His mini experiment

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Chisaki heads to the kitchen to make himself something to eat before reading through the last bit of paperwork he had for today. He had managed to start the Yakuza on support weapon reselling and some building in the beginning stages. The whole process has taken much of his time while also babysitting Eri's quirk he was eager to be done for the day.

He orders the cleaning woman to make him a sandwich and to wear sanitary gloves. As she works he stands in the doorway to watch that she takes the necessary steps to prepare his food. 'I should do this to my little kitten next time.' Beneath his plague mask a mischievous smirk pulls at the side of his mouth knowing how nervous you would be. He pulls his phone out then to see where you are...'still not fucking listening.' he notes seeing that you are still in your room

After a nearly three hour nap you finally wake up. You whimper before sitting up and decide through the sleepy fog you will get up to eat. Instead of taking the time to brush your hair again you throw it up into a messy bun and head out of the bedroom phone in hand. You begin to scroll through your favorite writing platforms, notifications finding a story you particularly enjoy has been updated. "Yay!!" You squeal before running into Chisaki's arm. "Gah!" You scream jumping back from the unexpected physical contact.

Your mentor chuckles darkly, shaking his head. "You need to watch where you are walking better." His words send you into a mini humiliation moment in your brain. "I am so sorry. I was reading again and...yea I'm sorry Chisaki." You bow to show your remorse before scurrying past him into the kitchen.

You grab a granny smith apple and a bottle of water before heading out to the dining area. You pull up some music and your story pretending not to notice how much he's staring. 'I wonder why he does this.' Your mind whispers like an old friend. He seems to always fixate on you when you're in the room, but often his demeanor and eyes make you too nervous to strike up real conversation.

Chisaki gets handed the sandwich he'd requested and calmly walks over to you. He sits and continues to stare. "You haven't eaten." He states before pushing his plate toward you. "As your mentor you are encouraged to follow my guidance." Chisaki's eyes are staring deeply into yours daring you to argue.

"Uh...s-sure no problem. I can eat it after my apple!" You pick it up with a smile that couldn't hide the fear in your eyes. 'How pathetic.' he growls in his mind so deliciously. He's watching his prey. So close he could touch. His mouth waters and his stare burrows deeper into you forcing pointless chatter his way. You think he's angry.

"I'm excited to help you again though! I feel like I've been learning so much from you. Thank you so much OverHaul!" Even you don't know why you call him by that name, it pulls him back to reality. "That is a change little kitty." He notes in a tone dripping in acid. "I-I'm sorry Chisaki I think I'm just really ready to fuck with more heroes. Sorry."

You take a bite of your apple hoping the act will release some of the tension in the room. 'Good kitty...such a good little kitty." While you are busy choking down your first bite and closing your eyes in reaction to the tartness, Chisaki's eyes are assessing your body. 'Such a fragile little thing.' His mind whispers. Sitting this way was nearly impossible. So much need between the two of you.

"Honestly forgot how good these are!" You exclaim eating a few more bites, and then a few more. His eyes boring into you keep you eating suddenly you find yourself just wanting to please him. SOmething in your mind shifts as you eat for him. Once the apple is gone you smile up at him. "Thanks for the company!" You stand quickly with a nervous flick of your tail. Will he notice? He seemed kinda distracted by his own shit when I was eating.

"I must insist that you at least try the sandwich. Wouldn't want that nice milf's food to go to waste." He watches you closely taking sadistic pleasure in the way your eyes flicker against tears. "Uh- yea i guess you're right." In pure shock you take a bite. 'Does he touch her?' Your mind hisses like a snake wrapping itself around your windpipe. Your eyes are locked on his body now.

You find yourself inspecting him as if you'd be able to see something if she had. "Cat got your tongue?" He asks the moment your eyes find him again. "Uh this is a nice sandwich...." You practically whisper having taken two bites. Chisaki decides he'd like to experiment. "What if I said I want you to eat it for me? Could the kitty do it?"

Your mind and stomach flip. 'Did he just say that? He was just talking ab-what the fuck is happening right now?' your mind is screaming in confusion and your eyes still swim, threatening tears but out of your mouth comes a hushed, "Fuck yes." There's a pause before you register what you've said while chewing your latest bite, your eyes go wide and your cheeks turn bright red. Beneath his mask...a grin. You swallow hard and shake your head.

"I mean like of course I'll follow your direction! That's my job as ya know the learner person. Thank you senpai." He chuckles as you ramble yourself into a hole yet again. This had to be the highlight of his year. "You are something else Y/N. Finish the sandwich like a good kitty though and I'll leave you alone." His voice deep and hypnotizing snakes its way through your insides causing your tail to twitch.

"I really am sorry I'm so weird. My parents didn't exactly take the time to teach me how to talk to people." Your tail twitches hoping a change in subject will keep you from doing everything you've ever written about. The longest you've ever been alone with him and you can hardly breathe. "Eat." Is all he says in response to your vulnerability causing you to pull inward once again. 'He's so confusing.'

You turn on some music only to skip like three songs with awkward giggles. "Sorry I like some weird stuff I guess." Chisaki bites his lip but all you see are his eyes burrowing into you...still so intense. You take another bite and try to pretend he isn't staring. You know if you keep staring at him you'll be here forever and he doesn't seem willing in the slightest to move before you are finished.

It takes you an hour to eat the full sandwich. You can't believe it when you look at the clock on your phone. "Oh...my...god...I've wasted so much of your time Sir. I am so sorry!" Panic edges each word. A memory of you being too slow with your father flashes. Chisaki stands and leaves with only two words. "Good kitty."

You find yourself sitting alone feeling a bit nauseous but very energized from the food you've eaten. By now you have just enough time to read the story in your room before your shower. You'd planned on reading before being forced to eat...but... "Eat it for me~" The words send little shivers through your body. 'I'd do anything for you Chisaki.'

You hop up and go to your room. Without giving you movements much thought you grab the things you'd got ready for the shower earlier and the weed. "Sorry Chrono, I think I need this more than you this week." You say out loud as if the driver you'd high fived with were in the room. You stuff the baggy into your bra worried if Chisaki saw it in passing he may get angry again like in the car.

Once in the bathroom you pull a pre-roll paper from the various things on the shelf beside the mirror and get to work. After a few minutes you have a perfect joint and a smile. "He sat so close!!!" You breathe out the words cautiously forever worried you may be overheard. "He smells so nice." You say a bit louder, making yourself jump.

"I need to actually shower. I only got like two hours to get high and come down enough to work." You instruct yourself out loud and Chisaki suppresses a chuckle. He'd waited till your music was connected to the ceiling bluetooth speakers before cracking the door open.

You're getting undressed. He snaps one picture of you removing your bra before tucking back out of the room deciding he'd rather wait a bit than be there while you flit around. As usual he heads to his room next door to the bathroom. He never uses that room to bathe in fact he has his own shower behind one of the three doors in his room against the back wall.

He moved there deciding the only way he would be able to keep you pure like your parents had was to have access to you at any moment. "Little girls make such stupid decisions." He growls to his ceiling and pushes the paperwork he'd been trying to focus on aside. "She was so close!" He growls in frustration with himself. His desire to touch you drives him mad.He begins to despise his fear.... 

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