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A few seconds of one-sided, comfortable silence flew by. It took Aether's brain to process that his name had left the fair-skinned puppet's mouth, and numerous thoughts roamed his mind as he felt a sense of confusion form within him.
He wanted to question how the puppet even knew his name and where he heard it from since he was sure he had never once told the man. After deducting, there was no way he could've known from Irminsul, so it was safe to assume Paimon had let it slip. When? He didn't know.

Walking throughout Chinju Forest, Aether took some time to study his surroundings. No matter the number of times he visited the place, the sights always made him stare in awe. The way the blue flowers glowed, the fireflies that added to the scenery, and the way Ioroi unironically added to everything. Everything was just— perfect.

"The number of times you've been here, and it still ties your tongue?" Kuni narrowed his eyes playfully at the look on Aether's face. The blonde stuck his tongue out playfully at him in return.

"Well, I'm sorry that Inazuma is the prettiest nation I've seen," he rolled his eyes as he giggled.

"So, the other nations don't stand a chance?"

"The ones I've been to, no. They don't— well, Sumeru challenges it a bit, and Liyue during Lantern Rite, but that's it." Aether pondered as he thought about his answer.

"Hm, don't you go to Fontaine soon?"

"Oh, yeah, right." Aether sighed, praying that nothing serious would happen in the nation. His search was already unnecessarily long with both his goals in mind. Find his sister while also unsealing his native powers. The latter should've been the easiest one to achieve, but life happened— so.

"You know, I'm curious. You're not from this world— yet, I've never seen any power out of this world displayed from you." Aether felt his body freeze as the puppet spoke, "If it's a sensitive topic, you don't have to speak on it."

"Nah, it's fine; I can understand the confusion," Aether smiled reassuringly at him, "But I do have powers outside this world— just sealed away, though."

"And how did that happen? And if it's connected to the separation from your sister, then that must've been a terrible, terrible day."


"It's connected to it, huh?"


"So you lose your sister and get your powers sealed altogether?"

"And I got put into a 500-year coma, while my sister's coma didn't last that long."

"And how do you know that? And why is that?"

"I would tell you the entire story, but I'm not 100% sure about many things myself."

"Perhaps she didn't get her powers sealed, and it caused her to not get into a long coma?"

"Possible." Aether sighed as he remembered the golden glow on his sister's clothing. Once they reached Byakko Plain, Aether came across a familiar face.

"Ah, Traveler, there you are." The familiar indigo-haired female with golden eyes walked up to the two, a determined look on her face.

"Hello, Sara, how have you been? Do you need anything?"

"Yes, there has been a recent uproar with the treasure hoarders. If I may, can I ask you to handle a spot near Konda Village? My troops and I can handle the rest, and yes, there will be generous pay." Kuni looked over to see Aether considering the task, and that made him scowl a bit. He didn't understand how Aether could continuously be a doormat and get pay that won't last long while still being optimistic.

"Yeah, okay. Kuni, do you want to join me?" He looked over innocently to the peeved man.

"Yeah, yeah. I'll join you." He lowered his eyes to the ground to hide his annoyance.

"Great!" Aether beamed like a dog when its owner arrived home.

"Oh, greetings to you, too. I apologize for not seeing you sooner." Sara apologized once she realized the other's presence, "I will also include payment for you, too."

"It's fine— you don't have to do that."

"Are you certain?"

"Yeah, I'm certain." Kuni tried his hardest to hold back a scoff.

"Well then, I wish you both well then." The duo watched as she walked away from the two of them.

"You need to stop being a doormat."

"Wow, so rude!" Aether nudged his shoulder, "It's called being a good person. You know, so others know that you are there for them."

"Do they do the same for you?"

"In their way— and that's fine. My way of letting people know is being a "doormat," while theirs may not be."

"Hm, doesn't it get tiring, though? How do you know they aren't using you?"

"Yeah, it does many times, but I like helping people. And I don't, but if I go through life, worlds, whatever being overly cautious about being used, I won't be able to enjoy my life the way I like." Kuni thought about the answer he received and kept quiet. Even when they were busy beating up treasure hoarders, he didn't bother saying anything; even when they received the stolen goods, he kept quiet. Not once through his pathetic life had he heard of that perspective. It wasn't one he liked, but it wasn't one he hated — also. It left him indifferent.

Aether caught on but didn't bother saying anything about it. He knew that for Kuni to grow, he needed to solve things for himself without personal influence, especially when opinions are changed easily from one bad or good influence. Plus, if he needed help deciding something, he could ask him or Nahida.
After rounding up all the treasure hoarders and leaving them at Tenshukaku, the two decided to have a nice meal at Kiminami Restaurant. (With Paimon, naturally.)

"Paimon's so stuffed! We haven't eaten here in a while—" the fairy hummed as she rubbed her stomach,"—That can be said for plenty of places now that I'm thinking about it."

"Yeah, that's because I'm spending $39,150+ on food every time we eat out." Aether sighed, "your stomach knows no bounds, and I'm about to start putting bounds on it."

"What?! You can't do that!"

"Watch me."

"Kuni, save me and my stomach!"

"What am I supposed to do?" A confused face displayed on Kuni's features as the fairy panicked.

"I don't know— steal his wallet?"

"Really? Planning to rob me while I'm right here?" Aether whined, looking betrayed.

"Yes— wait, no!"

"Pshh, you would suck as a treasure hoarder." Aether giggled as he patted the girl on her head.

"Well, good thing I'm not one!"

"Yeah, good thing you aren't; you alone would end the entire business."


Limitations ~ ScaraetherWhere stories live. Discover now