League looking in

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A/N hey guys sorry for the sorta boring chapter we r buildin up to somethin big I promise!! Thx soooo much for reading btw!!!!

"Well if it isn't the Yakuza pet." Dabi's voice sounds from behind the screen but instead of him another man stalks out to greet you...too close for comfort your fingers brush the hilt of one of your throwing knives strapped to your thigh. "Yeah yeah, can I get my shit please and thanks?" The sarcasm is heavy in your tone and though you are directing your words at Dabi your eyes stay fixed on the blue haired man now standing in front of you.

"I wonder how much you're goin for." The blue haired man sneers bending even closer to you. "Dude I don't know who you are or what you're here for but I'm seriously not the one." Dabi chuckles darkly rolling your suitcases toward you. "She wouldn't give it up for me either. Shiggy just drop it man." You find yourself wondering if this man could be the supplier or something of the sort.

Whatever or whoever he is, that predatory gaze is making your skin crawl. "I'm recruiting for a better future. Wanna join us, pretty kitty?" You roll your eyes grabbing one of the suitcase handles. "I have my own life to live, man. See ya." You throw up a peace sign before grabbing the door and opening it.

Enough of you is out the door that Chisaki knows it's you but suddenly sees you pulled roughly back into the garage. Before his movements even register he is out of the car. A growl sounds from inside his throat as he stalks up to the door with his friend/driver close behind. Chronos opens his mouth to speak but looking at his leader he decides it may be the last thing he does...Chisaki is pissed beyond measure and he's here to clean up whatever mess he may decide to make for himself. "What the fuck's goin on here hm?" Chisaki questions malice dripping from every word standing stiffly inside Dabi's small living space with one hand ready to remove a glove.

"Just a little business man calm down won't ya?" Shigaraki taunts knowing full well who currently stands in front of him...he'd been looking for your mentor trying to decide if he'd like to recruit him. "And what business could you possibly have with my pet?" The words are a challenging growl and Shigaraki is left to decide whether or not this is the day he stands against the Yakuza...deciding he'd rather try to persuade them to fund him at some point he releases your wrist but slaps your ass hard before pushing you toward your mentor.

It's a challenge and Chisaki can feel it in the way the man gazes directly into his eyes. "You should teach it to let people know...could've found ourselves in a mighty awkward position hm?" Shigaraki is taunting and your hand has found its way to the hilt of one of your knives meanwhile Dabi watches Chronos who both stand off to the side...its like watching two alphas from opposing wolf packs and they know better than to interfere if it isn't necessary.

Chisaki grabs you before you're able to pull a knife and slams a fist straight into SHigaraki's face completely breaking the man's already slightly crooked nose before walking out with you and Chronos who is trailin the suitcases behind him calmly as if the entire exchange were a normal part of the day. When you are all in the car and Shigaraki is left stumbling after it with blood pouring down his face, Chisaki pulls you against him in a fit of possessive rage.

"You're mine understood?" He growls looking you deep in the eyes. Nervous and embarrassed, your eyes dart around trying to avoid his intense gaze. "Say it or I swear to the gods I will kill you." Chisaki runs a single gloved finger from the middle of your chest up across your neck before settling his hand around your tiny throat. His breathing is labored as if he's taking every once of self-control he has not to attack you but his movementsar slow...measured...and so fucking hot..."I m-mean yeah. You took me in and I work for you as best I can...I do everything you tell me..."

You fidget nervously, not sure exactly how you're supposed to react to the situation you've somehow found yourself in. His eyes are blazing having seen that man touch you sent him over an edge neither of you had experienced nor expected. His body felt as if it were on fire with rage and he NEEDED you to know who you belonged to. "You better never ever in your life fucking forget that." His hand squeezes your throat tight for a moment and in response you find yourself pushing your legs together as a snake of lust uncoils in your lower abdomen. 'fuck.'

Nodding in agreement he sits back feeling rather proud of himself for not ripping your clothes off and using you to prove his point but also for the fact that again he had touched you and still...no illness had taken him over. Though there was a little voice in the back of his mind that warned it was only a matter of time he was learning very slowly how to ignore it. "Uh Sir..." The driver trails off confused on where exactly he is supposed to go having never been given instructions before leaving your home let alone after that ordeal.

"Oye take Y/N here home. We have some business to attend to now." Your eyes widened in surprise wondering what on earth he could be doing and also admittedly...you feared being away from him because yet again the separation had nearly cost your life...but honestly being hurt in the way it seemed shigaraki wanted may scare you more an actual death and only CHisaki could protect you from that...right? 'Why are men such thirsty assholes?' You find yourself wondering but the pulsing between your legs reminds you that though you didn't want every man you see you certainly wanted the one in front of you.

After a few minutes you feel a buzz against your ass and jump slightly, having been deep in thought about your mentor the jolt surprised the hell out of you. "Shit." You mutter, slipping your hand beneath your thigh and pulling your phone out, and you see that Shinso has sent you two messages, one acknowledging that you informed him about your busy evening and another asking when you'd be getting off. Biting your lip hard you try and decide what you should do. Chisaki has business but that doesn't mean you can just invite some guy over...he had mentioned wanting to take you out but you had no clue if your mentor had another mission planned....

Your stomach flips at the thought of asking and instead of speaking you end up staring at the young boss biting your lip in contemplation on how to even begin to approach the subject. "Uh...do I have a mission tonight...or can I go out?" The sentence takes nearly twice as long as it should have to come out but Chisaki has to admit he likes the way you squirm when he looks over at you silently. 'Where the fuck does she want to go?' he wonders suspiciously. "For what purpose? Do you not have enough entertainment where you live Y/N?" He asks in a gruff tone a threat dances on his tongue and you swear the air just got more stiff...growing colder and more clammy goosebumps pop up over your arms and chest...that glare makes you feel so many things.

"Oh no nothing like that I just uh forgot how fun it can be to dance sometimes!" Your explanation is high pitched and your face is already turning red from anxiety and embarrassment. Chisaki glowers down at you making sure his eyes get the point across that if you do anything other than dance he'll kill you. "Do as you wish...but you better be smart about it little kitty You never know who's watching.." The threat causes your blood to run cold and for a moment you genuinely worry tht you have put Shinso in a dangerous position.

You breathe out in relief when Chisaki turns away from you finally to look out the window but you're not stupid...you can see that he's eyeing you off and on from the corner of his beautiful slanted eyes. 'Damn it why is he so scary it's not like I'm goin out to fuck.' You fight the urge to be a bit bratty about the current situation feeling the overwhelming urge to defend yourself seeing as his eyes and tone wanted to almost accuse you of being ungrateful or something. 'I do everything for you...you could at least act like you like me.' Your inner monologue snips but of course only silence fills the tense air between the two of you. 

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