason spoke up. "Not going to lie, that was kind of hot." Jason said before he turn to Malcolm and Madison. "You heard my man let's go, get in the car."

We all got into the black SUV and Malcolm drives us to Rossi's house once I gave him the location. Once we arrived I saw the team's car there and got some more nervous as we neared the house. "Is it to late to ran?" I whispered.

"Apparently it is, for all of us." Madison said from the front seat. Malcolm parked the car and we all got out.

We walked to the door and I ring the doorbell. "I don't know about this." I said nervously.

"It's fine we're all here. If something happens we'll just leave." Jason said as he put a hand on my shoulder.

The door open and there was Rossi with a big smile on his face. "Reid I'm so glad you can make it." Rossi said before he looked at Madison, Malcolm and Jason. "So which one's the lucky guy?"

"He is." Madison and Malcolm said, pointing to Jason. Jason had a look of betrayal as he glanced between Madison and Malcolm.

"Come on in. I was just about to set the food out." Rossi said as he moved away from the door and all four of us came in. "Well I was just here for the drive so I'll stay in the car." Malcolm said as he tried leaving through the door but Jason grabbed the back of his shirt and dragged him in.

We walked into Rossi's living room and the whole team was there. They stopped their conversation and looked at all four of us. "Well this is not awkward at all." I heard Madison whisper.

"Madison I'm so glad you can be here." Garcia said as she rushed to Madison and hugged her. "And it's good to see you too Malcolm." Garcia said that she pulled back from the hug and hugged Malcolm.

"It's nice to see you again Jason." Derek said as he walked up to Jason and shook his hand. "It's nice to see you all of Reid's new friends. I been wanting to meet you all in better circumstances."

"Derek, Garcia you know them?" Emily asks as she was right next to JJ.

"Yeah, I met Jason when he was picking Reid up to hang out and I met a Malcolm and Madison with Garcia when we were at the mall." Derek said.

"And you couldn't care to tell us." JJ said lifting and eyebrow at Derek and Garcia.

"Well I didn't think it was any of your business. As I said many times before, Reid will tell us when he's ready." Derek said sternly.

"I can see why you didn't want to introduce us." Jason whispered to me, Madison and Malcolm. Malcolm and Madison nod their head as they saw the problem now.

"Now Madison, why didn't you tell me that you met such a goddess." Jason said as he gently grabbed Garcia's hand and kiss the back of it. "Not just any goddess, the goddess. I've heard many things about the great Penelope Garcia. It's great to meet you in person."

"Awe, well aren't you cute." Garcia said that she smiled at Jason. "I have a feeling we'll get along just fine."

"Now baby girl, don't think about trying to replace me." Derek said from behind Garcia.

"As if I can live up to the great Derek Morgan." Jason said as he let go of Garcia's hand and looked at Derek. "Can't wait to see you kick down the door. I hear it's legendary." Jason said as he winked at Derek.

"You told him to? Really?" Derek said as he looked at me. I smiled and shrugged my shoulders.

"Jason stop flirting. You're already in a relationship." Madison said to Jason as she pulled him by the back of his suit, away from the team. Malcolm shook his head at his boss's behavior as I also was kind of embarrassed at the whole situation.

"Reid, who are they?" Hotch said, although he didn't show it he was curious, I can tell.

"Team these are my friends Madison and Malcolm." I said pointing to the two of them. "And this is Jason...." I said before I paused and took a breath. "...My boyfriend."

The team had a look of shock on their face especially Morgan while Malcolm, Madison and Jason had nervous smiles on their faces. Rossi had to look of amusement though as he looked at all of us. "All right. Now that we're all introduced, let's eat." Rossi said as he pointed to the dinner table and sat in his chair.

"This is going to be fun." Madison whispering sarcastically. "So fun." I said with fake enthusiasm.

To be continued . . .

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