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A/N: I fixed some errors

The atmosphere of the once catastrophic land was one that the puppet was quite fond of; it brought back memories he wished he adored all those years ago. Memories such as the way they would dance in the breeze that worshiped the island and the way they would listen to the ocean breeze as they looked off into the distance. All before the disastrous event that started the unlucky chain of events in his life happened. All before he met the wretched Escher— no, the wretched Dottore that ruined his life, though, he couldn't put all the blame on the doctor since part of it was indeed his fault; his past greenness and gullibility towards the cruelness of humans was something he wishes undone and detests about himself.

He knew everything in his life was because of something he did. Mother wouldn't have given him up if he weren't such a crybaby at birth— she wouldn't have abandoned him if he was stronger. Niwa and the nameless child wouldn't have had to meet him— to be cursed by his presence— if only he weren't so weak.

He was beyond pissed that he got played like the puppet he is by not only the doctor but by the jester, too. Yet, he knew he had no one to be mad at but himself. They played him because he let them. After all, he didn't believe them to be snakes lurking to catch their prey in a vulnerable moment.
Foolish of him. The Fatui doesn't work together, unlike the Abyss or Aether and everyone he meets. Evidence of that was how Signora played Childe like a fiddle in Liyue.

The mere presence of the Mikage Furnace brought back rotten memories that left a sour-salty mixture in his mouth. Oh, how could something inanimate and revolutionary bring so many illnesses to the workers? How could such a thing bring about the death of multiple historic figures 400 years ago? He knew the answer to both of them, and it boiled his nonexistent blood.

Oh, how he wanted— no, needed— to thank Katsuragi for bringing him in, for hiding his identity from the others once he noticed the golden pinion on his character. But he also wanted to apologize to him. He needed to apologize for allowing his curse-ridden self to be seen in Shakkei Pavilion that fateful day. Maybe then, he would've had a better legacy to give and wouldn't have to die the way he did; none of them would've. Not Niwa, Nozomu, or him, and Nagasama wouldn't have to live the rest of his life cleansing a ruined name.

Perhaps if Niwa didn't call for an information blackout, the truth behind it all would've gotten revealed, and he would have realized the truth sooner-- no, they all would've realized sooner.

But alas, as he continued to look at the furnace being back to normal, it made him happy— yet sour as he internally thanked the Traveler for fixing it completely before souring, remembering that it was the Fatui who tried taking it over because of the power of the Tatarigami. How could he even permit himself to be in the same group as those miserable sacks of shit?

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