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A/N: I decided to delete the A/N since there was no point in keeping it 😗😗

"So, what now?" Paimon asked, "We completed the commissions — and collected the rewards for you, Aether."

"Hm, I don't know."

"What do you normally do after commissions?"

"Go world exploring, fighting, domains, etc." Kuni stared at the blond as if he said something inappropriate — which Aether probably did since he couldn't grasp what was so abnormal about how he decided to spend his time.

"Anything else?"

"Quests — if available."

"What quest(s) do you have yet to complete?"

"I don't know, I haven't checked it in some time."

"So we're doing nothing today? Woo, at least we completed commissions, right guys?" Paimon asked, floating upside down as she laid herself on top of Aether's head, only to get gently shoved off, "ugh, rude!"

"Oh my gosh! You're so right, Paimon — I'm so rude!" Aether faked a gasp and sarcastically hugged the fairy, "It won't ever — ever happen again." He whispered a quiet "it will" at the end, causing the fairy to punch him on the shoulder playfully.

"Hmph! Paimon will not take such bullying!" The silver fairy disappeared, huffing and puffing her cheeks out.

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