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Once on stage they begin with a cover of Teenagers by my chemical Romance and you can't help but enjoy yourself to the max jumping singing and dancing along with the band who has hella good stage presence and my god does Shinso sound good. You find yourself enjoying every moment unashamedly but in the back of your head feelings of guilt pull at you...he really has taken such a hold of your mind.

After quite a few more songs SHinso is dripping in sweat and handing the microphone to some other band leader. Before he can get to where you are standing someone leans way too close for comfort and whispers against your ear, "I didn't know villains were invited." You turn around in alarm only to realize it'd be absolutely impossible for you to know who had said it with so many bodies on top of bodies. Your heart is racing and suddenly you start to feel dizzy.

'I can't be here.' Your mind repeats over and over while you work your way to the exit in a panic. You are so overcome with anxiety you aren't able to register Shinso calling your name over the music. He follows hoping nothing bad has happened. You seemed to be having so much fun while the music played. Bursting through the front door you take a deep breath of not so fresh air. Immediately you find yourself longing to be with Chisaki craving the feeling of being protected...because right now you feel far too exposed. 'Who the fuck was that?' You put your jacket back on after having tied it around your waist while dancing. Your fingers brush against the collar that Chisaki gave you, the simple act send a wave of reassurance that if you were taken he would come looking...surely he would.

"Hey! Y/N you alright?" Shinso asks, huffing slightly and eyes shining with concern. You nod, forcing a smile that to him looks a lot more like a grimace. "Yeah just uh was hoping to bum a smoke." You lie swiftly and he dips his hand into the pocket of his jeans. "You could've just waited for me. Scared the hell out of me I thought maybe...nevermind just here. I need one too." Your eyebrow raises in question of why he had trailed off but you refuse to ask too many questions worried it may turn back on you.

You put the cigarette between your lips and a sinking feeling hits your stomach...should you really keep breaking rules like this? Shinso lights it for you before lighting his own and leading you over to a tree that miraculously no one is making out against. "Sorry I freaked you out. Your band is fucking awesome by the way!" You immediately shift subjects hoping your flimsy apology is enough to quell his anxieties as well as any curiosities he may have. "Thanks. I joined last year but I'm pretty sure they've been dabbling together since year 1 of high school." You nod, blowing smoke up toward the moon. "Well You sound great together."

He convinces you to stay a bit longer and so a bit reluctantly you head back into the party with high hope no one will bother you anymore. After a few hours of dancing, moshing and drinking Shinso notices you are swaying on your feet a bit more than he'd like for a woman walking home at night. "Hey Y/N let's get goin!" He yells over the music causing some heads to turn. He grabs your hand unwilling to wait for a response and leads you to the front door. "Let's get you home." Your head lulls to the side a bit and you shake your head. "No thanks. I'll be big trouble. Shhhh." You giggle and he just shakes his head very amused at how cute you are acting.

"Well maia you are drunk as hell and I have a responsibility to get you safely back to where I got you from." You roll your eyes before staring directly into his. "Seriously can't take me. I can't explain. Please don't ruin everything." You finish in an honestly quite desperate tone only to realize he's been walking you to the subway station the whole time. Just before you guys get to a point of entering a zone where smoking isn't allowed he pulls you aside. "Please just let me take you somewhere." He says almost pleading with you.

Even in your drunken state you can feel a cloud of guilt come over your heart. "Okay. cig?" You ask to distract and push out a pouty lip hoping it'll get him to say yes. "What do you think we stopped for?" He asks lighting yours first rather than his own. "So can I call you by your name now?" His question makes you smirk triumphantly at the random ass name you'd pulled out of thin air tonight. "Yesss." You only realize that you're leaning to one side nearly falling over when his arm wraps around your middle. "Please don't crack your head open on the cement alright?" His tone is sharper than before causing you to flinch slightly. "I'm not mad." He immediately reassures you but the panic has already been triggered.

You are both about halfway through your cigarettes when someone in a long coat begins to come toward you. Too drunk to really register much going on at the moment you don't realize that it is Kai Chisaki himself. The doctor mask on his face is a vast difference to his usual plague mask and here you are..slumped against a man he doesn't know.

Chisaki's blood fucking boils. "Who are you?" Upon hearing his calm cold voice you instantly throw up. "Shinso run." You are dead serious but he doesn't have time to process before his training kicks in and he's ready to fight. "Who are you?" Chisaki just grits his teeth and looks at you. "So this is why you wanted to leave home?" You're hyperventilating and he oozes disgust. "You know him?" The question Shinso asks is completely drowned out by your own pounding heartbeat in your ears.

"You should have taken her advice." Chisaki says darkly and slowly begins to remove his glove. You fall over your heart nearly giving way as the panic zaps you into oblivion. Chisaki allows you to hit the ground hard making a tch sound annoyed he'd ever touched you in the first place. "You ruined my prized possession. So I will ruin your future." Chisaki's glare is sharp enough to murder but Shinso is ready though very worried about not having his trusty weapon to deal with a quirk he knows nothing about.

"She is not a possession." Shinso growls, earning him a hearty laugh from Chisaki. "Yeah? Then what's that around her neck?" Chisaki pulls your head up by your hair exposing the collar to your friend who feels part of himself breaking the need to protect you throws his body at the stranger and they dance in a dangerous fight that overhaul simply entertains to make a point. He knows he's stronger and faster than this amateur. Chisaki's hand reaches out without a glove on and explodes the boy's arm off. Shinso's eyes widened in agony and panic.

During this moment of shock Chisaki grabs you up as if he were your hero, slips your phone out of your back pocket and stomps it into the ground before carrying you into the crowd walking around the sidewalk and into his blacked out car. He removes something from you that keeps you in a comatose state before literally throwing you against the seat across from him Chronos doesn't even dare to speak right now sure if he tried he would be the target of one of Chisaki's angry explosions.

He stares at your limp body fuming and feeling heartbreak warring within him. He needs to know if that little idiot runed you and so he instructs Chronos to drag your body to the doctor's quarters. Chronos silently thanks the kami for sparring you at least for now. If he were to be completely honest he'd really rather not lose yet another friend...

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