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Two slender fingers flicked the blond on his forehead, resulting in him sticking his tongue out at the perpetrator.

"Ah!" Aether whined, putting his tongue back in his mouth due to Kuni pinching it harshly, "You're so rude sometimes."

"And you're so childish sometimes." Kuni blew a raspberry at him, earning a 'and you called me childish?' look from the blonde.

"You're both childish!" they both turned toward the muffled screams of Paimon, who still hid under her pile of leaves.

"Paimon, the heat isn't as severe. You can come out now." Aether giggled as the girl busted from the leaves, sighing in relief at the now warm—cold air.

"Ah, this weather is much better than before..." said Paimon as she floated lazily in the air, "Aether, how beautiful do you think Fontaine is going to be?"

"Very beautiful, Paimon. However, I suspect it'll be wildly humid and rain-filled since it's the hydro region."

"Ugh, Paimon forgot about that..."

Aether giggled, "Wow, Paimon, I didn't expect you, my most wonderful guide, to forget something like that."

"Hey! Paimon can forget things, too, you know!"

"I know, I know, I'm just joking." Kuni watched intensely at the conversation they were having. He didn't know how to feel knowing Aether was soon leaving for Fontaine. Sure, he still has his goal(s), but why go knowing you're a magnet for national troubles? Just selfish of him, he knows; ignorant of him, he knows.

'Oh, I need to speak with the archons for information regarding my sister,' was the answer he gave anyone curious. It's wise, he must admit— to go for the entity watching over the nation is shrewd, but really, it's all just a 50/50 chance for him. He's already been to four countries, gaining zero information in three, and only got lucky in Sumeru.

But honestly, he had no say in what the blonde planned to do during his time in Teyvat. If he wanted to put his life on the line for people — who seem to forget why he's helping them — then that's his business. He can provide his input all he wants, but really, it's up to Aether what he wants to do with his time.

It's like a person with a bad addiction to Kuni; the more you give an opinion on their bad habits, the more defensive they get about them. They have to see why it won't do any good (in the long run) for them themselves. Not that he means helping people with national troubles is a bad thing in itself, but doing it while you know half couldn't care less is dire.

"Would you mind if I came along during your travels?" Aether and Paimon stopped their little bickering and looked at the puppet, who had a nonchalant expression on his wooden-mechanical features.

"What about your academics?"

"I can just tell Nahida I give up on them; she can't keep me here against my will." Kuni crossed his arms, "Besides, I've lived for 500+ years, so I have a lot of knowledge to last me."

"..." The duo looked at each other as if communicating in their shared silence. Kuni thought they would deny the request and make him feel like a fool, but no, a smile crept on their features.

"Sure, Kuni, you can join us on our adventures. The more company, the better!"

"Yeah, but don't touch Paimon's food!"

"Paimon, no one is going to touch your food."

"That's right!" Paimon crossed her arms, feeling proud as she floated a bit higher.

"Yeah, besides, I wouldn't want to touch your food anyway. You tend to drool all over it." Paimon's face contorted to an offended look. She raised a finger as if trying to scold the puppet, resulting in him laughing in her face.

"Ugh! You're so annoying! Aether, get your boyfriend!"

"Well, he does have a point, Paimon." The fairy let out a dramatic gasp.

"Not you, too!" "Falling" backward dramatically, the back of her hand on her forehead as she was about to say something, but her stomach interrupted her, growling loudly, "Uh, oops? Paimon's hungry."

"There's some Miso Soup left." The fairy instantly reached into the (infinite) adventure bag, pulled out the hot dish, and chowed down on it.

"I will never understand that," Kuni mumbled under his breath.

"That's fine. Sometimes, questions lead to a headache." Aether gently rested his head on the puppet's shoulder, "but even then, I still have a question: why do you want to come along?"

"What? I can't accompany my boyfriend on his travels?"

"No, you can; it was just random— to me, at least." Kuni thought about his answer, but hearing himself thinking about it, it did sound too possessive.

"... no reason." Aether patted him on the cheek light-heartedly.

"Okay, I won't continue pressing then. But I still have to get the last 1% for the desert, so help would be welcomed." The puppet grinned, moving a strand of blonde hair from his face and flicking it back to its owner.


"Goodie!" Aether lifted his head off his shoulder, his messy braid following his sudden movements, "Come on, Paimon, resting is over."

"Aw, okay..." Paimon gulped down the last of her food before following Aether, who was a (decent) feet away.

"Jeez, for someone who floats, you sure are slow." Kuni scoffed, titling his hat down to keep the sun's unforgiving rays from his face.

"And you are so... uh... dang it! This heat's messing up with Paimon's combat skills..." the silver fairy whined. Aether tried to stifle his laugh, but it was left futile since Paimon heard anyway, "Ohhh, Paimon's going to get you two back!"

"Sure you will, Paimon; we're rooting for you!" Aether joked, a chuckle leaving his lips.

"Hmph! You guys are so rude! Paimon's leaving!"
The couple watched as the fairy left in her pocket dimension, a look of annoyance on her face.

Kuni and Aether couldn't help the laugh that erupted from their throats. It was always fun getting on the fairy's nerves and bickering, especially for Aether. She didn't know it— yet, but the blonde-haired traveler saw her as a younger sibling. Even though he doesn't know much about having a younger sibling since the only "younger" sibling he has is Lumine, and he's only older than her by a couple of minutes.

"Is that what you need?" Kuni asked once he calmed down, pointing to a Time Trial Challenge where you explode some barrels.

"Yes, thank you, Kuni!" Aether smiled at the indigo-haired puppet, kissing him softly on the cheek.

The puppet felt his cheeks flare up as they went to complete the challenge together, side-by-side.

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