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A familiar— yet unknown— feeling plagued the puppet; he felt it before during his days of "pureness" when time extended as he waited for his "mother" to come to him again. He still lay in the bed, arm unmovingly wrapped around Aether, who slept peacefully in his mechanical arms. Minutes passed, and he tried to sleep, but his body didn't need it, unlike the blondes.
He couldn't remember what the feeling's name was, but it started with an 'a.' It was but a faint memory of the strange feelings name once said by the dying child. Anxiety, was it?

Unwrapping his arm from the traveler's form, he quietly slipped out of bed. No matter how happy he felt inside—despite getting what the empty hollow in his chest wanted—no, desired—he still felt as if he was incomplete.
Doubt plagued him more than the unfamiliar feeling, and degrading thoughts fueled his mistrust.

Staring back at the sleeping Traveler, who curled halfway in a fetal position to regain his abandoned warmth. 'How could someone like him truly love someone like me?' those words repeated throughout his mind. Aether could comfort him all he wanted, tell him things he yearned to hear, yet, his mechanical brain would never allow him to take it for what it was. There always had to be a catch; gaining something as precious as this had to have consequences, right?

Throughout his long, tiring life, that was the conclusion he came to after the child's death. It was a conclusion he came to after learning Dottore was behind (almost) everything wrong in his life— though he wouldn't call the Fatui something precious, for it was merely a stepping stone to make him some failed god.

Perhaps he should talk to Nahida? Even if her advice is always confusing rather than helpful to him, it's still sociable to converse with someone.

Preparing himself for the headache-inducing chat the young god always gives, he left the teapot. Appearing outside in Inazuma, where Paimon had got him, he looked around in search of a waypoint. Not finding one nearby, he decided to walk.

Strolling down the quiet path where only small kitsune and their parents slept, the only noise that accompanied him was the sound of bugs chirping, dirt getting crushed under his feet, and the snores of animals.

Noticing the closest Byakko Plain waypoint, he scampered toward it, placing his hand on its cold, metallic exterior with Sumeru City in mind. With the nation being on the opposite side of the world, it was no surprise that it was bright and sunny with people bustling and doing whatever they sought to do. The smell of spices and freshly made food filled the puppet's artificial nose, and happy chatter filled his ears as footsteps trampled the ground below.

Sighing softly and covering his eyes from the bright sun, he walked toward the academia and strolled up the (confusing) pathway that led to the Sanctuary of Surasthana.

A few guards stopped whatever they were doing to prevent him from entering, but the ones who recognized him halted them from doing anything.

"He's allowed." One of the guards crossed his arms, shaking his head in disappointment, and moved the others away from the door, allowing the failed god access.

Kuni sighed, annoyed, and entered the building. The green interior of the building made him feel nauseous, but he sucked it up before leaning against a wall and closing his eyes. It didn't matter if he announced himself; Nahida always knew he required her presence.

"Kuni, why are you here?" A smirk plastered on Kuni's face as he opened his eyes, looking down at the young goddess.

"Nothing much; just wanted to waste your time."

"Uh-huh, are you sure that's all there to it?" The radish archon raised an eyebrow knowingly, crossing her arms.

"Yes, now, if you'll excuse me, I'll be on—" Kuni turned to walk away but got interrupted.

Limitations ~ ScaraetherWhere stories live. Discover now