Chapter 34: Slutty Risky Orders

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(⚠WARNING⚠: Includes- Hard smut)

Hisoka pressed the button with the arrow pointing upward. The large shining doors closed as the elevator began to move. Lifting them high up to the very top floor. The clown looked over to see that Illumi was red in the face with frustration. This pleased him as he chuckled to himself not so silently. Illumi gave him a sideways furious glare as they both kept their faces and bodies towards the elevator door.

"I can't believe I was stupid enough to agree to this," Illumi said as he angrily chewed on the end of every word he said. Hisoka continued to laugh as the volume of his happiness increased.

"Don't worry, my won't be as bad as you think it will be~♥️" he said with a giggly humorous undertone. Illumi solidly rubbed the temple of his forehead before fixing and repositioning his long hair.

"If this ends with you breaking the promise you made...I will kill you," Illumi said calmly yet still anger-filled and threatening. Hisoka's chuckling came to a halt before he moaned softly.

"Mmm...don't tempt me~♥️" Hisoka purred. Illumi quickly shot him a deadly stare before the two elevator doors opened, releasing them onto the top floor.

When it opened, it revealed the two Zoldyck parents waiting on the other side.

"Thank you for meeting with us on time, and with such short notice. Lets go, the meeting will be starting soon," Silva said before he led the three of them down the hall. Illumi and Hisoka walked slowly behind the parents that eventually led them to the main meeting room. They all entered quickly to see all of the heads of the Zoldyck's main allies sitting at the large table.

Illumi sat down, his face wincing as he sat on the seat underneath him. Illumi readjusted and regained his mental composure. Removing all anger and upsetting details as he keened his focus on the meeting before him. 

He sat up straight and immersed himself back into his stern and responsible physicality. Hisoka smiled wickedly as he placed his left hand on Illumi's thigh under the table. Illumi paid no attention to the notion or Hisoka. Not wanting to give his husband the cowering reaction he wanted to see. Soon enough, Silva stood up and began the meeting.

"Thank you all for coming. My apologies for almost being late. I had some unexpected businesses to take care of before coming here. Now, let's discuss this month's ranks," Silva said as Kikyo pulled out a folder and passed around multiple sheets with the data and information, "The success of the first strategy we all approved had a great increase in..."

The lecturus monologue continued as Hisoka soon found himself to be dazing in and out of his own attention towards his father-in-law's words. Hisoka took his available hand and reached inside of his pocket. 

Hisoka grabbed the small remote inside of it and pressed the plus button twice. Illumi inhaled deeply through his nose calmly before he cleared his throat of a nonexistent itch. Under the table, Illumi's cold hands were shaking slightly. This was just enough to please Hisoka's humorous conscience.

Earlier that day-

Hisoka towered himself over Illumi's body as they kissed passionately. They both had just arrived home from a very long important mission that day. Unfortunately, their make out session was cut short due to a call from Silva. Illumi regained his breath before answering his phone.


"Illumi, can you and Hisoka come to the ally meeting tonight? I want the both of you to be present and know the next steps for our new plan," Silva said.

"What about Ayuna?"

"The butlers will care for her. I already informed their household and they were all available and in agreement."

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