Chapter 5: Causes of Candlelight

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(⚠Warning⚠: Includes- Violent actions)

The morning after, Illumi woke up slowly with Hisoka spooning him from behind. With his eyes slowly opening, he checked the time and sat up to get ready. Immediately Illumi felt an ache of soreness from his lower half. Illumi tried to stand up, but due to that night, it hurt for him to move. He slowly and eventually got to his feet and was able to dress himself for that day's mission.

Illumi's POV- Damn, I didn't know the morning after would be this difficult

After he was dressed he woke up his partner. Hisoka began with a large, long stretch and smiled at him.

"Good morning," said the happy magician contently.

"Hurry and get dressed. We don't want to be late." Hisoka did as he said and went straight to the closet as Illumi prepared breakfast for the both of them.

Moments later they were in the car on their way. They infiltrated from the room and sneaked along the walls and hallways of the building. They soon found their target in a room surrounded by bodyguards. Illumi positioned himself to project his needles, and Hisoka his cards, but Illumi's aim wasn't good enough from behind the wall, no matter how focused his nen was. Illumi's soreness allowed him to stumble as he took one step to take his shot, but it was too late. Illumi threw himself back behind the wall as the bodyguard's bullets rained towards their direction. As soon as their bullets stopped, with just enough cards, Hisoka sliced every neck in that room, including the targets, within seconds.

"Are you okay?" Hisoka asked with great concern. Illumi was slowly helped to his feet, but couldn't answer his question.

"Let's go," was all Illumi could bring himself to say.

Illumi's POV- DAMN IT! What is wrong with me today? That could have ended everything! Uhh, what the FUCK is wrong with me!

The drive home was extremely quiet with them arriving home by five o'clock. When in the house, Illumi immediately plopped himself on the couch with a large pain in his chest growing. Hisoka decided to leave him alone and to ask him about everything later. Then Hisoka got a brilliant idea as he went into their bedroom.

Illumi had laid there for a while until he got a call from his family asking about the mission. Illumi explained, in the vaguest way he could, that he almost messed up the whole mission, which his family was not proud of. After the call was over, he felt worse than he did before, until Hisoka entered the room with a smile on his face.

"You know what we have not done in a long time?" Hisoka asked as Illumi turned to him, "It's been forever since we've gone on a date." Illumi sat there in shock. "He wasn't wrong," Illumi thought.

"You want to go...on a" Illumi responded in blushing confusion.

"Yes," his lover replied with a growing grin. Hisoka walked over to his husband, and planted a soft kiss on his forehead, "Go get ready."

Moments later they were both in the car, dressed in their same style clothes, but a little more formal. Hisoka drove to the restaurant, one he knew Illumi had always wanted to visit. When they entered they were taken to a private room. Hisoka looked at the, once again, confused expression on Illumi's face.

"I called and made a private reservation for us so we," Hisoka explained. Soon enough, the both of them were seated and waiting for their meal, as Illumi finally decided to talk.

"So why did you do all this?" Illumi asked. Hisoka's cheeks turned pink.

"Well, I thought this would be a nice way to celebrate the...more recent events." He took a slight pause, "And also to ask you...if you're alright...your nen was not as focused on today's mission as usual seemed like something else was on your mind." Illumi went pale. He wasn't expecting questions like this, and couldn't bring himself to respond. "Illu, I know something is bothering you, and it would help both of us if we talked about it." Illumi looked down at his hands on the table.

Illumi's POV- What do I say? I want to tell him...but what do I say?

"Illu...please...tell me what's wrong?" Hisoka said feeling a rising ache in his chest. Illumi took a slow deep breath, leaving the room filled with anticipation.

"Hisoka, I know I'm not the best at expressing myself in general, but I've been wanting to tell you, I'm sorry. I'm sorry for failing our mission today." Illumi looks at Hisoka who was wearing a shocked expression. "My body is extremely sore, and due to that detail, I failed." Hisoka gasped.

"My poor baby, all you had to do was tell me, I would have rather done it myself so you could rest."

"But it's my job, to my family and, I would rather be in pain and with you, than to be alone without you."

"Illumi," Hisoka said, becoming serious, "I would feel the same way, but in order for you to remain healthy, you need to give yourself a break once in a while, especially with the next nine days of our honeymoon. I don't want you to bend over backwards for something you don't have to burden yourself with." Illumi sat in shock at the weight he felt fly off his shoulders. He never thought that this would be the result of him expressing all of this. He felt his cheeks go warm.

"Okay, I understand," said Illumi in relief with the slightest smile growing across his face. "I also have a question."

"Ask away," Hisoka responded while taking a sip of his drink.

"How did my dick taste?" Hisoka's eyes widened as he choked on his drink, and spit it all over the floor. Chuckling to himself, he respond,

"Oh Illu, you've always tasted sooo...delicious...why would you ask a question like that?" Illumi, once again, stared at his hands on the table.

"Well, I was wondering if......if I did well last night?" Hisoka sharply sat up in his chair.

"Look at me," Hisoka commanded Illumi, who immediately followed his orders, "I have loved you for as long as I can remember and never in my life have I ever been pleasured in such a way. I've wanted to fuck you for the longest time and I will urge to fuck you till the day I die. I will have you know that everything about you attracts me in one way shape or form, and there is no other person that I'd rather spend my life with. Everything that happened last night was everything I've ever wanted. So, to answer your question," Hisoka grabbed Illumi's hand, "You did more than well last night, you did fantastic, and I have never cum that hard until I fucked you." Illumi was speechless, his heart beating with excitement as Hisoka created, in Illumi's opinion, a sexy grin on his face. After a moment, Illumi spoke,

"I also want to thank you for this. These surprises you do for me, never fail to impress, and won't ever fail."

"Oh my sweet Illu," he paused as they both leaned toward each other, "There's more where this came from."

They both, without a care in the world, kissed aggressively once again, seeming as if they will never tire of sextual tension. The rest of the date went beautifully, with conversations that lasted hours, about the time during the hunter exam to their dramatic date in the airship. They proceeded to conversate and compliment each other forever along with the timeless music of the night.

Word count: 1268😊

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