Untitled Part 13

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Chisaki walks into his room, locks the door and does his little ritual. Clearing the air of germs before stripping down until he's wearing nothing but his gloves, mask and underwear. He stands there for a moment like this. Unsure if he really cares right now that your germs are on his gloves...maybe they'd smell like your shampoo the way your hair had when he pulled it tightly in his fist...maybe if he kept his mask on and took the time to sanitize...

He promptly heads into his bathroom with phone in hand. He keeps the gloves and mask on as he is scrolling through your pictures oblivious entirely to the camera pointing directly at where you're standing, still trying to process everything that just went down. The smell of you is so vivid in his mind. He craves to know what it smells and tastes like between your thighs. His cock is wrapped firmly in his fingers twitching with need. "Fuuuuck." Chisaki moans as he slowly begins to stroke thinking about how you looked up at him with your hair in his fist. You didn't even try to fight...and this glove touched your hair and skin..."Mine." He growls through gritted teeth looking at a picture he managed to get of you touching yourself in the bath once.

You lay in bed, eyes closed but mind racing. You wonder what it is Chisaki needs from you. "More complicated than that" echoes in your mind. You huff in frustration wishing he'd just tell you what he meant. Your body completely crashes on you sending you into a deep deep sleep...meanwhile CHisaki is panting your name as he strokes his cock up and down. "Fuck Y/N." He practically growls as warm cum sprays all over the glove he is wearing and some onto the floor. He stands there for a moment riding out the waves of his orgasm before straightening his back and peeling his glove off.

His mind whispers paranoias of sickness and germs but his heart is so fixated on you he simply allows his body to start the bathing process. His hands reach for the soap, his mind hardly registering what he's doing. He thinks now of how fragile you are without him mere seconds away from getting kidnapped or murdered. He likes that he is able to cloak you in protection. "If I don't get sick you can breathe in my room." He decides out loud to solidify the agreement with himself. Part of him is seeped in panic. It shows in the way his muscles are tightened, but his eyes show determination and a hint of anger.

You are only out for about 45 minutes before sitting up to notice your phone light up to show Shinso's name clip out of view and into a missed call notification. You shrug and hit the notification not even noticing that the time now reads 3am. "Are you dying?" You ask with a drunken giggle wondering why on Earth he'd be calling you so randomly. "Hey, sorry about that I went to exit chat but hit the wrong one. Damn updates on apps fuck me up way too much." Your eyes widen hearing him cuss like that. "Damn lil hero feisty when workin'." Shinso gives a low chuckle. "Too much for the little kitty's ears?" You roll your eyes rolling onto your back to get more comfortable. "I promise I big girl can handle it.

"You sound more drunk than when I left you." He notes aloud before his background erupts with some random ass yelling about All Might. "Uh fuck off dude. This is my first night off in like ages. I'm goin to bed though so see ya." You say but hang on the phone for a moment wondering what his response might be. "Mmhmmm well next night off you should let me know. Let me take you somewhere fun." You smile blushing hard. "I'll see what I can do hero boi. Good night." You click the red button so fast it's a blur to your own drunken vision. 'Oh my God what the fuck am I doing? WHy am I excited?' Your mind begins racing with all sorts of thoughts while your tummy flips with one emotion after the other. After a moment of biting your lip in complete silence you finally decide sleeping would be better than this. The shower can wait till tomorrow...and hopefully you could avoid all your feelings.

The next few days are like they usually are around the safe house only Chisaki notices...you seem to be texting far more often. Though you were too drunk to remember his touching you he thinks of it nearly constantly. He begins to feel anger rise up within him as he watches you clicking away at your phone's screen it seems you're always texting even before missions. 

You continue on with life talking to Shinso often since the both of you aren't really given the opportunity to do the whole friend thing. It's nice to have someone to cut through the loneliness. Tonight though you are headed to pick up some "party favors" from bad boy Dabi so you have let Shinso know that you'll be pretty absent...friends let friends know that sorta thing right?

Chisaki and another member of the yakuza hop into a car that speeds onto the street with you settled comfortably across from your mentor. While waiting at a light Chisaki informs you that there should be two suitcases at the dealer's place. Your job is to "grab them and not get killed." Your ears twitch at the last part, a look of amusement shadowing your features. "I'd kill him first, trust me. Is it stitches again?" Chisaki nods, smirking beneath his mask. He has heard about the spicy adventures of Dabi and finds himself rather proud that you seem so disinterested in the man. He's seen many pretty things fall into "relationships" with well known villains and more often than not ends up finding them walking the streets mere months later.

Upon arrival you hop out of the car when the hairs on the back of your neck tingle and your tail flicks anxiously...something feels...off. You find yourself feeling quite grateful that you wore the shirt from the fatgum incident as you pull the face covering up and your hood over your head. Your ears are left exposed so as not to hinder hearing and you slink to the garage/house's door.


A/N So I finally got movd into my new place! updates should b way more regular from here on out!!

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