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"Wait, Paimon just remembered; how is Kuni going to Nahida when we're in Inazuma?"

"Paimon, did you forget about the waypoints?"

"Oh, right— hey! Why haven't we been using them?"

"We do; when we go to Dragonspine or the desert." Aether responded, "Plus, I don't like relying on them."

"But walking is so tiring..."

"You don't even walk; you float."

"Oh, right— but floating is so tiring..."

"Fine—" Aether struggled to hold back a terrible cough, "—we can start using them again if you're that tired."

"Yay!" Paimon giggled as she hugged her sick companion before backing up, "Haha— Paimon forgot you're sick... Paimon hopes she doesn't get sick."

"Well, I hope you do so I can pester you with bedtime stories—" Aether paused, "—wait, if they're bedtime stories, why are you reading them to me?"

"You're right! Paimon should make morning stories and whatnot!" Paimon beamed at the idea, thanking her companion, who looked distraught.

"No, no, no need— seriously, the bedtime stories are okay."

"Also, Paimon realized you're getting good at Teyvats language! Even better than last time!"

"And I have you to thank for that, so thank you, Paimon." Aether smiled, coughing a little, "I think it's best if you leave the room. I seriously don't want you sick."

"Aw, okay... but you get some rest, okay?"

"Okay, Paimon, don't do anything I wouldn't do."

"Okay!" Paimon closed the door behind her, the sound reverberating throughout the room before going silent. Aether sighed, content with the silence, and switched to a comfortable position to doze off.


"I'm aware that you know we're not dating, Nahida." Kuni sighed, putting his head in his hands, "That's why I'm asking you for advice."

"Yes, for advice to confess to the Traveler." Nahida placed two miniature teacups on the table, pouring some hot, bitter tea into his cup and refreshingly sweet into hers, "well, considering I still don't know much about human emotions, I can't say for certain how to go about this—"

"..." Kuni fiddled with the hot teacup as the words left her mouth.

"—but I can tell you this: it's better to get a heavy weight off your chest than to let it keep crushing you; it does no good for anyone if you're paralyzed or worst— gone." Kuni stared blankly at the young god before sighing, sipping some of his tea. He knew that; it was just hard for him to explain his feelings. Especially to someone he tried to kill in the past.

"How about this: a snail doesn't give up because of its speed; it keeps going despite the consequences that may lie ahead."

"Are you comparing me to a snail?"

"Yes, think about it, Kuni," the goddess started, "a snail— because of its speed— is more prone to dangerous predators such as birds, but it's still determined to go to its destination."

Nahida poured more tea into her cup, "Now, think about yourself; think of the birds as your past relationship with him; think of yourself as the snail, and the destination as the Traveler. When a snail is in danger, it hides in its shell; your shell, however, doesn't protect you as it should, giving you insecurities."

"I'm not insecure." Kuni lowered his hat and turned away from the young goddess, annoyed. How dare she accuse him of being such a thing?

"Oh? Then what's your reason for being here?" Nahida asked, cocking her head innocently.

Limitations ~ ScaraetherWhere stories live. Discover now