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Kuni and Paimon argued over the blatant lie she told. She doesn't eat that much in the morning? If she were normal, it would be believable but come on; this is Paimon we're talking about.
If she signed up for an eating contest at 3:00 A.M, she would win despite how tired she would be.

"What is so hard to believe? Even Aether would tell you!" Paimon huffed, finishing her egg roll and watching as he washed the dishes.

"Ah yes, the same Aether whose mind is hazy because of a fever; would agree that you don't have three discontent stomachs."

"You know what Paimon meant!"

"Do I?"

"Ughh! You're so annoying!"

"The same can be said about you." Kuni dried his hands, turned to face Paimon, and flicked her on the forehead. Much opposite to Aether, who pats her on the head ninety-nine percent of the time.

"Hey! Ughh! Paimon's going to give you an ugly nickname now!"

"Didn't you try to last time?"

"Yeah, but she's got a good one!"

"Okay, what is it?"

"Uh... Paimon forgot." she stomped on the air, crossed her arms, and grumbled as Kuni let out a dry laugh.

"Sure, whatever you say— Jeez, all that buildup and for nothing."

"Shut up! Paimon's going to go check on Aether."

"Whatever— don't wake him up, though."

"She's not!" Floating upstairs into her companion's room, she saw him sleeping soundly. His blanket was on the floor with few pillows, and his body was halfway out of the covers as sweat covered his forehead. His breath was steady— well, as stable as it can get with an elevated fever.
Having checked on her companion, Paimon turned to leave the room before a noise stopped her.

"Mm...Paimon?" she froze before fleeing from the room, softly closing the door behind her. If Kuni found out he woke up even a little, he'll be very disappointed at her incapability.
Floating downstairs as if nothing happened, Kuni stood at the bottom with his arms crossed.

"He woke up, didn't he?"

"Huh? How— no..." A sigh left the puppet's mouth at her evident lie.

"You should get better at lying."

"Paimon's sorry! She was as quiet as possible, but he still woke up— he probably went back, though..."

"If he didn't, I'm putting you in a pan and stuffing you in a cabinet."

"H-Hey! No need to do that..." Paimon paused at the sound of stairs creaking, "huh?"

Her face paled as she saw Aether walking down the stairs, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

"Aether, go back to bed; you look terrible." Kuni tapped his foot, chuckling when Aether sent him a tired glare, "No, seriously; you look like you belong in some low-budget horror fest."

"So funny of you..." cringing at how stiff his voice felt, Aether crossed his arms and looked away from the puppet.

"So childish... Did you take the medicine I left at your bedside?" Aether wearily nodded his head, remembering the awful, bitter taste of the substance.

"Good, now go rest a bit. I'll make you some food."Kuni looked Aether in his tired (mentally and physically) eyes, pondering how his eyes could shine as bright as a star-filled sky despite the owner looking like crap.
Aether let out a defeated sigh, going back to his room. Paimon followed after him to make sure he reached it safely.

Kuni began making his signature dish, Shimi Chazuke, a tea soup, and his take on Unagi Chazuke. Taking the bitter tea dish to Aether's room, he lightly knocked on the door before opening it.
Inside, Aether was suffering from Paimon reading him some odd bedtime story, so once he noticed Kuni at the door, he immediately pointed him out.

"Hi, Kuni," he smiled, fluttering the man's chest.

"Ugh, and Paimon was about to get to the food part!"

"You mean "good part," right?"

"No, the food part! I'm reading him a story I made up for your information."

"A story... that you made up? Miko got to your head, didn't she?"

"Yes— wait, no! The mora did."

"Makes sense." Kuni gave Aether the dish, telling him to be careful.

"Thank you."

"Don't. Seriously, it's pointless."

"...Thank you, Kuni."

"Seriously, stop."

"Kuni, thank you." A weak smile formed on his face as he began eating.

"..." Giving up, a sigh left his mouth, "You're welcome, Aether."
Aether's face beamed before he kicked them both out of his room.

Staring at his door, Paimon nudged Kuni's side a little.

"Come on, since Aether is sick, he won't be able to complete his daily commissions, so it's up to us to do them now."

"Why not just rest?" Kuni asked the fairy, "Soon, you'll end up like him before you know it."

"But the mora..."

"You'll be fine missing out on today's mora."

"Ugh, fine..." Paimon whined, "What should we do then?"

"I'm going to go meet up with Nahida, you... I don't know what you can do, but as long as it doesn't concern me, I don't care."

"What?! Hey!" Paimon whined, but Kuni had left the teapot already, "Grrr! That stupid puppet! How did Aether end up with him?"

Aether heard their conversation from the other side of the room and tried to contain his laughter as he ate his food. The soup was warm, and the bitter tea mixed well with the sweet aroma of rice. It elevated the dry feeling in his throat. Though, it did leave him feeling insatiable; like he wanted more of it— and he did, but he felt embarrassed to ask the male.
Placing the bowl on the table next to him and lying on his bed, he closed his eyes. He didn't feel sleepy, nor was he trying to go; his eyes felt strained, so he rested them for a bit.

"Aether, are you fin— oh, I'm sorry." Paimon lowered her voice, turning around to leave the room, but Aether's voice stopped her,

"Don't worry; I'm not sleeping. Just resting my eyes." Aether opened them slightly, forming a smile, "If you want to finish reading me your story, you can."

"Yippee!" Paimon reopened her book and began reading, starting from, 'The slime yelled at the boar, "No, you can't eat me!" Before jumping away,'.
A smile formed on Aether's face as the girl acted out some scenes, watching her intently as she showed him the poorly drawn pictures she drew.

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