^^ HouseCat ^^

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With about half the bottle of wine left and securely in your hand you stumble into the hallway but decide halfway through the bathroom door you wanna eat to soak up some of the alcohol that has your vision blurred and swirling. "Fuck." You mutter grabbing a box of cereal. You lean against the cabinets not feeling the need to go sit at the table. You munch on the cereal slowly staring up at the ceiling. You reach over to the pile of shower things you had scrambled together and thank the gods that for some reason you actually thought to carry along your earbuds.

Popping them into your ears you blast music while you absentmindedly chew away the entire box of cereal. Your jaw and blinking eyes are the only part of you that moves at all for the hour you sit there. Thoughts of both Chisaki and Shinso swim across your mind. You know using a guy to get rid of wanting Chisaki probably isn't the best idea, but damn is it hard to care.

You recall all those moments it seemed Chisaki was teasing you...that's what it was right? You recall some of your odd exchanges, blood boiling and heart racing. "Why flirt with me if you're not like into it? What's the fuckin point dude?" The words you think are just in your mind echo into the dark hallway where Chisaki stands leaning stiffly against the wall. 'I want more dumb ass.' He thinks indignantly to himself.

Your eyes tear up. You can't tell if you're frustrated, overwhelmed or just flat out enraged but you do know that you're fed up with whatever the fuck this is. Standing up quickly your world flips and you end up on the ground with a thud that shakes you to your core. A shriek echos out and Chisaki's eyebrow raises while a slow smile graces his mouth. 'Bet you look cute crumpled on the floor.' His mind conjures a few images that urge him forward, deciding he'd like to see the real thing himself.

The second he turns the corner your ears pick up on his steps jolting you into anxiety. Your tear streaked cheeks look up at him like a wild animal caught in a trap. You're frozen in embarrassment looking up at your mentor who is staring at your literal mess of a self on the floor. In the few moments you are looking at each other his cock hardens enough you can't help but look. Sitting up you remove your earbuds awkwardly, stealing glance after glance. "Um...uhhh." Your mind is completely blank and your cheeks flush three shades of pink as you realize your mouth is hanging open slightly. "Sorry um I'm drunk." Chisaki chuckles and squats in front of you making you gulp. "I did notice that. Now if you're so worried about me wanting you then what were you doing with someone else's collar hmm?" His eyes are sharp and his tone is one that feels dangerous. "How did you-"

Chisaki stands again with a dark laugh "There's not much you can do without me finding out pretty kitty." A mini gasp escapes you at the realization he may know you were with a hero tonight...what else did he know?! "It was my collar sir." That you can honestly say is true at least... "Your collar?" His eyebrow raises as the question leaves his lips. "I bought it." His eyes narrow like a villain in an anime you like sending unnerving chills down your spine. "With what money? You are just a house cat." The last part makes your ears twitch conflicted feelings of wanting him sensually and humiliation bite at your mind and heart.

Chisaki stares at you angrily awaiting a response. He withholds money as a way of control how dare someone decide you got something he did not approve of...unless. His anger flips to rage and he grabs your hair without giving much thought to potential consequences. "You better not have done anything stupid for that fucking money. I could kill you so easily..." His mouth waters seeing you like this, a primal need for sex plucks at his willpower bit by bit.

"N-no! Chronos paid me for work!" Your hands shake slightly as your mind tries it's best to process what's going on. He's touching you! He's closer than ever before and his eyes are so dangerously beautiful. "Sir please." You whisper pleading for him to believe you...or touch you more...even you're not sure which you are talking about. A low low sigh fills the air between you as he lets your hair go. "You better be telling the truth." He growls, nudging you with his foot and commanding you, "Get up."

You take a huge swallow of wine and stare up at him "Why?" You ask in a whiny little voice the thought of actually trying to get up again is not at the top of your list of things you'd like to do and with him being so hot you're not sure your knees will even hold your weight. Chisaki yanks the bottle out of your hand and says again, "Get. Up." You smile drunkenly up at him "It's kinda hot when you do that." You announce without thought before pushing yourself onto your hands and knees then slowly into an upward kneeling position before finally standing. "That was hard." You say pouting while you sway where you stand.

