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TW: medical abuse, non consensual exams,  torture

Chronos carries you to the wing where the doctor and Eri reside. He cringes at the way the doctor maniacally laughs seeing him approach with your body. "The pet have too much fun?" the doctor motions with his hand for Chronos to follow him. The man leads Chronos to a far too bright white room. The lights buzz in a way that makes your friend cringe and feel on high alert. The doctor takes your limp body from your friend's hands and literally drops it onto a metal bed in the middle of the white room they stand in. WIthout a care for chronos being there the doctor removes your bottoms and begins the exam he was instructed to give.

Out of respect for you Chronos looks away while the doctor huffs in annoyance for reasons he very much does not wish to think about. After a few swabs and the doctor clambering about with his instruments he throws a blanket onto your body and shrugs. "Seems to me she's been good. Too bad, I was looking forward to having some time with her myself. Bet that's why you stayed too huh?" The doctor chuckles and leaves you two in the room shaking his head and laughing. "He's terrifying." Chronos says under his breath to you knowing you're not able to hear him he steps closer in confidence.

"I wish you wouldn't have done this. He's not going to forget or forgive. You're probably going to be dead in the next hour. He loved you know that." Chronos growls the last part slamming his hands down on the table in frustration with you and this overall situation. Eventually he gets a text telling him to leave you there and attend to another task. After hearing what the doctor said about you he is feeling more than hesitant but knows at the end of the day you did in fact choose your fate here and there's nothing he's willing to do. He refuses any thought of hurting his boss to prevent him from doing what he feels best. "It was cool working with you. I hope he does it quick." Your friend touches your hand lightly before walking out with a very heavy heart.

Chisaki has you lay in that room with nothing but an IV drip of fluid for forty eight hours. He wants you weak, he tells himself. He thinks of how tiny you keep yourself and a part of him loves this. He relishes in the control knowing he could pump you full of calories or only permit enough vitamins and water to keep you alive. 'I could take everything in so many ways now pet.' He thinks to himself but then the flashes of you rush back to him making his heart ache. He resists the truth with everything he has unwilling to admit being weak for you...really he hurts too much to go see you lying there silent and still wasting away. He wonders if he will ever feel anything other than betrayal...wonders if you would even care or if your mouth would spout panicked lies....

FInally he finds himself wandering the halls almost aimlessly trying his best to fight cravings for you and substances. He growls in rage, his veins popping up slightly while his quirk swirls inside him, almost too powerful to control. Every part of him wants to tear you apart over and over again right now. Chisaki bursts through the door and yells at your motionless body, "If he didn't fuck you he definitely still touched you." He slams his hands down on the table you lie on knowing you can't feel or hear a thing.

"I could kill you in so many ways." He angrily grabs your wrist seeing red he obliterates everything from skin to bone up your forearm only to bring it back again. He laughs maniacally and turns your mind back on. He wants you to hurt and he wants to see it. He does it again, jolting you up into a sitting position, eyes filled with tears and a beautiful scream of agony escaping your lips. He puts your arm back together in the blink of an eye. You grab your arm, chest rising and falling so fast he wonders if you may get sick. 

"Disgusting." He stands smirking a glove off of his hand and predatory eyes that have you frozen. "Are you okaaaaaaah" He shakes his head no blasts your leg away than puts it back together again. Your mind registers the blood you'd been scared about for a moment is actually yours. "No speaking, thank you." He says as he circles your bed like a shark surrounding a piece of meat. "It's my turn to talk. Understood?" You nod and continue to hyperventilate, registering that right now he was not your right now you are his prey.

"If you lie to me I will kill you Y/N. I couldn't possibly care less about your life right now understood?" He removes feeling from one of your arms completely. You continue to cry but force yourself to be very very still hoping it's what he wants. "Yes. I. Under. Stand." You huff out and suddenly you can feel your arm again. It is now you truly realize his power. "Did you share anything with the hero's little Y/N?" He asks with a sigh. "No." His eyes look over at you suspiciously before slamming his hands down on the table to scare you.

He cackles at the way you jerk away moving for the first time since the panic had set in. "Why should I believe you?" This answer isn't as easy and you have no idea what he's looking for. After just a second of silence he licks his lips and leans in closer to you "I'm waiting for my answer slut." "I don't know the answer." You whisper with more tears leaking from your eyes. 'Because I love you.' Your mind whimpers pathetically, unable to stop needing him. "You don't know? Would you like some more...motivation?" He grabs your ankle but doesn't use his quirk, your scream of panic and jerk away from him just pushes him to want more because even if he can't have you he can hurt you.

"It's cause I love you." You break into sobs shaking violently in fear. He growls and shatters your foot "Do NOT lie to me Y/N." The violent rage that flares through him has him almost leave your foot the way it is but a tiny voice of hope brings him just barely to the surface. "Chisaki please!" You sob scared he won't make the pain go away. "I'm so sorry." You scream and at the same time your foot is back to normal. "What are you sorry for hm?" He pants as the adrenaline starts to ebb. You crumble, shaking your head and rubbing your eyes, unable to process anymore. He's finally done it he broke your mind completely.

"He was nice to me and I couldn't understand you, I tried so hard Kai I really did. I tried to have you notice and then you did but you just didn't love me and I'm sorry I went behind your back and I'm sorry I smoked a cigarette." You finally admit the one rule you actually broke and he blinks for only a second you both stare at each other when suddenly he's on top of you. His hand is in your hair and you cry out scared he may be dealing his final blow.

Instead he presses his mask harshly against your face pressing in so hard the cool material pushes a bruise deep beneath your skin. "Did you let him ruin you Y/N? Where did you let him touch you?" You can hear his heavy breathing under the mask in your ear. He waits in this position of power until you answer. "He touched my hand." You admit remembering the way you'd held hands to leave the subway. "The hand you took and gave again." You say in a hushed tone of defeat seeing his eyes flick from one hand to the other.

Instead of responding he completely rips his mask off and bites hard into your neck. You scream and arch up into him who is still straddling you. The searing pain instinctively sends your hands toward him to pull yourself away only instead his hands catch them and slam them down against the table you're on. He stops the bite only when he tastes blood then pulls away so you are both face to face. "You are fucking mine." He growls and slaps you across the face before slamming his lips to yours. 

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