The gifts Ch 4

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Jason's POV

It's been 2 days seen I went on a date with Spencer. I'd hope the days go by faster so I could see him again. But here I am, in my office, doing paperwork. I know it sounds cliche but I miss him already.

"Why do you look so down sir?" Madison asked.

"I miss cutie!" I said in a whining voice.

Madison knew who I was talking about. According to her, I've been whining about him ever since I saw him at the coffee shop.

"You'll see him in 4 days sir. You won't have to wait that long." She said as she rolled her eyes.

"Yeah but 4 days to you is 4 years for me." I whined again. "I want my cutie!" I yelled throwing my head back.

"Well with all the paperwork and problems that we have to fix here in the company, you won't be able to see him until your date." She said rolling her eyes.

I grown banging my head down on the desk.

"But if you would like, you can send him a gift. You already know where he works. I could just drop it off and tell him to call or text you." She suggested

My head shot up as I looked to her with a bright smile.

"Madison you are a genius. Here." I said going into my wallet and pulling out some money. "I want you to go to a flower shop and get a bouquet then go to a sweet shop and buy him some chocolates." I said handing her the money.

She takes the money before she starts walking out the door. I'm excited. 'I hope he likes the gift.' I thought excitedly.

Spencer's POV

There was no cases today but there was a lot of paperwork to finish from the previous cases. I was almost done with one when I looked up and saw. . . . 'Madison!'

She walked out the elevator with the vase full of roses and a small box in her hand.

She looks around until she spotted me walking towards me with a small smile on her face and an apologetic look. She probably knows what my coworkers would say when she leaves.

She reaches my desk and slowly puts the vase down handing me the box.

"It seems boss got a little impatient with your next meeting. He keeps on whining all day. So please for my sake, call or text him before he loses his head." She said in a teasing and joking tone.

"Thank you and I'm sorry for the trouble you went through with this." I said rushing taking the box from her hand.

"It's okay it's good to see my friend happy." She said with a smile. "Well I better get going before he thinks I'm taking you from him. See you at the cafe next time." She said walking away.

I waved to her goodbye as she walks into the elevator. When the door closes, I look at the box with a blush on my face.

I could feel eyes all over the room, looking at me. I decided to ignore it and wait to go home before opening the box. I was about to go back to work when Derek walked up to my desk.

"So pretty boy, who's the girl?" He asked with the smirk on his face. "Is she your girlfriend?" He asked again.

"No, she's a friend I made had a coffee shop. Please leave it" I said not looking at him.

"Come on now. Friends don't give each other flowers and chocolates for no reason. I know it's not your birthday." He said with the smirk still on his face.

"It's nothing okay. Can you please stop? I'm trying to do my work. You should do yours." I said annoyed now

"Okay I will for now but I will find out what's going on." He said pointing at me walking back to his desk.

I sighed going looking back at my work. I picked up my phone and text Jason a quick text telling him I got his gift before putting down my phone.

I finished my work and started heading towards Hotch's office. I knock on his door before entering handing him the files.

"Can I head home early?" I asked

"Of course." He said I was about to walk out his office until he continued talking. "Who was that woman that dropped off the flowers." he asked looking at me.

"She's a new friend I made at a cafe near here, name is Madison." I said

"That's good, it's nice to see you making friends outside of work". He said nodding at me before letting me leave.

I'm glad he didn't ask any more questions. Hotch and Rossi were the only ones who didn't try to pry into my personal life. If things with Jason goes further I think I'll tell them first.

I grabbed the vase with the box and make my way to the elevator. I stopped when I saw Garcia walking towards me with a smile.

"Hey boy Wonder, who gave you those flowers?" She asked with a smile on her face.

"A friend dropped them off earlier. I was just about to head home to put them in freshwater." I said

"Well that was sweet of them. I would like to meet this new friend of yours, they sound nice." she said excited

"I'll introduce you to someday but I'm not ready to combine my personal life with work life no offense."I said to her in a kind voice.

"I understand with everything that happened. I'll wait till you're ready." She said sincerely.

I nodded my head thankful. I saw the elevator door open and I walked inside, waving her goodbye before the doors closed. When I got outside, I walked to my car and carefully put in the box with the flowers in the passenger seat.

When I got into the driver's seat I pulled out my phone to call Jason. I pressed the call button and heard three rings before he picked up.

"Hey cutie! Did you like the gifts?" He asked in a excited tone.

"I love them but I don't like how it showed up unexpectedly at my job, in front of all my coworkers." I said

"I'm sorry did they start bothering you? I could come down there for you if you need me too." he said sounding serious.

"No, it's okay. It's just one of my co-workers like teasing me too much" I said as I rubbed my head.

"What do you mean?" He asked curiously.

"He's just always teasing me about needing to go out to have fun and get laid." I said

"Have you tried talking to him about it?" He asked

"I did once but he stopped for about a month or two of them started again" I said tiredly

"I'm sorry if I caused some trouble over there. I just wanted to make you happy and talk to you."he said apologetically.

"You did nothing wrong in fact I'm happy with the gifts. I'm heading home right now to place the flowers somewhere in my apartment." I said

"That's great." he says sounding relieved

"So where are you taking me on the next date?" I asked

"That is a surprise. Wouldn't want to spoil it would you?" He said. I could practically see the smirk on his face already.

"No I wouldn't." I said smiling with a slight blush on my face.

"I'm about to pack up here and go home. You want to text tomorrow?" He asked

"Yeah I'd like that. Good night." I said

"Good night cutie." he said before hanging up

I put my phone to the side starting the car to drive to my apartment. Once I arrived I opened the door I walk in locking it behind me and put the vase on the nightstand near my bed.

I sat on my bed and open the box to see a variety of chocolates in the shape of a heart. I ate a few for putting the rest away for tomorrow. I took a quick shower and changed my clothes before going into bed.

I couldn't help but think what would happen on our next date. As I kept thinking of different ideas of what he would do. I slowly drifted to sleep dreaming of a certain green-eyed man.

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