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There was smut on the last 17 chapter (this was 17.5), but I removed it because every-time I thought of it, I got second-hand embarrassment (despite writing it). You'll have to use your imagination on this one. 🙏🙏

Aether woke up from his sleep to the feeling of an arm wrapped around him securely. Memories from last night flooded back like a wave hitting the shore and destroying any sand castle in its way — though not in a terrible way.

Feeling his face flush at the recollections, he tried to sit up before stopping, a sharp pain shooting through his bum. Looking around, he noticed the mess they'd created last night was gone, and he was also in his usual nightwear.

"Lay back down." Aether jerked slightly, whipping his head around to face his puppet.

"How long were you awake?" Aether asked, shuffling to lie back down, wrapping his arm around the other.

"I didn't go to sleep." The indigo male rested his head on the other, combing his fingers through Aether's blonde hair, "surprised you didn't wake up while I gave you a bath."

"Hmph." Aether buried his face into Kuni's chest, closing his eyes, "What time is it?"

"1:00 p.m."

"Ah! I should—"

"No, you're not doing anything."

"What about Paimon?"

"I'll cook."

"So, I'm just doing nothing for the rest of the day?"

"Oh, no, you're still doing things, just not physically demanding things."

"Cooking for Paimon isn't physically demanding..."

"No, but mentally it is." Kuni planted tiny kisses on Aether's head, "Next time—"

"Next time? How about letting me recover before you get to planning?" Kuni dry-laughed, fixing the blanket.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Limitations ~ ScaraetherWhere stories live. Discover now