~Crimson Mist~

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Finally you get the chance to look up 'Crimson Mist club' on your phone. With a grin you realize you won't have to travel too terribly far and based on the location wouldn't have to worry about being noticed by annoying ass heroes. Your face turns bright red, your gaze toward the door as you remember the agreement SHinso the lil hero had given you. You bite your lip fighting against a smile. "It's just one night. I'm sure I can beat him again if he tries anything." You say to the open air, deciding no matter how nervous you felt you deserved this night out.

Chisaki watches you for a few moments before turning and heading to his bathing area. It's this moment you slowly remove your collar...and place the one you bought securely around your neck. "I'll keep the bag." You stuff his tracking collar into the same bag you took to the mall strapping it securely to your back before putting on thigh high boots with chunky enough of a heel that you can run if needed.

You come strutting out of your bedroom and weave your way through the hallways until you meet the front door. There is no hesitation in your departure this time. As you walk you look around and realize that the nagging feeling of being watched has vanished completely. You pop in an earbud and make your way to the subway. (Quick A/N I'm assuming in a world of quirks they've made accommodations with some tech like earbuds so they fit well in your kitty ears<3)

Halfway there you decide you'd rather have both ear buds and the wind in your hair...so you scurry up a nearby alleyways fire escape and begin jumping the rooftops. All of your catlike instincts sing wildly in your veins urging you ever forward until you realize..."Shit I passed it." As you begin to back track only about a block that feeling returns, stopping you in your tracks. With your instincts unleashed like this you are hypersensitive to the feeling of being watched...and possibly stalked.

Quickly you glide down the last fire-escape necessary into a small alleyway. With a deep breath you slip beneath the ground into the subway once more. 'I gotta be more careful.' You chastise yourself for allowing loss of control but can't help smirking a bit to yourself still feeling the adrenaline pulsing through you. 'Didn't catch me though.' you think triumphantly to yourself.

The feeling had faded when you entered the subway bringing a sigh of relief puffing from your chest. You stand for a little while. The subway screeches and bolts toward your destination. Looking around at the people that surround you it's hard to fight off giggles. A man stares wide eyed nearly drooling and a child looks up at you as if you could be one of the scariest women he's seen while across the way a group of girls your age send weird looks your way every few moments.

You begin checking your phone and switching through some of your playlists you get to a post-punk playlist and to your satisfaction the moment the music starts the doors open. You glide more so than walk through the people who push briskly through the sliding door. Once on the street you pull out one earbud and begin watching your phone's map app. It's only a block from this station but you know this place well. With a smirk you slip your phone into your bag as you stalk through the street.

The smell of marijuana and random foods drifts through the air, Musical beats both aggressive and sultry pour out of every door that gets opened, neon lights cast their colors onto your skin giving you a ghostly glow. This is the villains party district. You had heard some heroes come here for nights off but you can't help being surprised that such a newbie like Shinso would hang out here. Finally you stop at the Crimson Mist club that was covered in darkness on the outside only to explode with red once the doors are opened. Luckily for you not a huge amount of people are waiting and it only takes about 15 minutes to get through the line.

From the moment you enter the speakers push sultry beats into your bones. Though you enjoy the vibrations of the music, you still pause long enough to grab the earplugs you brought to prevent your kitty hearing being damaged. 'See Chisaki I can go out.' you think to yourself in a very childish voice feeling kinda proud of yourself for being responsible. You dance all the way to the bar unable to stop yourself from gliding with the music. Having been around lots of goth culture growing up this is your element in a way you didn't think existed. 'I could get use to this.' You think to yourself taking a seat on a tall black leather barstool.

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