Merry Christmas

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(a little bit of a mature content here)

Freddie's POV:

It was now the end of December, meaning it was so close to Christmas. The others and I did a little jam session where I played the piano, John played bass, Brian played guitar and Roger played the drums. We were all having a blast, I guess you could say.

By the time we finished, we laughed at the melody we all created. We finished A Day At The Races, our previous album and we were already working on the upcoming one which we titled News of the World. I think it's a perfect name for an album itself.

We were currently still in the studio trying to make some new songs. I had one written in my head under the name "We Are the Champions", as I wanted it to be a victory song for people to sing along to mostly in games or in winning-related stuff.

As soon as we were all getting ready to rehearse the song in the studio, that was when I suddenly said to my bandmates, "Guys, there's this little melody that I have stuck in my head." They all agreed to hear the melody for the song "We Are the Champions".

I heard Roger start up his drumsticks and then we all started playing to the rhythm from my piano as I began humming along to the song, which still had no lyrics yet. I was thinking the lyrics would be sort of a victory-related song, so something like:

I' ve paid my dues
Time after time
I've done my sentencing
But committed no crime
And bad mistakes
I''ve made a few
I had my share of sand kicked in my face
But I've come through

I then heard everyone sing along to this other part I wrote, it made me smile and I then belted out one of my favorite parts from the song.

And we mean to go on
And on and on and on
We are the champions, my friend
And we'll keep on fighting till the end
We are the champions, we are the champions
No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions of the world

That was when I held one of the longest notes I ever held with my full range. It surprised me but literally everyone in the studio seemed to like it, even one of our producers also loved when I or someone else in the group sung.

But what I loved the most about the studio sessions wasn't just my voice; it was the piano. I love playing piano because it makes me concentrate on things. It makes me cry a little when playing piano, but it sure does concentrates me a lot when playing the keys.

"Well, that's a wrap, guys, time for us to go," I say as we all pack up our things and head out the door. As I am about to leave, John hugs me and thanks me for everything I've done for him. "Say, Deaky..would you like to come over to my house?" I ask him waiting for answer to come from his lips.

"Sure, Freddie." He says. I was so ready to have him in my arms. We both hold hands, making Brian and Roger proud of our relationship. They both seemed to love us this way, especially when we were always together.

That was when, again, John piggybacks onto me, as his feet were sore. We made it to my house and I ask him if we wants anything to drink. He just shakes his head and sits down on the couch. I was walking to the kitchen as he quietly followed me and pulled me in for a kiss.

"John-" I tell him. "Freddie, do you want this?" He asks me. "What? No, John. Remember...we agreed to not do this at all. It'll be weird, besides....I am gay." I said. "Oh fuck it, Freddie. You change your mind at least every once in a while, plus you and I are totally dating at this point." He says, still hugging me. He's right.

"You're right. But tell me to stop if I hurt you." I tell him. "Sure, Freddie." He says. We suddenly share a kiss standing up in the kitchen as he pushes me to the sink, both moaning into the kiss.

That was when I finally carried him in my arms to my room. All of my cats were asleep, so we were sure enough we both wanted this. We continued kissing a little more until I gently push him on the mattress he thinks is soft. I think it's soft too. It's where I sleep.

"Freddie." He says. "John." I say. We both looked at each other for a while before we were both able to do anything else. "I love you, Freddie." He says, pulling me into a kiss as I tend to stop it. "Me too, Deaky." I say as I kiss him before asking him, "John...are you sure you want this?" He nods his head as a yes and I just smile at him.

He again pulled me in for a kiss, this time it was a more passionate kiss. I felt his hands inside my red shirt I was wearing. "J-John, oh God!!" I said almost moaning out loud. He then took off my shirt and he tossed it to God knows where and I did the same too with his long-sleeved shirt.

I run my lips all the way down his neck, making him sigh so hard that it made me just look at him while I was loving his neck and body, which he let me do so. I don't know how or why, but I think John is totally a freaky man than I am. Of course I'm handsome and everything you can say, but I am NOT freaky at all.

Okay, maybe I am..but who cares? Am I right?

We both got off the bed to take off our pants and our boxers. We were both surprised as we saw each other completely naked, as this was our first time. We then joined each other on the bed and we kissed over and over again as we gently touched each other.

As I move my hands to his, John starts sighing as my fingertips gently touch his, he trembles out a moan. I liked seeing him like this, so did he. "F-Freddie.." He says. "Yes, love?" I say. "Please..." I hear him say.

"Do you want me to stop, John?" I ask him. "N-No.... please, keep going." He says. I smile so hard when he says this. I didn't realize was more of a freak than I was. Just because I'm bisexual doesn't mean I am a freak, okay?

I covered our bodies with a blanket I got from my closet. "John, I won't ask you again.....are you sure you want this?" I ask him. "Y-Yes.." He says, almost letting out a moan as I start inching myself towards him. We both loudly moan as I started a rhythm on his body. Like I said, all of my cats were asleep, so it was safe for us to do this.

John's hands felt so soft when he touched my body, abdomen. "Oh God, John!!!" I scream out loud. "Freddie, fuck!!" He says. "Fuck, Freddie... you feel so damn good.." He screams this time. "The more you say that, the more you make us scream." I jokingly say, tugging his hair.

"I love you, Deaky." I say onto his ear, leaving a kiss there. You could tell him and I were enjoying tonight the way friends and lovers enjoy their nights. Am I right?

I feel his hands tugging my hair while my hands run through his hair. We both had short hair, so it was a pretty difficult thing for us to do.

For some reason, I heard someone cry. "J-John, are you okay?" I ask to check on him. "Yes." He says. "I heard someone crying, I thought it was you." I say to him. "N-No, Freddie. I wasn't crying. I was sighing." He says. "Oh, okay." I said. I feel his hands touching my lush, black hair. I looked into his green and grey eyes while he looked into my black eyes.

"John, I'm going to make you scream out loud this time." I say, smiling at him. I continued thrusting on to him as I finally heard him scream out my name so loud. "Freddie!!!!!!!!!" He says. "John!!!!!!" I say. As we both finish from our sex, we relax from our post- sex highs.

"Wow, Freddie. We're pretty good at this. Fuck, that was..." He says. "Surprising? I know." I laughed. "I had a great night. Shall we sleep for now?" I heard him ask me. "Sure, Deaky. Let's do that for now." I tell him." As we both put on our clothes and hop into the bed, we sleep with each other and that's when we finally say "Merry Christmas" to each other. What a great night we had.

It was finally Christmas and the rest was history.

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