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Fighting off Fatui agents has never made Kuni feel alive. To see the look of panic and worry smothered on their faces once they realized they were not going to win was something he found amusing.
Sighing a displeased breath, he kicked an unconscious member's hand and sat beside them. In the past, he wouldn't have thought twice about erasing someone from this disappointing world, but now, all he could think about was disapproval from Nahida and Aether.

'How tragic is that?' he thought to himself. He used to be someone who couldn't care less about what others thought of him, and that still stands to a degree; now, all he can imagine is the look of disappointment on the young goddess's face as Aether shakes his head in disapproval. Just why? Why does he feel the need to impress them? He never cared about impressing anyone— well, unlike his old, naive self, but he's not relevant anymore; not to current history, not to anyone, not even to himself.

A pitiful smile formed on his face as he remembered the reason for his current situation. The only reason Aether agreed to fake dating him was that he was lonely— just like him— and yet, he was sure he was the only one with feelings for the other. The minute Aether finds someone worthy of him, he'll be in the dust like always, and he couldn't complain.

He didn't know how long he's been on the abandoned Island, but the sun left to "rest," telling him he should meet with Aether again. Leaving small flowers that he picked in Mondstadt many months ago down on the abandoned houses that littered around the island he left. He didn't know if their spirits would take that as a sign that he's "moved on" or if they, too, didn't remember him. Chances are they don't and are looking at him with confusion for his upset look.

The change of smells and scenery brought him on edge. Out of all the islands, he despised Narukami the most, and he found that to be funny. Hilarious, even.

The calm, vibrant city of Inazuma came into view; filled with foreigners and happy natives as they hung out with their friends or shopped around. Passing by Uyuu Restaurant, he saw some people looking at him; he paid no mind to them, though.

"Excuse me, sir!" he still paid no mind, thinking it wasn't directed at him until he felt someone lightly grab his arm.

"What?" his tone was sharp and made the other uneasy.

"Sorry for bothering you, but are you the traveler's boyfriend from the journalist papers?" oh, right. Kuni almost forgot about that incident.

"Show me," he demanded, annoyance written on his face. He wanted out of the situation.

"Uh, yeah, sure!" The lady reached into her bag and pulled out the paper, showing it to him. And behold! It was a picture of Kuni kissing Aether's hand. Oddly, though, the news was posted rather recently— around a day ago. But what scared him the most was some encounters they had— was that person stalking them until they had a good story to share? Luckily, nothing private was shared, but a photo of Kuni with his arms wrapped around Aether's shoulders was making him shudder a little.

"Yeah, that's me." Kuni wanted to shrink in on himself, watching the lady's eyes widen in excitement.

"Well, hello! Ever since I heard of the Traveler dating someone, I just wanted to meet them! My name is Yoimiya. I'm a friend." she held her hand out with a wide smile. Reluctantly accepting it, a group of kids appears behind him.

"Woah, so that's the traveler's boyfriend? He looks native. Were you born here?" a boy with brown hair asked.

"In a way— yes, I was," he answered.

"You have a pretty hat— and clothes! I wanna dress like you when I'm older." a girl said, eyeing his hat intensely.

"Uh, thank you?" was that the right response? Ugh, he sounds like Aether when he's having trouble forming a sentence.

"You're welcome!" a couple of minutes went by of him getting flooded with questions from the little kids and occasionally Yoimiya before he was finally able to ask his own.

"Do any of you know where the Traveler is at?"

"Nope, we haven't seen him. You can try asking Mr. Rikuto. He sees everything— sometimes." so, he did, and he merely told him that Aether left the city, Paimon saying something about visiting an 'Ayaka.'
Thanking the restaurant owner, he left the city and went to the Kamisato Estate. Upon arriving, he noticed Aether and Paimon leaving, a blonde waving them as they set off from the estate.

"Oh, Kuni!" He felt his chest tighten— in a good way— watching Aether's eyes lighten up. Giving him a small wave, the traveling duo walked over to him.

"Did you have a good time at Tatarasuna?" The blonde asked, cocking his head, "I hope it didn't bring back too many bad memories."

"It was okay—" Kuni gave a wicked smile as he leaned over, "— wait, were you concerned? That's so nice of you."

"Duh," Aether nudged his shoulder before smiling, "Just don't fly off randomly again. I about to make sure you weren't planning on doing something stupid again."

"And if I did?"

"I would beat sense back into your brain."

"Oh, really now?"


"Tough talk coming from someone who can barely form sentences without stumbling over them."

"Tough talk from someone who wears a hat to add height to themselves." Aether's eyes seemed to glow as the witty insult finally exited his mouth. Though, he couldn't say Kuni was lying. His speaking has bettered since he and Paimon have a designated time of night so she can teach him certain phrases and words, but he still struggles with it. And don't get him started on his accent. It's so faint that when people do point it out, he's shocked at their excellent hearing but also worried because they've never heard something like it before.

"Aw, it's a shame it took you over three minutes to say that sentence." Kuni chuckled. He could never get over how Aether's tongue never wanted to cooperate with him sporadically.
Aether nudged him again, huffing as he looked away from him.

"I'm getting better..."

"Yeah, you are; don't worry. In the past, it only took you five minutes to get a sentence out properly."

"Wouldn't be an issue if I took the time to learn it before my sister and I separated..." Aether mumbled.

"That's what they all say."

"Who is "they all"? Are you seeing other world travelers with sister issues?" Aether gasped dramatically, hand over his chest. The small laugh Kuni tried to suppress escaped his lips at the dramatic action.

"I met a friend of yours. Yoimiya is her name, I think." was the first sentence to leave his mouth once he calmed down.

"Ah, Yoimiya, I hadn't seen her in the city when I went." a fond smile crept onto Aether's lips as he hummed.

"What did you even do while I was away?"

"Some commissions, helped some kids get a kite down; helped the elderly. Things like that." Aether cooed, "I was at the Kamisato Estate to give my greetings and had a cup of tea with Paimon. They also wished us well on our journey and 'relationship.'"

"What about you? What did you do at Tatarasuna?"

"Just placed flowers in the abandoned houses and beat up some Fatui members who wouldn't give it a rest."

"Hm, that's nice."

"Yeah, hey, Aether— do you think they would remember me?" Kuni hadn't realized how easily the name left his mouth. Aether didn't seem to either.

"Uncertain to say— I mean, I only know erasing yourself affects the living; I don't know about the dead. But perhaps, we can live in blissful ignorance of what we wish to believe." Aether gave him a comforting smile, "And if they're watching over you right now, even if they don't remember you, I bet they feel proud of whatever you had to accomplish in life."
Kuni felt his "heart" flutter inside his chest at the words. He hadn't thought of it like that before, and a content smile made its way to his face.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome, Kuni."

Limitations ~ ScaraetherWhere stories live. Discover now