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The men drop you off and you head inside with the suitcases in tow. You drop them off at the door you were instructed to before heading off to your room to get fresh clothes and make-up on.

You feel your phone vibrate and grin impishly sure that it must be Shinso.

Shinso: we gonna hang tonight?

Y/N: Yeah but I gotta not wear work clothes. So where are we going exactly?

Shinso: It's a surprise.

Y/N: Come on man I need to know what to change into 😭

Shinso: Wear something casual. That's all you get out of me.

Shinso: Meet me here. *sends location* 😈

You chew nervously on your lip as you stare at the location. It is directly next to a subway station, but you can also see the advertising for a bathhouse on the strip where an array of businesses are all crammed together. "I'm not doing that and I'm not going to dinner." You say aloud knowing full well the side of town he's suggesting tends to be overwhelmingly filled with not only heroes but wealthy successful ones. In your early years with your parents you'd helped steal from there quite a few times.

The outfit you choose to wear is one that gives you confidence but also doesn't seem like it will make you stand out too much...or at least that's the hope. The outfit:

Once all dressed and makeup on you look at your phone to see you have the perfect amount of time as long as you leave right away

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Once all dressed and makeup on you look at your phone to see you have the perfect amount of time as long as you leave right away. Grabbing a black oversized jacket you swiftly head out the front door and toward the subway station nearest to you. As you walk you pull out your trusty earbuds and shuffle a random playlist on your phone before sending Shinso a quick update about you leaving your home.

Everything goes smoothly on your way to the station and to your great relief you haven't felt any eyes on you unlike before. The ride is a bit long but as long as you keep distracted with your phone it's not too painful. You find a place to stand and type out a little note in your phone about Chisaki's eyes and how confused you are about your feelings pertaining to Shinso.

You are so into your writing you almost miss your stop luckily though someone bumps into you on their way out jolting you back into reality.You scurry through the door just in time and sigh in relief glad you were able to make it. You look around you before pulling your hood over your head just in was always so uncomfortable for you to be exposed in such a public space but especially so with there being this many heroes around. No matter where you looked it seemed like there were at least two if not more you could point out.

"Hey." Shinso comes up behind you leaning close to one of your ears. You jump and reflexively elbow him in the stomach. "Oof guess I should've taken the cat's reflexes into account." He says with a low chuckle holding the spot you just slammed into. "Shinso, you can't scare me like that! There's too many people here for me to hear it's you!" Your eyes dart around as the adrenaline spike he caused pulses through you. He opens his mouth to apologize but cute himself short feeling awkward.

"Let's get goin." You suggest and start walking toward the exit stairs. You worry if you don't move quickly someone you've dealt with might recognize you. Shinso chuckles and follows, placing his hand on the small of your back as you both push through the crowd. The touch is reassuring and electrifying all at once feelings you must admit you have no idea how to navigate. Once outside on the sidewalk he begins to lead the way across the street and into an area filled with tall overpriced and done up apartment buildings. You both walk through a block of that with no conversation but his hand still resting gently against your hip.

"You good with two more blocks?" You nod in response with a shy smile. "It's really pretty out so I don't mind at all." FInally you both arrive at a house absolutely pulsing with alternative/rock music. "How is this legal?" You ask with a laugh seeing some people coming in and out of the front door.There's a crowd smoking on the front porch where hardly any light touches c;oaking them all ominously in hazy greys and blacks.

"Eh rich kids kinda get to do whatever they want honestly." He replies before giving a shrug. "So you down to vibe with my band tonight?" Shinso asks with a wicked smile. "You are in a band?" He is stereotypically the perfect bad boy and you find it sort of amusing. "Thought boys like you only existed in novels for pre-teen girly pop fanfictions." You both laugh walking up to the front door. "I'm just so amazing I might as well be a fantasy." He opens the door for you and you step into the biggest living room space you've ever seen in your life. The entire first floor has nothing but space and bodies. People grind on each other make out in every corner while smoking pot and drinking from half full bottles of liquor and in the very middle there's a sort of mosh pit going.

'So this is what non prissy hero kids do.' You think to yourself in annoyance. While every villain kid has to fight for their life these assholes party. You look over at Shinso who grabs your wrist and leads you toward the back of the first floor. You consider exit strategies out of habit just in case you may need them and by the time you guys reach a taller than usual wooden door your anxiety has spiked. 'Maybe I should go...' Your inner monologue whispers quietly only exasperating the building tightness in your are unable to stop your own mind from spiraling and begin to think about how much safer you would be with your mentor than with any of these people.

Just as the anxiety begins to be a bit too much Shinso walks into the room with your hand in his and you find the room is actually a far more mellow space. "Hey man about time!" Someone hollers from the back of the blue and purple lit room. All around are lava lamps and trippy posters. "Whoa." You accidentally say while admiring the decor and realize theyre not posters at all but paintings! "Whatever, it's not even close to time to start." Shinso replies, pulling you toward a black sofa. With all the neons and almost pulsing lighting you'd hardly notice there were places to sit at all.

"So who are you?" A pink girl with pink hair and black eyes asks from behind a guy's shoulder. "Uh, I'm Maia." You give a random fake name causing Shinso to look over at you with a raised eyebrow. He opens his mouth to say something but before he can the girl bounces over to you and introduces herself along with the rest of the group. "I'm Mina Ashido and this is Kaminari, Tokoyami and Jiro. We were in the same class and started this band!" She smiles proudly and you notice also that she sways a bit where she stands likely intoxicated along with most of the people here. Honestly you find her energy quite entertaining.

"So are you guys like a thing? Shinso never brings anyone or talks to anyone where did you guys meet. Are you gonna come to every pa-" "Damn Mina 20 questions is so not needed." Shinso interjects, stopping the seemingly never ending sentence. 'She literally didn't breathe!' You think and find yourself smiling. "So what kind of shit do you guys sing? And what do you do?" You ask shifting toward Shinso tilting your head to look in his eyes a bit better. A sheepish smile graces his features while he answers. "I sing and so does Mina. The rest of 'em do instruments. You'll see right about now." He stands and grabs a bag of things in the corner by the door while everyone follows. "I'll show you where you can stand!! Oh and don't drink anything offered. Some of these guys are hella shady." Mina informs you with a solemn expression by the end. 

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