Your perfect morning

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The next day you rise earlier than expected and decide that since you would be very unlikely to fall back asleep making breakfast for everyone would be a nice thing for the woman who typically does it. Off and on you will do kind things for her to not only offer a break but also learn how to cook and clean for yourself. It is something you'd always wished your mother would have taken the time to teach.

You grab a black spaghetti strap sports bra and baggy sweatpants. Throwing your hair up in a ponytail you decide that's good enough for appearance until it's time to get ready for the mission. On goes your collar before leaving the room and you're off into the dark hallways to the large kitchen. You end up making souffle pancakes and serve it with the fresh fruits you had been granted permission to purchase the last few trips.

A groggy Chisaki walks in glares over at you and grabs his plate. Silently he turns and walks back to his room. Even though this is the same interaction it always is when you cook you can't help but be a bit sad he doesn't stay, and why does he always have to glare like that? So many questions about him you know damn well won't ever be answered so you continue on to serving the others who make their way slowly to the eating area across from the kitchen.

'I bet she wore that little bra for me. Not those other douche bags.' His inner monologue spirals into itself until he's securely in his bedroom again. He sprays the room, waits 60 seconds and removes his mask. He devours his food relishing in the savory fruit and fluffy pancakes. He thinks of you while he eats just like every morning. He scrolls through his calendar to see what times he has available to "check on you '' and opens up the application that shows him where your GPS is.

He smirks to himself watching you flit about the kitchen and dining area. He thinks of you serving him food before shoving you down so he can continue to make you useful. "Pretty little kitty." His voice coos to thin air before he pulls himself out of his daydreaming and off of the floor. He secures his mask to his beautiful face once more and grabs the plate of food from his table. His tall frame hovers before the doorway shoulders slumping low, a look of defeat in his beautiful eyes. "If only you weren't infected too." He mumbles helplessly before leaving the bedroom.

You cheerily flit around so much making sure everyone has what they need and clearing the mess that you forgot to eat yourself. FInally you sit yourself down to dine. Your food is cold but you don't mind much. You enjoy these moments that hold an almost familial air to them. With a smile you turn on some music and sway while eating. Chisaki is so quiet you don't even realize he's there.

"Thank you Y/N for the homemade breakfast." Your cheeks flush red and your tail flicks embarrassed. "Oh! You're welcome! I really like doin it and you don't gotta pay me for it!" You giggle nervously realizing that yet again you've embarrassed yourself in front of him. You get no response directly but could swear you caught a dark chuckle of his.

You wriggle a bit in your spot and put your hands over your face. "What the fuuuuuck?!" You whisper scream into your hands. Wishing very much that you hadn't opened your mouth at all. After a couple moments of this and after eating a fourth of your breakfast you head to the kitchen. Your head swivels around to make sure no one was there before scraping your plate into the full trash can.

Once your dish is washed and put away you head to the library deciding that reading up on the religious studies you've chosen would be better than torturing yourself over what you should've or shouldn't have said in front of your mentor. 

"Yay!" You exclaim standing on your tiptoes to reach a large volume on your exact chosen subject. You get comfy in a window that overlooks the city you reside in. Taking a deep breath you are flooded with feelings of gratitude for the life that you have been given here. You read in the sun like this for a couple of hours completely in your own world as you work to expand your mind past what is human conditioning.

Chisaki checks your location often between meetings as well as during phone calls. After a session with a doctor and Eri he comes to the library deciding he'd like to hear your little ramblings again. He often picks a time to bump into you, sometimes multiple a day if he's feeling particularly cruel. He knows how much humiliation you feel when stuttering in front of him. He knows how you cried a few times after speaking with him. Wishing you'd just said something different.

"Oh, hello Y/N." Every part of your body perks up and you bite your lip hard to push down a squeal of surprise. "You didn't forget that we have a mission this evening, correct?" He asks, walking slowly toward the windowsill where you are perched. 'Like a real little kitten.' He thinks to himself prideful of the fact he gets to toy with you.

"Uh-um no I didn't forget is there something I was supposed to do before though?" You ask twirling your hair anxiously with your fingers. "Yes, you have to clean yourself before getting into my car. Be thorough." He starts walking to the left of you and as if he's found an important book his eyes widen in false surprise. "Got it." he says, leaning his head toward you so that you're looking into his eyes.

"See you tonight." You nod excitedly "wouldn't wanna miss it." you giggle awkwardly. He walks away then your eyes unable to peel away you catch his beautiful side profile when he stops at the door frame to utter one strong word, "Eat." before disappearing around the corner.

You audibly gasp Having not expected him to mention something so personal! 'He noticed me?! I'm sick enough to be noticed!! I bet he thinks I'll die any moment! He'll wanna care for me soon!' Your sick mind echoes little toxin drenched sweet words over and over. You feel as if you're floating but then slowly realize..."I'm not hungry." You whine to thin air wishing he'd have stayed just a bit longer.

Chisaki stands in the wall watching you from a painting he had installed for this very purpose. The wall hallways were an escape route originally but during this year he happily took advantage of them any chance he could get. They did not however spread evenly through the entire facility due to new pipelines and of course some bodies cementing a roadblock, but he had learned them like the back of his hand.

You close your book and stretch your arms into the air, a whimper escaping you as you do so. "Holy shit how long was I here?" Chisaki bristles immediately agitated at the foul language you use but stays completely silent as he watches. "I took a bath last night but I guess I could do'll save me some time before I have to pretend to eat again. I can get dressed and do my makeup after eating easier though..." Your eyes are closed and your head tilted toward the sky as you attempt planning out your day.

Finally you hop up and head to your bedroom pulling your ponytail holder out with a grumble. You brush it out so that it lays wavy against your back. Before leaving you check your phone and bite your lip. "Damn it." You shove it on the charger and grab your journal. "I'll just write then." You puff in annoyance at your phone. Sitting in silence with your thoughts is never your preferred way to go.

You get comfy and begin to write about the two conversations with Chisaki today and how embarrassed you had felt. You write about your confusion surrounding the late night mission and that you look forward to being helpful in any way possible. Before you know it the clock turns from noon to 2:30pm. You find yourself drifting to sleep holding your journal and groggily curl around it as if it were a stuffed animal.

Chisaki finds himself bored to all hell as the dealers he manages call him in to report several hero sightings in the back alley's the Yakuza own. "Look, get your shit together and hidden well. Hell you can kill yourself if you need to, but don't you dare get caught. That shit is more valuable than anything on this planet, and you know that." Chisaki's annoyance is not at all hidden from the man on the other end of the phone. "Yes Sir." Is all he has the chance to say in return before being hung up on. "If he runs, kill him." Chisaki instructs someone in the corner of his office before walking out and locking the door.

With a sigh he grabs his phone from the left back pocket of his pants and checks your location. "Not doing what you were told I see." He grumbles under his breath. Each time you stray from a plan he's decided for you it sends searing frustration through his core. 'You're still mine.' His inner monologue growls at the internal version of you he holds in a cage.

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