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The boat ride to Inazuma was quite peaceful, shocking the puppet a bit since all the times he visited the land, the ships would rock as the infuriated lightning hit the flowy substance below them, letting everyone know that they weren't welcomed and now, it was peaceful, and he didn't know how to feel about it.
The people on Beidou's ship were still welcoming Aether back, since it wasn't that long since he had left Inazuma.

"So, you're the Traveler's boyfriend?" Kuni jumped a bit as a soft voice came to the side of his ear, causing him to flip his head around to the source.

"My apologies, I didn't mean to scare you. My name is Kaedehara Kazuha." The platinum blond-haired man spoke. Kuni's body tensed as he heard the name 'Kaedehara' and flashbacks of what he had done in the past came back to him. The platinum blond-haired man noticed and stared at him with a concerned look.

"Are you okay? You look pale in the face—" Kazuha stopped speaking and got up from his seat, turning away from the puppet before speaking again, "— I'll go get a bag in case you're seasick."

"I'm not seasick," the puppet called out, stopping the man in his tracks. As the two stared at each other, kuni was able to muster up his courage to tell the male his name, "My name is Kuni..."

"Kuni... is it short for something?"

"I like to think it's not." The puppet mumbled to himself before shaking his head, denying the question as he felt a weight being added back next to him.

"Alright then.." the two sat awkwardly next to each other— well, it was mostly Kuni who felt awkward— as the sound of waves hit the ship. A familiar, high-pitched voice called out to them, gaining their attention.
Aether and Paimon were walking in their direction with happy but socially exhausted faces. Aether sat tiredly next to Kuni, instinctively laying his head on something next to him— which turned out to be Kuni's shoulder, making him blush profusely at the action.

"Aw... Paimon misses when he used to use her head as a headrest... even though it was annoying." The fairy whimpered with a betrayed look in her eyes. Aether muttered something inaudible before exhaling harshly through his nose and bringing Paimon closer to his side, hugging her as he fell asleep. The small girl let out a content giggle as she started to fall asleep next to him, wondering what her next meal would be.

"I'll leave you three be." Kuni turned his attention back to the wandering samurai, who smiled happily at them. As the male walked away to his personal business, Kuni couldn't help himself as he muttered the smallest apology his "vocal cords" would allow him to speak,

"I'm sorry."

Limitations ~ ScaraetherWhere stories live. Discover now