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Only an hour passed since they started fake-dating, and the word quickly got around that the Traveler— the TRAVELER— was dating someone. Everyone close to him was shocked. While they expected someone as quiet as him to be successful in getting into a relationship, they just didn't expect who he was dating.
The quiet, mature Traveler dating someone as socially irritating as Kuni was not a duo anyone could've predicted, not even Mona, but they still congratulated them whenever they could.

"See? Is this so bad?" Kuni looked at the mentally exhausted Aether. Chuckling as he swiftly took the traveler's right hand in his, giving it a quick peck. Aether's face flustered intensely as he quickly snatched it away from the other's grasp.

"Why did you do that?" Aether's face was bright red. The feeling of the kiss lingers. Kuni laughed and was about to answer when they heard the sound of cameras snapping. Their heads snapped to look at some random journalist taking pictures of the two, but once he noticed them looking at him, he quickly turned around and walked away, embarrassed about getting caught.
Aether wanted to hide in a corner in embarrassment, but he was happy he rarely read any journalist papers.

"Why so embarrassed? It was just a small kiss on the hand." Kuni asked him, a certain look in his eyes, "Plus, I think we would look good on a cover paper~" A small chuckle left his mouth when he saw Aether's face turn bright red and him stumbling over his words. He wanted him to be like that forever, but then, something came to mind.

"Hey, I just realized, shouldn't I know your actual name? I mean, calling you "Traveler" is nice, but won't people get suspicious?"
Aether never thought of it like that, but the concern made sense. Paimon knows his actual name because they're close companions, but it would be weird whether someone he's dating— fake or not— didn't know his actual name.

"I'll think about it..." Aether mumbled, looking away from the mischievous eyes staring at him. Kuni wanted to put his arm around the Traveler but decided against it since he would probably get annoyed and snap at him saying, 'They're not dating,' which he knows, but still.
They went through the rest of their day doing their usual tasks such as daily commissions, quick quests, etc. They had a quick lunch break when Aether decided he needed to go do some exploration in the desert and left Paimon in the care of Kuni.
As the two stared awkwardly at one another, time seemed to go slower— and not in a good way.
Paimon wanted to say something most would deem disrespectful, but she held her tongue. It wasn't that she feared hurting his feelings; she just didn't intend to hurt Aethers.
After a minute went by, Paimon groaned irritated by the puppet, earning an eye roll.

"Paimon just doesn't get it... How did you end up with Aether when there are better options..." Paimon whined, holding her head in her hands, unaware of the mistake she made.

A grin formed on Kuni's face as he spoke, "Aether?" Paimon's head lifted, anxiously. She didn't mean to let his name slip.

"W-Who's Aether?" Paimon tried acting as if he said the stupidest thing ever, but it didn't work. She watched as his grin formed into a small smile as he looked away from her, which scared her even more.

"W-What are you thinking?!" She panicked as she flew close to his face.

"Nothing. Why are you panicking? You don't know who Aether is, so, why should I?" An innocent look formed on his face as he spoke. But really, he wasn't going to use it to his advantage. If Aether didn't want him to know his name right currently, then that's fine.
A few hours passed of them doing absolutely nothing as they waited for Aether to come back before Paimon decided to speak again.

"Don't we have to meet with Dehya for dinner soon?" She asked, looking around anxiously as she noticed most people heading home for dinner.

"Oh, right..." Kuni opened his eyes from the resting position they were in. Honestly, Paimon was happy they had something to do. Waiting for Aether to get back is tiring, "Where's the Traveler?"
Just as he asked that question, the sound of footsteps made its way over to them. They looked in the direction of the sound to find Aether walking toward them. He had new cuts and contusions on his body, but an unfazed expression was present on his face. As he walked, pieces of sand fell off his body onto the pavement.
Kuni stared at him with a bored expression on his face, but really, he looked at the man in awe. He could look as if he came back from being eaten alive, and he wouldn't care.

"Traveler!" Paimon exclaimed in joy, "Please don't ever leave me with him again!" She flew rapidly to his side, squeezing it tightly.

"Hey, nobody forced you to stay!" Kuni shouted at the fairy offended.

"Huh?" Aether looked back and forth between the two, an unamused expression made its way into his face as he slightly shook his head, "Don't we have to go meet Dehya?"
Aether gently pulled Paimon from him, as he walked towards Lambad's Tavern. The moment they entered it, their names were being called by an energetic voice. Looking over, they saw Dehya and Dunyarzad waving them over, big smiles on their faces.
Sighing, Aether and Kuni reluctantly went over to them. Paimon beat them at a chair first since, you know, food.
Once the two sat down, questions bombarded them from an overly curious Dunyarzad. Dehya only wanted to know how they met, but Dunyarzad wanted to know EVERYTHING— that wasn't too personal.
Aether shrunk in his chair, embarrassed, but also, a bit fearful. It wasn't that thought out... just an irrational decision he made because of how lonely he felt so, being asked all these things made him regret agreeing to fake-date him.

"Dunyarzad, slow down. Can't you see the Traveler is looking anxious?"

"Oh, my bad... I haven't been in a relationship before, so, I'm always interested in others' love life..." she apologized, looking away embarrassed.

"It's fine." Kuni just smiled at the scene, but he also felt sad. He didn't want to fake-date him; he wanted to actually date him. He side-eyed the Traveler, a melancholy look in his eyes, but for a moment, their eyes met before they both looked away, embarrassed.

Aether didn't know why he was embarrassed by their eye contact. He'd done it with many people in awkward settings, but this one felt different in a way.

"So, lovebirds, how did you two meet?" Dehya leaned her head in one hand, elbow on the table, as she looked at them with a mischievous face.

"We originally met in Mondstadt, then again in Inazuma, and finally, here." Kuni smiled as he only told the places they'd seen each other at. He didn't want to go into detail since the majority of it, they don't remember, and would immediately make them flip out at the table.

"Oh, so when did you guys start dating?" The two looked at each other. They could've easily said 'earlier today' but because Kuni made it sound like they'd been dating for a while, a lie made its way out of Aether's mouth.

"For six months now... I think." Aether looked directly at Dehya since his sister said he had the habit of looking away when telling a fib, so, he's been working on it lately.

"Huh?! And Paimon never knew!"

"That's because you two act like little kids arguing over a toy on a playground like, 'wahh, wahh, mommy he took my toy!', 'What?? No, I didn't! I had this first!'" The straight face on Aether's face, as he spoke to Paimon, was one no one could explain, but it did cause Dehya to burst out laughing.

"What?! No, we do not!" Paimon objected. Aether just repeated what she said in a mocking tone, causing her to spew out nonsense, which he repeated.

"You bully!"

"You buwwy!"


Paimon had tears prickle in her eyes when Aether didn't stop mocking her, causing him to grow upset and apologize to the fairy.

"Hm, I'll only accept if you buy me dinner!"

"I always buy you dinner, dumbass." Aether's eyes widened once the words left his mouth. Everyone at the table stared at him, wide-eyed.

"Woah, didn't know you had that in you..." Kuni joked. Aether elbowed him in the chest, causing him to wince in pain. Curse the pain sensors his creator added. (For whatever reason.)

"So, I think we may cut dinner short." Aether smiled innocently as if nothing happened, grabbing Kuni by the neck of his shirt, and Paimon by her arm, "See you guys tomorrow!"

"Huh, wait! We didn't eat!" Paimon whined.

"I'll cook you something. Damn." As Aether walked out of the tavern, dragging the other two behind him, he summoned the Serenitea Pot, opened it, and quickly took them inside it.

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