Chapter 23: Mission of Sorrow

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(⚠WARNING⚠: Includes- violent descriptions)

"What," Illumi said, frozen in disbelief. Mrs. Zoldyck's demeanor changed and became cross.

"Hisoka is no longer worthy to the family, of all things, he just gets in the way of everything. Ever since you two married, you have been...different. Making those demands to us as if you were in charge. He's changed you, and not for the better. So, you need to prove yourself to this family by making the sacrifice of him." Illumi stood there, almost as if he was feeling terrified for the first time. He could feel sweat beginning to form on the back of his neck.

"Isn't it against the rules to kill family. I can't kill him," Illumi says. Mrs. Zoldyck turned to him once again in disgust.

"He isn't FAMILY! He is the farthest thing from a Zoldyck I have ever seen! If he is anything, he's a DISGRACE! We never should have let you marry him in the first place!"

"Why! Why and how would this benefit the family in any way?"

"DON'T TALK TO ME WITH THAT TONE! Hisoka was useful for the time we expected him to be, but it is now far beyond that! Our business can successfully live on without him, therefore we no longer need him. And besides, he will be the only mission for tomorrow, it will be less trouble and work for you in the end. He has seen and knows too much, so he must be disposed of."

Illumi continued standing, unable to bring himself to say anything at that moment. "More on this matter, I am extremely disappointed with your reaction. You seem to not be willing to follow your family's orders on account of your so-called "husband" which is not acceptable and will not be tolerated. Do you understand me!"

"...Yes." Mrs. Zoldyck put her hand on the door handle.

" GO!" She yelled before exiting the room with aggression.

Illumi closed the door behind him and left slowly. His mother paused and stared at him as he left, feeling very proud of what she just did.

Illumi met up with Hisoka outside the mansion's door looking slightly paler in the face than usual. Hisoka looked at him with a concerned expression as they started to make their way home.

"What's wrong?~♣️" he asked. Illumi kept walking and didn't answer. "You were in there longer than usual, and I heard your mother yelling. Did something happen?~♣️"

"We can talk about it when we get home," Illumi said quietly.

Once they got home, they showered and had dinner before they met in the bedroom for this conversation.

"What's wrong? Are you okay?~♣️" Hisoka asked again. Illumi felt this lump in his throat making him unable to speak until he took a deep breath. He could feel his chest sinking as he heard his heartbeat in his head. After taking a moment, he finally brought himself to answer.

"You are the next target. My family wants me to kill you...tomorrow."

Hisoka was shocked, but he kind of expected something like this to happen soon. He was mainly shocked by the fact that Illumi told him this, knowing it was not going to benefit him in any way.

" was a matter of time before they did something like this and honestly...I don't blame them for trying~♣️" Hisoka flashed a cheeky smile as Illumi sat there unchanged.

"But I don't want to kill you," Illumi said quietly, feeling so stressed that it felt like he was about to puke. He looked down, unable to look his lover in the eye as he began to fumble with his fingers. Seeing how concerned he was, Hisoka took Illumi's hands in his.

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