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When Aether and Kuni finally decided to leave their room, Paimon bombarded them with random food requests. None of it went together, but as long as her belly was content, she was happy.

Kuni spent his time asking if Aether was okay any chance he got when even the slightest pained groan left his mouth. While the blond was smart enough to take pain medicine, he didn't anticipate how long it would take to kick in as he sat uncomfortably on a chair, shifting ever-so-slightly at an inch of discomfort from his still-throbbing hole.

"Uh, Aether, are you alright?"

"Hm? Yes, Paimon, I'm fine." smiling at Paimon as if he didn't want to rip his aching legs off, the fairy eyed him up and down, not believing his half-fib.

"Nothing alarming happened while Paimon was gone, right?" the silver girl asked, floating closer to him as if she was about to put on a monocle.

"No, nothing of the sort. Now, stop looking as if you're going to be the next Sherlock Holmes."


"Ah, right, I'll explain the reference to you another day." The duo's attention diverted to the puppet once he cleared his throat, placing an assortment of food on the table.

"Oo!~" Paimon cheered, clapping her hands together as she floated over to the food, not even thinking before grabbing a large portion and munching on it.

Aether picked quietly at his food, taking small bites here and there. Kuni took notice — obviously — and patted his caringly on the back as if to say he was sorry for not using prep — not that Aether cared.
A few more minutes passed before the discomfort "vanished," and Aether could move freely. He started to take larger bites of his food, finishing it quickly before putting his dish away.

"So, what do we have prepared for today?" Paimon asked once she finished. Kuni was busy washing the dishes while Aether was busy putting on his shoes.

"We're spitting up the commissions today."

"Oh, what did we get then?"

"Just the usual 'fetch me' quests; Kuni has the battle-induced ones."

"Are you sure he doesn't need help?"

"I'm sure; if you want to be his cheerleader, you can." Aether joked, poking fun at how she always cheers from the sideline — even when he's getting his ass whooped.

"Yeah, you know what? Paimon likes that idea! Paimon never sees Kuni fight as often anyway, so see you, Aether! Be safe!" Aether stared dumbfounded as the fairy disappeared from his side before breaking out in laughter.

Strolling through the streets of Mondstadt — merely because he couldn't be bothered with the other region commissions — completing simple commissions and avoiding monsters as if he had a bounty on his head was more of a pleasant endeavor than he had hoped. Aether crossed Kuni's (and Paimon's) path a couple of times, and they chatted for a bit before going on with their duties.

'Perhaps I should do this more often... no fighting or protecting, just simple 'can you get this flower for me?' quests...' Aether thought, arranging excess flowers in his bag.
He seated himself on a bench, watching contently at every animal to pass by him before he felt himself freeze at a slight touch against his cheek. It was faint, soft, quick, and easy to miss.
Looking behind him, the sight of Kuni carrying a tired Paimon greeted him.

"I made her carry some things." Aether laughed at the statement, patting a seat next to him, to which Kuni agreed without complaint.
The blonde rested his head gently on the Indigo's shoulder, blinking with contentment as he intertwined his hand with Kuni's.

'And perhaps... I should stop worrying about disappointing imaginary people for not focusing on my sister all the time."

Limitations ~ ScaraetherWhere stories live. Discover now