mystery kitty

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After a few drinks and lots more dancing your legs feel like rubber and you are very much ready to leave. So when Shinso heads to the restroom you see the perfect opportunity to slip away. Walking out of the club you giggle and swing your bag to one shoulder strap so that you can slip your phone out. You quickly type to Shinso "That was fun!" Before shoving back into your bag, zipping it up and heading down the street. You get catcalls and looks from the men standing along the streets as usual in the red district but what bothers you is that nagging feeling of being pointedly if someone somewhere believes you to be prey.

Once on the subway you remove your bag, remove your new collar and put Chisaki's back in place. As fun as it was wearing the new one you really felt best secure with his around your throat...especially since the feeling of being watched hasn't left since you stepped out of the Crimson Mist. Briefly you consider actually calling Chisaki while walking home seeing as you are still definitely intoxicated, but you worry it would be too personal of a thing to do with a man who is simply your mentor.

In an instant your heart is sinking into your chest as the words of Chronos cut through your memory. "Might wanna get over your crush, kid." It hurts like a stab but you force your face not to make a response at all in fear that expressing weakness in public may get the attention of someone that'd make it their mission to bring you into an unsafe situation. The eyes are watching...wherever they are. 

'What if he never notices me? He called that lady "milf". Maybe he's never gonna be into me...maybe I'm not good enough no matter what.' Memory after memory of him avoiding your advances flash against your eyelids while the words of your mother slip in between reminding you of the less desirable parts of your appearance. You are so caught up in your self depreciation that you don't hardly notice you are walking!

"Shit!" You exclaim looking at the buildings that surround you, a breath of relief slips from your lips. "Almost there I guess." You say into the air wishing you could just stop wanting him so badly..."Maybe I should give him a chance." You whisper it into the night hoping that the moon will keep your secrets the way that Salina used to. And just like that you are thinking about Shinso. "It was really fun." You blush as you ramble to the mother moon. You think of the way the music flowed. Think of how he touched you and allowed you to glide with him. You think of him backing away when he clearly had hopes of things going a bit further...'But he killed for you.' a sick little voice in the back of your mind whispers.

You try redirecting your thoughts to Shinso bringing you to feel very tempted to stop and check if he messaged back. You wonder if that was sexy and mysterious or a stupid way to leave. It's at this moment that you realize you'd already been planning to meet with him again. A genuine smile spreads across the lips he'd been staring at off and on all evening. "Maybe I could try." In your mind you explain over and over that Shinso can take away your need for Chisaki. 'He doesn't want me. That's gotta be okay." It is in this bittersweet moment that you make what you feel is the adult decision...and swear off your mentor Chisaki. You walk right in to the Yakuza hideout having been so caught up in your thoughts during the walk that you forgot to pay the eyes that followed.

Clicking a bit louder than meaning to as you shuffle about the hallways you decide you'd like a bit more to drink and find yourself rummaging through the kitchen. "Where is it?" You growl to no one when finally at the top shelf your fingers brush an old bottle of wine. You had saved it funny enough for a date you'd planned on trying to make with Chisaki...however it was still here...because you never really asked him.

You roll it toward you and catch it before it can fall onto the counter and potentially shatter. A triumphant giggle sounds through the kitchen and you hold the wine bottle up in the air. "Gotcha bitch!" Snorting more laughter you find the opener and open it up only to find you definitely grabbed a bubbly wine because the POP! Makes you jump and wince when you notice it echo through the halls. "Fuuuuck." the word comes out in an overly hushed whisper and you feel like a child sneaking food at 12am again.

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