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It was now time for the doll-making event that Nahida signed Kuni up for. To say he was happy would be an overstatement.
Groaning loudly as he entered the building the event was hosted in, he quickly searched the list— hoping that they didn't enter his name, but what do you know? They did. He saw as there was a number next to his name and looked at the seats that also had numbers on them. Keeping his number in mind, he quickly found his seat and sat in it, waiting for everyone to come and for the hosts to begin the contest.


Sighing, bored from the contest as he stared at the first-place award in his hand, he couldn't help but think that he had better things to do. Everything was a breeze for him— I mean, why wouldn't it be? If he was able to remake a centuries-old doll from memory, then making a replica of something he saw for only a second would be easy.
Exiting the building, a few people congratulating him for winning, he found himself stuck on what to do. He could go brag to Aether about his win, but at the same time, he would rather not do that since it means he would have to reveal he even did such a thing.
Sighing harshly as he went to his rented apartment, he placed the award next to several other minor awards he won from contests he was forced to be in. He didn't care enough to tidy them up, or arrange them, so, he just placed them wherever and left them there to rot.

"Kuni, how was it?" He jerked sharply as he heard the familiar voice behind him. Turning around, he saw Nahida with a content smile on her face once she saw the small trophy.

"Did you make any friends?" She inquired. (Since that was what she truly cared for.)

"No, and if you think signing me up for childish events is going to make me gain friends, then you're wrong." Kuni scoffed, glaring at the small god.

"Hm... it seems you may be right... especially when it seems you're doing fine just on your own. I mean, you got a whole boyfriend while I'm still trying to get you some friends." Nahida smiled brightly at the puppet, causing him to get flustered in embarrassment.

"And it seems you're making more acquaintances just from dating him! Those acquaintances could be friends, you know?"

"Yeah, no, thanks... I'm fine with just my boyfriend."

Limitations ~ ScaraetherWhere stories live. Discover now