a voyeur's obsession

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You head to the kitchen knowing without a bit of sugar that you may pass out. You find your stash of gum and take out one piece before heading to the fridge and grabbing a water. After two days of fasting you feel like you might collapse. Fighting against the dizzy feeling you decide you'd like to bathe and see if it makes you feel better.

On your way up the stairs you overhear Chisaki speaking in a hushed voice. "She doesn't know any of that and you'll be smart to keep it that way. You know damn well women are broken." You hover a bit trying to decide if you really want to eavesdrop on this one.

"And if she needs some motivation?" You hear a voice grumble back when suddenly it goes silent. "Y/N if you are on those stairs I highly suggest you head to wearever you had planned on going. Now." You squeak and scurry away not wanting to know what he'd do if you took even a second too long. You'd watched him steal lives, dreams, and mobility from people...that's definitely not something you'd want to experience.

You grab some pajamas from your bedroom and head straight to the bathroom without a word. You set your phone up on the counter hitting play on one of your more spicy playlists hoping you can think up a new story while washing. While singing along you begin to peel off your iridescent black bodysuit and place your collar on the counter.

Chisaki had the collar specially made to be able to track you no matter where you are. You like having it in case anything goes wrong or you get kidnapped. In other words it was a very welcome gift you took with much gratitude. You often wonder what life would've been like without the Yakuza but any scenario you are able to think up pales in comparison to your care and opportunities here.

Now that the bath is filled you begin to shower off the dirt and spiritual baggage of the day. You often cherish this time alone and vulnerable with yourself giving in to tears at times and others giving in to more fun. Tonight you're feeling guilty for eaves-dropping and even with your spicy playlist the vibes just are not lining up.

Once you're done you stand to head over to the tub. Little do you know this is exactly when the door creaks open an illegally silent picture taking phone slips it's way through the crack and one by one chisaki documents your movements. From the stretch of your sore fragile looking limbs to you bending over and checking the water temp all with the perfect view of your ass. Just as quickly as he was there he is gone leaving you to your tasks.

You wash in the tub allowing each of your muscle groups to relax. You hit the meditative state that Chisaki's grandfather taught him. You often wonder if this is how he releases guilt. Yakuza endeavors are not fluffy events though you also had to admit you had yet to be permitted on those adventures. With a deep breath the playlist takes you over for a moment and you imagine his hands grabbing your tender breasts and wondering what his face looks like without a mask. After a few moments of fantasizing you are ready to get out and write.

Rising from the tub you realize you forgot a towel. "Shit." You grumble and whine against the thoughts of the cool hallway air..."The alternative isn't much better." You say to yourself staring down at the body suit you're almost positive it will be impossible to put back on especially with wet skin.

They had placed you three doors down from this bathing room. Two doors away from Kai Chisaki himself who slept in the room closest to the bathing room. Each room had its own toilet area though due to his anxiety about germs. Finally you pause your music, wrap your phone in your pjs sorta like a football, grab your suit off of the floor, cover as much of your front as possible and dash out of the door.

Luckily no one was out there that you had seen and you made it into your room. "Holy shit." You huff out of breath from the sheer adrenaline boost that risk made you feel. "Okay get dressed, go back for collar." You nod at your own words, a determined look set on your face. You take a towel from your cupboard in the wall and dry off your hair and body. After putting on your matching silk tank top and shorts set, you head toward your door.

You walk through your door and with your head down still slightly embarrassed about what had just happened you accidentally run straight into Chisaki. "Fuck! Oh my Gods I'm so sorry!" You exclaim the apology a bit too loudly 'HOLY SHIT YOU TOUCHED HIM!' your brain screeches in excitement so loudly you're hardly able to focus.

"You left your collar in the bathroom. It's important you keep it with you at all times, remember what happened to salina." You flinch at the mention of your best friend. "Yea...I made a mistake and didn't have enough hands to carry everything." You explain awkwardly hating the way he glared down at you. Always left craving affection and care. "Don't make it a habit. We have another job tomorrow. Be ready at 11:30 tomorrow night."

You give an obedient little nod and stutter slightly when saying, "T-thanks for not letting m-me forget." Your tail sways slowly showing an excitement you wish it wouldn't announce. "Off to bed now. Thanks Chisaki for everything!" You ramble as you head back to your room. You pull out your journal ready to write about him and everything you want him to do to you, but instead his remark from earlier resurfaces.

"I'll never forget." You say looking up at your ceiling. Salina was the most amazing woman you'd ever met. She was almost 10 years older than you and her quirk was something to behold! She could manipulate any element she wanted with only a 30 second cool down between each when shifting.

You both had grown a powerful bond. Some may have said you were together but labels never did work with her and you both sort of just allowed the other to exist in each other's lives at any intensity one was feeling at the time. Always in sync you both had powerful experiences of growth and sexual exploration until one day...she disappeared.

No one knows what happened and she was an important person here. They turned the world upside down in an attempt to find her and prevent spread of information, but she never did show up. You begin to write about you missing her touch and voice and smell. Taking a deep breath you finally set your book down and realize you have been writing for nearly an hour.

Sniffling quietly, you lie, turn off your light and crawl into bed. You pull out your secret stuffie and whimper into its soft fluff. (A/N Think of a fav from childhood you wish u still had!) After about an hour you finally drift to sleep. The night is filled with nightmares as it often is. Tossing and turning periodically while a silent Chisaki stands staring through a crack in your door. Something about your restless sleep fascinates him.

He often wonders what it is that haunts you. He's been watching for 6 months now and he'd only caught a couple of nights that you rest peacefully before 2am. After a while he retreats silently back to his room deciding he'd look through his new pics of you before sleeping himself.

Laying down he sighs before spraying some germ killer and waiting 60 seconds exactly before removing his mask. He takes his first fresh breath of the evening and begins to remove his clothes. He imagines it's your fingers that unzip his coat and remove his belt. By the time he has removed everything but his socks the small bulge from earlier is now full mast and throbbing. He bites his lip and heads to his bed not waiting to open his phone. With a huff Chisaki grabs a new hand towel from his bedside table and lays across his bed.

He scrolls through the pictures of you in the bath back and forth between two in particular as he strokes his cock slowly with a tight grasp. He groans thinking about how good that pussy would be on his cock. The pictures go from you stretching your beautifully skeletal frame, but also of one where bending over he can see the outside of your pussy poking out. Your tail is straight up in the picture as well leaving your tiny asshole fully exposed as you climb into the water. The last photo he got of this session.

Seeing your hole exposed that way sends him over the edge and grabbing the towel he catches a load that he very much believes should have been drilled deep inside that pretty hole of his. He groans a wave of possessive urges triggering a shockwave of orgasmic pleasure. "Fuck Y/N" He growls to no one at all before throwing his towel into a laundry basket and passing out completely.

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