ready for my mission

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You turn on two fans and open the circle window at the top of the back wall of the bathroom. Lighting up after showering you sighs and sink into the water. "I can't wait." You whisper out loud flashes of Chisaki flicker behind your eyelids. You take a few puffs mesmerized by the smoke playing with the lights.

You find yourself imagining Chisaki there. You watch him undress in your mind, biting your lip. You take a few more puffs trying to center yourself, but it's too late. You begin to obsess over the image in your mind letting yourself fill in any blanks you have, but as always his mask is in place. Your heart aches "Just take it off!" You accidentally whine out loud jolting yourself to reality a bit.

"I think I should go write." You say to yourself feeling more set in reality if you speak out loud. The silence could be a bit suffocating sometimes. So your music follows as you get ready. Dancing around you get taken over by a song. Your body moves in time with the beat as you dry yourself off.

Chisaki peaks in to find you sliding your thong up over your shaking ass nearly sending him in to make you his. He lets out a quiet grunt before shutting the door. You spin around thinking maybe you had seen something from the corner of your eye, but nothing at all was there. You give a shrug, and on the other side of the door Chisaki heaves a sigh. No pictures this time. He'd almost been caught and he was rock hard.

Chisaki heads to his bedroom as if nothing at all is out of the ordinary before sprayaing his lysol waiting exactly 60 seconds and slowly removing his mask. His mouth is open nearly panting for you. A song called "I want to tear you apart" comes on and you squeal in stoned excitement.

While you put on your skin tight suit for the evening you sing the song word for word. For the first time in a just feel free.

Chisaki grips his cock with a groan. The song you picked couldn't have been more perfect for the moment as he imagines biting into you, holding you down and slamming his thick member inside of you. He moans at the images he conjures but then he remembers yoor dancing. "Fuck...good kitty." He moans loudly without giving a hell if he's heard. His need clouds everything as he strokes himself to the memory.

Finally you finish up, gabbing your clothes and disconnecting your phone before heading out of the bathroom only to panic. "Oh shit." You can smell the weed in the air and you realize up until now you had been careful to hide that like when you had been with your parents. 'Please don't be mad." Your mind whines as you head silently to your bedroom.

Chisaki doesn't allow perfumes because it poisons the air, however he does allow essential oil for your neck and wrists. You find yourself wishing you could spray those on everything. You decide there's nothing you can do about it so you're going to ignore the problem. "I have to get ready." You scold yourself as a justification and grab your makeup.

Usually you don't bother with anything extravagant, but you're feeling confident tonight. Sitting on the floor in front of your full body mirror you begin to do your eyeshadow iridescent purple and come up with this look while listening to a vibe playlist that's slowed/re-verbed with only your lamp on.

Once you are done with that you try and decide which lipstick to wear

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Once you are done with that you try and decide which lipstick to wear. Eventually you decide on your favorite and head out the door to ask if tonight you will be given weapons. You are not at this point trusted with free access, and since you came from outside you did understand...only you didn't because he secretly just liked making you ask him.

Chisaki stands freshly shaven mask being put back on when a soft knock come to his door. Even though he came earlier his cock twitches a bit knowing that it is you on the other side. One corner of his mouth curls into a sly smile as he considers throwing you into his room and feeling you up. Instead he simply opens the door a crack and looks down at you. "Uh hey." Chisaki raises his eyebrow loving how squirmy you get in his presence on an act of bravery he actually opens his door for the first time with someone outside of it.

"Am I in your way? Sorry yea um do I need a weapon tonight?" Chisaki shakes his head no stepping forward you take a step back. His mind growls to grab you. Cowering there like a bunny so tiny compared to him. "Yes you do. Come." He shuts his door and takes a deep breath. 'I did it. I let her air inside my room. I'm sure it'll be fine.' His mind becomes immediately preoccupied as you two walk to where he keeps a stash of weapons.

"Sorry if I got too close or anything." You say in a small voice knowing that he was genuinely scared of germs broke your heart for him often. 'Must be miserable.' Your mind sighs wishing you could crawl up his muscular body and kiss every fear away. Your eyes flick from him back to the ground in embarrassment, your face shines red as if he was capable of hearing your thoughts. 'Damn it!' you screech internally out of frustration.

"Stay here." He says as you come in front of a large cement door. He places his eye at a certain angle and the door begins to slide itself into the wall. He walks in and you almost follow before remembering he had to told you to stay. 'He's so demanding. AND SO COOL!' your mind begins to fangirl a bit as you begin to feel hyped for the mission itself.

As odd as it may seem you really enjoy your job especially when you catch newbie heroes and get to fuck with them. Tonight felt a bit different, though you can't seem to put your finger on why that is. He comes out with two knives connected to what looks like black garter belts as well as a belt fit with a holster for a gun. Automatically you shake your head.

"Please sir, don't make me use a gun." Remembering the shots that took your parents has been enough to cause your hands to shake anytime you try and that was only because he had wanted you to. "This isn't for you." IS all he says before handing you the knives. "Come to..."His sentence trails off for a sec as his mind begs, 'In my room come to my room.' But he knows he's not ready...not for that.

"Just follow me." He huffs before sulking away. You are left feeling confused but excited as a puppy with it's owner. 'He's so damn mysterious.' Your mind comments as your eyes watch him walking three steps ahead of you like your dad had taught. 'I wonder what makes me need weapons...' Finally the reality of danger begins to set in. This wasn't some UA grad snitching, this was intense shit. You could feel it in the way your mentor rushed through the hallways gun belt in hand.

You both end up in the garage outside of an all black car with heavily tinted windows and of course n o license plate. "Make sure you put those on. You're dancing with the pros tonight." He states eyeing you with a carnal craving boiling beneath his gaze. "Yes sir." You say before lifting your leg and putting one garter on, and then the other. Finally you straighten up and pull a blade from the sheath that you now see actually holds four thin daggers. 'Yes! Throwing day!' Your favorite type of knives glisten against your skin tight suit. You marvel at the dark purple iridescent knife and giggle. "It matches my make-up." You say lifting the knife to just beneath your eyes.

Chisaki's mouth drops open, seeing a weapon against your skin makes his mind go fuzzy. "P-put that away." He sputters, unable to recover as quickly as usual. You nod and twirl it around your finger before pushing it back into the sheath. His eyes stay locked on you as he slowly pulls his original black belt from around his waist. You gulp and look away in an attempt to not stare. 'Take it all off.' Your mind begs him when you realize he's holding his original belt out to you. "Hold this for me kitty." You nod face turning beat red in an instant. "Oh of course!" You squeal out the words and grab his warm belt.

Your mind races with tons of dirty thoughts surrounding your mentor Kai Chisaki. 'Fuck fuck fuck.' You want to whine and beg him to use it on you. Use it to bind your hands or maybe smack your ass. Anything just to feel used by him. "Thank you." He says taking it back from you right as his driver walks up to the car. 

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