The family call Ch 23

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Jason's POV

I woke up at 9:00 with Spencer not in bed with me. I sat up and looked around the room, not seeing him or hearing him in the room and bathroom. Then I saw a note on the nightstand and I picked it up. It was from Spencer saying that he woke up early and he was going to work. I sighed as got up and grabbed my phone before going to the closet.

As I searched through all of my suits for the perfect one for the day, I called Madison. It only took a couple of seconds for her to pick up the phone.

"Hello boss. Are you on your way?" She asked, sounding a little nervous. I known her for years so there was only a couple things that made her nervous. Her parents, my parents, Malcolm, Liam and me. Since she only talked to her parents on the weekends, I had a feeling I know this one was about.

"My mother called, didn't she?" I asked with a sigh as I finally picked out a suit and headed to the bathroom. It's close to the holidays so I can only imagine she's planning on visiting.

"Yes sir. Ms. Black called a couple minutes ago and has scheduled a video call at 3:30." Madison replied sounding slightly apologetic. "She also wanted me to let you know that young Black, Mr and Mrs Adams, and Mr Collins will be on the call."

"And is this at all avoidable?" I asked hoping it was. I had still not told Mom about Spencer, so I know she would yell at me if I told her now cuz I kept it from her for so long. Knowing her, she would quickly fly down here just to meet Spencer.

"I'm afraid not, sir." She said and in the background I can hear her moving some papers. "You don't have any meetings today but you still have that project to finish that is needed in 4 days."

"A clear day seems good but I know I won't survive this video call." I said placing my suit on the bathroom counter. "I do have a question for you Madi. When you went to the mall with Spencer, did he get anything for himself?"

"He only got two suits and a pair of shoes. He seemed reluctant to buy anything. He claimed he didn't need anything." She replied something confused. Not many people would be against buying anything for themselves. At least the people that she shopped with. "I had a harder time convincing him to get those shoes."

"I'll come back to that later. I'll be at work in at least 40 minutes. Thank you for letting me know." I said before I hung up. I got in the shower and thought about what Madison said.

'Spencer should start buying things he deserves. Maybe he's concerned about the money. I should give him the black card.' I thought to myself as I got into the shower. After a long hot shower, I changed into the suit and headed out the door.

I locked the door behind me as I leave the mansion without breakfast. I nodded to Malcolm as he opened the backseat car door for me and I climbed in. Malcolm closed the door and went to the driver's seat. "I trust you brought Spencer to work safe and sound." I said to Malcolm as I look of a file for a project. The project was supposed to help bring in more money for new company locations. Mostly London and Florida.

"Yes, sir. Little boss was a little upset but got in the car anyways. He said he could drive himself to work and got embarrassed with all the stares when I dropped him off." Malcolm said while glancing at me through the rearview mirror.

It was understandable that Spencer would get uncomfortable with the stares when you have your own driver. I had to get used to it when I was younger. My father's chauffeur dropped me off at school and all the kids' and adults' would stare at me while I got out the car.

Malcolm quickly arrived at the company and parked the car in the front. He got out the car and opened the door for me. I was about to walk inside but I paused and turned to Malcolm. "I need you to do something for me." I said before pulling out my wallet. I pulled out my black card and handed it to Malcolm. Malcolm took the card and looked at me confused. "Give this to Spencer when he gets off work and take him to different stores. I don't want him to come back home until he has at least 5 bags of things he wants or needs."

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