"I guess that eating didn't sober you up for shit huh lil kitty?" Your cheeks flushed and eyes unfocused find his sharp gaze and with a smile you let out a little "Nope! But like can I just go to bed?I'm trying to be a sad bitch here." Words tumble out of your mouth before you can stop them upon standing your mind turned to absolute mush the cereal definitely wasn't helping...you feel even more drunk.

Again his more carnal urges become too much and he pushes you backwards slamming you into a wall...this is the closest he's been...even closer than earlier. Your brain flatlines staring at his intimidating eyes. "You're lucky I allow you to speak at all without prompting." you feel pulsing between your legs and realize he's pushed his entire body against you. His cock twitches where your pussy aches and his mask touches your chest. "Fucking please!" You exclaim in exasperation. "Why not me?!" You gasp desperately trying to stop yourself from begging him to use you. Your tone is whiny, grating against his willpower even harder than the desperate look in your eyes.

Your closeness has his heart racing, feeling you this way is a literal fantasy come to life. Your frail little body against him and your eyes begging. The snake in his mind hisses little paranoias but the scent and feel of you makes it seem so irrelevant. "Fuck Y/N." He growls pushing away from you. "You are going to follow me and stay silent." He says turning on his heel. You sway for a moment unsure of your ability to follow but with every step it gets easier. As long as you match the pace he walks. So keeping your eyes on his feet you walk practically blind through the hallways. "Tell him you're sorry for taking his money." You look up to find Chronos turning at his desk seemingly very confused.

"Everything good here boss?" Chronos asks in a tight voice. That's when you notice it smells like straight pot in his room. "Oooh can I smoke too pleeeease?" Chronos laughs "How drunk did she get?" Chisaki grabs you by the back of your neck and pushes you further into the room. You bite your lip feeling a bit humiliated to have to do this. "I uh...I'm sorry I took your money." Chronos looks over at Chisaki who's eyes bore into him angrily. "Thought she could get paid with the rest of us that time. I gave her half of mine." Chronos explains with a shrug. "SO you're good kid but don't kill yourself drinkin."

"We don't pay the house cat got it?" Chisaki says through gritted teeth. 'I bet he wants to take her from me.' paranoia bites at his mind and he yanks you out of the room. "You got it boss!" Chronos calls while Chisaki closes the door behind him. "I'm not just some house cat..." You huff quietly with your eyes fixed on the ground even drunk you feel mortified about what just happened. "You'd make a better bitch than a pampered cat." Your mouth falls open and he smirks. This is definitely the furthest he has pushed you, but going out being reckless and removing his collar are not actions he could allow to go unpunished. Would you act out? He continues experimenting with you pushing your obsession deeper on purpose. He wants you brokenly devoted and he's committed to getting you to that point.

He begins walking and out of instinct you do the same. It's like he's a magnet pulling you along by his side. You drift perfectly one pace behind him. "What do you want from me?" You ask when he brings you to your door. "More than you can give." IS his only response before opening your door. "Did you let someone touch you on your little club adventure Y/N?" The direct question takes you off guard and you look up at him. "Not really. I danced that's it." You reply honestly remembering the amazing way you and Shinso seemed to flow with one another.

"You dance?" He asks in a softer tone than your use to from him. "Uh...yeah actually. Mostly 90's goth because of my parents'friends and stuff but yeah." You lean against the door frame to steady the way your earth keeps tilting. "Interesting." Is all he says before turning to walk away. As he steps forward your hand reaches for his but stops short...

"Am I not good enough? For you?" The words are a hushed whisper as if keeping the question quiet will cushion the blow you are sure is coming. "It's more complicated then that pretty kitty." He looks at you and for a moment you could swear you saw an ounce of tenderness there...

"Good night." He walks away without looking back and you find tears leaking rom your eyes...was he really worth this anguish? You continue to stare into the dark hallway until he is shut into his own bedroom.

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