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I meant to publish this on Freminet's birthday, but writer's block said, 'no' with a slap across the face... whoops.

After a long day of diving in the waters of Fontaine, Kuni fondled the blond's long, damp hair. Twisting and twirling it around his fingers as they sat on a bench outside, reading random books they found scattered around Teyvat the past few weeks.
The teapot wasn't as quiet as usual since Aether's generosity got the better of him before Kuni could stop it, so now, they were helping a friend of Aether's from Fontaine host a birthday party.

After some time of convincing, Kuni persuaded Aether to make a secret spot for them to hang out since the blond could make himself forgotten just as smoothly as he made himself known (though it did evolve him bribing children to stop asking for sword lessons). Honestly, even if he had a few minutes to spare with the blond before he had to return to the party, a win is a win — well, that's how Nahida said he should look at the small things in life; though, is wanting to spend time with your boyfriend a small matter? Perhaps. Perhaps not.

"Do you ever do your hair in a different style?"

"Nope," Aether answered, flipping to the last section of the damn-near history book, "I either don't have the time or energy to try something different." Kuni hummed at the answer, still twisting and twirling his hair around his fingers, disappointed when the hair would fall off his finger before he could complete the small act(s) of affection.
Kuni leaned his head onto his lover's shoulder, the artificial breeze hitting their skin softly as silence ensued. It wasn't uncomfortable — no, it was peaceful and delicate. So delicate that the sound of footsteps coming toward the small hideout could easily be heard, annoying the puppet and even the star.

"There you guys are!" a cheerful voice spoke, "Come on, we're about to sing Happy Birthday so Freminet can blow out his candles."

"Coming, Lyney, apologizes for wandering off."

"No worries."

The magician's footsteps faded, and the couple sighed in union, provoking a laugh to leave their throats.

"We should go to the party now."

"We?" Kuni asked, raising his eyebrows. They were Aether's friends as far as he was concerned, so why should his presence matter?



A/N: Now the story is finished, lol.

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