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Kuni looked around the green-tinted room, searching for Nahida. She had given him crap about not being at certain places on time, and here she was, being late. He scoffed at the hypocrisy as he waited long for her to show.
The echoing sound of a door closing and small footsteps approaching alerted the puppet as he looked up from the floor. Nahida was walking towards him with an apologetic look on her face.

"I'm so sorry for my absence. The Aranara were having issues." Soon, she stood in front of the puppet, a smile forming on her face, "glad to see you waited!"

"Yeah, yeah, what do you need?"

"Well, I couldn't help but notice how awkward you are around people. So awkward, it's very lonely," she voiced her concerns. Kuni looked at her warily. What was she getting at?

"And I think it will do you some good to make friends, so, I signed you up for an event. It's minimal and not necessary, but it's good to make friends!"

"What is this event?"

"A doll-making one. I know that you carry a replica of a doll with you so, I thought, 'Why not?'" Nahida handed him the flyer for the event. He glared at the paper, wanting to rip it, but because he felt indebted to the archon, he agreed.
It was said to start in a week, so he sighed, knowing how he was going to dread the rest of the week.
Truth be told, he wasn't lonely because he didn't have friends. He was lonely because he didn't fit in. He didn't belong, and he knew that. Likewise, he only stayed because he felt he owed his robotic life to the archon. Exiting the Sanctuary of Surasthana, he heard excited chatter coming from a block away. He looked to find Paimon waving 'bye' to her friends as she rushed somewhere. Then, he remembered, the Traveler was supposed to come back. He felt a smile creep up on his face once he remembered. He would've gone down to Port Ormos, but that seemed excessive.
Folding up the paper and putting it away somewhere he could easily say, 'Oh, it must've fallen out,' he walked down the bustling streets, annoyed by the loud chatter that spewed from people's mouths. That's one thing he missed about Inazuma, how quiet everything was. Though, it's probably not the same as it used to be, which is why he has no reason to visit the land he loathes.
As he exited the city and found a nice tree to sit under, his mind started to wander all over the place. But then, a happy look flashed through his memories. Oh, yeah, it's one that belonged to the Traveler. He stared off into the distance as he remembered the event that took place, rewarding him with that smile...

'Kuni, can I get under your hat, please?' the blonde asked, his hair getting wet from the rain.

'You want to use my hat as an umbrella? Hmph, the audacity to even make that request...' Kuni looked at him with an irritated look. When the rain started picking up, he sighed heavily and allowed the Traveler to get under it. His face beamed with a bright smile as he entered under the hat.

He broke out of his trance when he heard the flying thingy's voice in the distance, talking loudly to the person he was just thinking about. He whipped his head around to find the Traveler walking with Dehya and Dunyarzad by his side, Paimon was floating up front telling some bizarre story. His eyes stayed on the Traveler, though. He didn't speak much, but he always made sure to let you know he was listening. Kuni, for some odd reason, felt a feeling in his chest and his cheeks seemed to heat up, but he just played it off as his mechanical ware getting too warm in the weather.
Now that he was broken out of his trance, though, he looked around to find kids playing with each other happily, teenagers chatting with each other, or on small dates, and adults merely enjoying each other's company. Especially the elders. Not once in his puppet life did he feel so lonely. Sure, when he was first made, he was lonely, but this is a new type. One he didn't understand. As he continued looking around, his eyes only seemed to notice the couples or close friends, and that made him ache to his core.
Shaking his head, annoyed by the feeling, he got up from his spot and began walking back into the city, taking in the smell of the food. It didn't take him long to start buying things for himself at the stands, or Khalid's Souvenir Shop.
When everything got to be too much to carry, he started making his way to the small apartment he rented for himself when a halt was put in his steps.

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