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"Hey, wake up—" Kuni's eyes shot open at the constant prodding. Looking towards the source, he narrowed his eyes slightly.

"Aether, why are you poking me? And why are you out of bed? You're sick; go rest."

"Nu-uh, I'm feeling te-ten times better than before. And I was trying to wake you up." the slight stutter on the word 'ten' wasn't missed. Kuni looked at Aether, and clearly, he wasn't as recovered as he assumed.

"Wake me up? I don't need to sleep."

"If that's so, how come your eyes were closed, and it took me forty pokes to wake you?"

"I was resting my body."

"So sleeping."

"No, I temporarily powered down my body."

"And sleeping is temporarily "powering down" the body." Kuni furrowed his eyes, frustrated with the blonde.

"What do you want? Surely if you're this energetic, you don't need me."

"True... but I want to invite you."

"For what?"

"Adventuring! I missed out on too many commissions already."

"Dude, you've been sick for a day. All you missed are the mandatory four commissions. For the rest, others could've handled them."


"So, get some rest and stop talking. You're not entirely better, so working now could worsen you." Kuni sighed, "And you're not better— did you even look in the mirror? You look terrible."

"Haha, very funny."

"I'm not; I'm serious." Aether walked toward a small mirror in his room and checked. Embarrassed at the noticeable sick tone that inhabited his skin, he walked away from the mirror and straight to the bathroom.

"Just wait! It's likely because I haven't taken a shower yet." Kuni rolled his eyes, leaned back on the chair, and began to fiddle with the puff holding the golden feather down. The sound of water running reverberated throughout the empty bedroom. It's quite the calming sound when it wants to be— isn't it?
Moving his hands to fiddle with the glowing teal vision, a soft breeze hit his hand. He still didn't know why the heavens bestowed him such a precious item. Even if he found new peace and freedom in life— it would still be wise not to give him one, and yet, here he is with a vision when others deserve it more than him. Though, his arrogance wouldn't allow him to admit those thoughts out loud.

Twenty minutes passed before the bathroom door opened, and Aether exited in clean sleepwear. Kuni snickered in amusement that Aether still didn't look any better than before.

"Yeah, I still look horrendous... maybe I should rest some more."

"You think? Go lay in bed; I'll cook you something to eat. What do you want?"

"What did you make last time?"

"Shimi Chazuke."

"That, please." Kuni left the room without another word, leaving Aether to wait in his bed awkwardly. It would be nice if Paimon were awake, but every time Aether tried to wake her, he would receive a 'go away boar,' making him think she was the slime in her story. He needs to stop calling her 'emergency food,' but it's so amusing that he can't.

Moving his damp hair away from his back, he put it into a bun. An annoyed sigh left his mouth. He was delighted about adventuring earlier, but the risk of affecting others ruined his joy; Zero point in helping others if you risk them getting sick, too.
A few hair pieces stuck out from the bun and laid flat on his face, but he didn't care. As long as it doesn't bother him, he wouldn't care.

The sound of cooking from downstairs was faint, so Aether tried to focus on it. It felt nice to have someone else occupying the teapot other than him and Paimon. He rarely invited anyone over, and when he did, they wouldn't stay long, nor would he see them in it ever again.

Specific thoughts ran through his mind— all positive to the naked eye, but for him, they brought on many internal conflicts. He was almost positive that Wanderer and he shared the same positive feelings, but guilt arose in his stomach. Again, he should be working toward his sister and native powers, but again, they could wait; However, if he holds out on finding his dear sister, the abyss's corruption would be far too irreversible, and she would do something she regrets. It's almost unavoidable because he knows how she gets.
Yet— he feels completely content and at peace whenever the puppet is in his presence. He brings him a sort of peace he doesn't sense unless there's a holiday going on— heck, even then, he's still worrying about his sister and the far, far future.

Only a few people on his travels seem to remember his purpose for traveling and going on these daredevil adventures. A few wish him luck with finding his sister even after he's solved their issue; the rest walks over him like a dirty carpet. Friends, acquaintances, strangers; it doesn't matter who, at least a ton from each group, treats him like some errand boy than someone who wants to find his twin desperately.

Sometimes Kuni mocks him about his "obsession" with finding his sister, but he isn't offended since he never promised to help from the beginning. He finds helping Aether more as repaying a debt— he said it himself.

"Ow!" Aether whined as a finger flicked his forehead.

"Here, eat up." Kuni impatiently handed him the bowl and spoon.

"Uh, thank you, Kuni."

"Do not thank me. It's not my issue that you mortal—" Kuni stopped himself, remembering that Aether wasn't mortal, "you immortal-mortal(s) have to eat so much."

"Immortal-mortal?" Aether stared at him in plain amusement.


"You're very immature; you do know that, right?" Kuni glared at him, but Aether didn't flinch since it wasn't with malice. Grumpily, Kuni sat at the edge of Aether's feet, earning him a concerned look.

"Are you okay? You're more grumpy than usual."

"I'm never grumpy."

"Keep telling yourself that, now what is it?"

"..." the puppet subconsciously messed with the golden feather. Aether set the food bowl down next to the untouched medicine beside him. Kuni thought over and over about what he and Nahida talked about. He pondered over the weird snail analogy the young goddess had used, and he, too, wanted freedom from his broken shell— yet, his throat felt clogged, and the words wouldn't leave his mouth.


"Kuni, that doesn't seem like nothing."

"And yet, it is." Kuni looked away from the golden luminary.

Flinching as a hand gently grasped his shoulder, Aether leaned over.

"You can tell me; I won't judge. Plus, Paimon is sleep-sleep; you won't risk anything." his smile was so warm and comforting that Kuni nearly gave in.

"I... uh..." the puppet was at a loss for words. Kuni had never been this close to the blonde before. Their faces were right in front of each other, and the soft breathing of Aether filled the quiet room.
A reassuring smile plastered his lips as he scooted closer to the puppet.

"You..?" cocking his head, Aether waited eagerly for whatever needed to leave the indigo's mouth. Oh, the way he wanted to smash his lips against his.

"I would like to get to know you more." the puppet cleared his throat, straightening his back.

"Really? That's all you needed to say? You could've asked." Aether jokingly punched his shoulder.

"Yeah, well, it sounded boring, is all," the puppet lied, "and what if someone randomly asks about you? I have to be able to tell them things 100%."


"I'm serious."

"Sure you are."

A/N: I (probably) won't be updating as frequently because I start high school tomorrow. :(

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