Chapter 29: Leather of Darkness

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(⚠WARNING⚠: Includes- Violent actions, hard smut, bdsm)

"Please! Please! I'll do anything!" the man screamed. He ran and fell to the feet of Illumi as he begged for his life.

"Give me the," Illumi stated sternly as he stared with his terrifying black eyes. The man's shaking hand reached into his bloodstained jacket and pulled out a folder. He shoved it into Illumi's hand and continued to beg.

"PLEASE! Don't kill me! Please!" the man continued. However, his loud desperate pleadings of life were cut short by Hisoka's card, which landed right on the back of his head, killing the man instantly. The couple stood and regrouped around the dead bodies as Illumi looked through the file of papers.

"All of this is correct...let's hurry back so today stays on schedule," Illumi said before they both raced off into the distance towards the Zoldyck mansion. That day was very important for the Zoldyck family, because everyone was planning to come over and see the baby for the first time after its creation.

Once they both arrived at the main estate, Illumi gave the information to Silva for processing. As he did that, Kikyo was set on making sure everyone was perfect and ready to see the new addition to the Zoldyck family. She had just finished brushing Kalluto's hair before heading to Milluki's room to make sure he was ready as well. 

Mrs. Zoldyck was obviously very excited, whereas Milluki and Zeno seemed to be annoyed. As for Kalluto, he seemed interested in the upcoming meeting in his own little emotionless way, similar to his oldest brother. Minutes later Silva returned and gathered everyone by the front door.

"If everyone is ready, then let's go," he said as he pushed the doors open. The butlers then took it from there and escorted everyone to the Zoldyck-Morow estate. When they arrived, the butlers remained outside the mansion since this was a "family only" meeting. 

Illumi and Hisoka stood side by side as they both guided everyone through the long dark hallways. Milluki and Kalluto took note of their surroundings since they had never been in their brother's mansion before. Finally, they reached the baby's room. Illumi slowly opened the door and let them all flow inside.

Once Kikyo saw the baby, she screamed with overjoyed happiness before rushing to the table. The baby wiggled slightly due to the loud unexpected noise. The fetus was now much, much larger than a small dot of cells. Now it looked almost fully grown. All of the wires and machinery were still connected to it as it laid peacefully on the table within the glass screen protector. 

Now, because of its size, the doctor had placed a soft, fluffy white blanket underneath it so it would be warm and comfortable and not laying on the cold hard table. Mrs. Zoldyck continued making happy ecstatic noises as she frantically took pictures of the baby, something Illumi and Hisoka have also been doing almost every single day.

"Be careful mother. It's now big enough to hear and react to sound," Illumi mentioned quietly. Mrs. Zoldyck gasped in shock.

"Oh...sorry," she whispered. The baby wiggled again within its comfy blanket, which again tested Kikyo's ability to keep her joy under control. She leaned her head on Silva, who was also taken aback and amazed. Gazing upon his first grandchild with happiness and pride.

"Take good look boys," Silva said, motioning his statement towards Milluki and Kalluto, "This is the future of the Zoldyck family. I expect you two to be very knowledgeable and caring uncles." A small silence filled the large room.

"Well...what do you think," Kikyo said, hoping to get an answer out of her sons.

"Is it a boy or a girl?!" Milluki shouted in annoyance, still very upset that this interrupted his very crucial gaming time. Zeno rolled his eyes at the question as Illumi stepped forward and put his hand on the glass.

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