Chapter 15: Some New Beginnings

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Hey! Just want to say thank you so much if you have made it this far, and thank you so much for the support!😁

Months have gone by, continuing back to the same schedule. The consistent beeping of Illumi's phone pierced through his own unconsciousness as the sun became barely visible in the sky. It was five in the morning when Illumi's phone was blowing up with texts, documents, and details of that day's schedule. He sat up and went through all of it as Hisoka laid beside still sound asleep. In a way, Illumi felt relieved that things went back to normal. He was ready to get back into his regular speed of life.

After analyzing everything, Illumi turned to run his hand slowly through his husband's pink hair. The clown remained asleep and ever so peaceful, breathing slowly as Illumi gazed upon him. The Zoldyck softly smiled at the sight of his lover before the glow of golden eyes eventually squinted open. Hisoka took Illumi's hand.

"Good morning my love~♥" he said with a morning voice. Illumi filled him in with all of the things they had to do that day while Hisoka stretched and yawned. Just when Illumi had finished, his phone began to ring. The dark haired man laid down on his bed and answered it.

"Hello mother, good morning," Illumi answered.

"Good Morning Illumi, I have one more thing to add to the schedule, but the rest of today will go as planned. First you will go to the..."

Mrs. Zoldyck continued to converse on the mission's details while Hisoka laid down on Illumi's chest, listening in on the phone call. Illumi once again ran his fingers through and played with the magician's hair lightly as he continued to listen.

"Oh and one more thing. I called to let you know that we will be having a family meeting tonight after everyone's duties, and this time be sure that...Hisoka attends."

"Are you sure mother?" Illumi asked in slight concern, with Hisoka pouting at his response.

"Yes, you will want him to be there...I'm sure of it. That will be all."

"Thank you mother, I'll see you tonight." Hisoka towered himself over his husband before kissing him softly. Sadly, they didn't have time for much, so they got out of bed to start the day.

They then tended to their routine, shower, breakfast, and practicing for the day's awaiting tasks. When they were on their way to the first mission it finally hit them that their honeymoon was over. No more free nights to themselves, no surprises to occur, no sunsets to watch, no availability to do things they wanted freely.

Overall, the missions went really well. No changes to strategy were made, and all remained as if they never took a break in the first place. Luckily, they were able to go on their missions together, unlike some instances where they had to do things separately. But in the end that didn't matter, because they would be on the phone with each other all day with updates and reports.

The day's missions ended as quickly as they began, as Hisoka and Illumi were on their way to the Zoldyck mansion. After traveling some ground to get to the gate, Illumi stopped.

"Please, behave yourself. You are not allowed in here for a reason, so let's try to uplift your...past wrongdoings, okay?" Hisoka smiled evilly.

"Okay~♣" Illumi's eyebrows narrowed.

"I mean it, one wrong move and I'll shove a needle up your ass." Hisoka just smiled even wider.

"Mmm...kinky, I like it~♥"

The assassin rolled his eyes as he began to push open the gate easily. Once inside they immediately sped to the mansion and went inside. The hallways were long, dark, and cold.

As they traveled to the main room for the meeting, they passed by Illumi's old bedroom. Immediately the old memories began to swarm their minds. They both recalled the late misty nights where Hisoka would be at Illumi's windowsill, wanting his lover to comfort him and his loneliness within. And the mornings where Illumi would wake up to find sweet notes and small presents at his bedside and doorframe. But no matter, they were not here to relish in the past.

They finally reached the door and opened it to find everyone seated down. Illumi sat in his seat at the table where Hisoka did not have one. Milluki snickered and chuckled as Hisoka found a small stool to sit on as he planted it right next to Illumi. Once he was seated the meeting began with Silva stating.

"Now, many of our missions have proven to be successful. We have not had any mistakes in a while, so I would like to take a moment of our time to focus on a more lasting issue." Silva paused with the unfinished statement as his eyes landed on the empty chair that belonged to Killua. "We have located and confirmed that Killua is once again on the move to York New city, specifically Heavens Arena. He is also most likely still with his friend Gon. I want our next move of action to have a small party focused on bringing Killua back home, whether temporarily to talk...or permanently." Illumi's expression changed to shock. He couldn't believe it's been a while since he's thought about Killua. Usually it would drive him insane, knowing his brother wasn't home. Mrs. Zoldyck turned to Illumi and said,

"We will be sending you and Hisoka to York New city to finally bring home our Killua. You can stay anywhere, but Heavens Arena would be preferred, since it is where Killua will be staying."

Illumi was relieved that he would be able to have Hisoka with him. Who knows what kind of shit Hisoka would get himself into alone...*SNAP!

The legs of Hisoka's small little stool had cracked under the weight and snapped, leaving Hisoka to plop straight onto the ground. Milluki burst out into hysterical uncontrollable laughter, practically almost falling out of his chair. Silva cleared his throat loudly, indicating for Milluki to stop, which he did...eventually.

"Please do not laugh at one of our family's allies," Silva said strictly. Milluki sank into his seat a little bit.

"Yes father," he replied.

"You both leave tonight, that is all." Once ordered by Silva, everyone stood and left to go to bed and end their day. Illumi told his mother goodbye before leaving with a sharp pain in his stomach. He wasn't mad, but hearing his own father call Hisoka an "ally" made his heart feel uneasy. He knew from his parents perspective that they were not very supportive of the decision they both made. He wasn't embarrassed to be seen with Hisoka by his side, but to his parents, he knew that they think Hisoka sticks out like a sore thumb among the family.

Illumi pushed these thoughts aside as they drove home to pack their belongings and book the airship tickets. York New was on the other side of the same continent. It wouldn't be a long trip but not a short one either. When done, they packed up the car and headed to the airport.

"I didn't think you would be humiliated at the meeting. I'm sure that wasn't intentional. I'm sorry about them." Illumi said during the drive.

"It's fine really. People have been laughing at me all my life, what difference does one more person make?~♠"

Illumi was impressed by Hisoka's strong demeanor, then again he wasn't surprised. Come to think of it, Illumi knew Hisoka was strong in many forms, but he never thought to know why or how he became that way. He never knew to ask about his past, but Illumi couldn't finish his thought due to arriving at their destination.

After getting loaded onto the ship, and receiving some unwanted stares, they were off to York New city to find Killua, and to bring him home.

Word count: 1274😊

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