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"Glad you could make it Chronos." Chisaki eyes his companion before continuing. "Now that you're both here, care to explain why my hallways smell like marijuana ?" You bite your lip not expecting the question at all. Your stomach drops with anxiety and your tail begins to swish in agitation. "Uh...sorry. T-that was me."

You stutter in a mousey voice. Suddenly a memory of Chisaki destroying a man three times before stopping flashes before your eyes. 'Not to you. He would never.' Your mind weakly reassures you, but your tail is securely tucked between your legs giving away your fear. "Holy shit Y/N you never slip up!" Chronos says in surprise turning your face fifty shades of pink. "If the smell makes it to my bedroom, you're in fuckin trouble." Is all Chisaki says before getting into the car. You and Chronos exchange a look before shrugging. "Hey don't use all of it alright?" He asks with a low chuckle before getting into the driver seat.

Under his watchful eyes in the car you realize...'I'm still high.' Your inner thoughts begin to race and without you noticing your body begins to rock back and forth slightly in order to self regulate. Watching you closely it doesn't take him long to notice that your eyes are still a bit glossy and red. Chisaki shifts in his seat putting a hand into his pocket, he pulls out a lollipop unwrapping it he finds himself testing boundaries with you again.

He holds it out looking deep in your eyes. "The sugar will bring you down." His intimidating gaze has your face turning his favorite shade of pink while your brain processes. "Thanks!" You exclaim reaching your hand out he moves it away from you before plopping it into your mouth on his own. Your eyes are wide and your breathing intensifies meanwhile your body refuses to move. Chisaki raises a sly little eyebrow, his hidden smirk turns to him biting his lip as he watches you snap back into action shyly looking out the window your cat ears twitch slightly just like always when you are flustered.

'Good kitty.' He thinks to himself he continues to watch your movements, gaging whether or not he is pushing too much. He knows you like him but he needs you to need him. To only ever think of him to live and breathe for he is training you. Silently but with a diligent hand. "So can I know what my job is tonight?" You ask with a smile hoping it'll cut through the sexual tension you felt.

"Yes, tonight we are going to a club. I need you to go in and lure out a very particular hero for me. I will do the rest while you distract anyone who might try and follow. Understood little kitty?" You sigh pushing your head back against the seat. "You could've told me I could dress for fun." You whine pushing out your bottom lip. Chisaki finds himself wishing he had...he'd really like to see what kind of clothes you would ~choose~ to wear out...however.

"Almost there man!" Chisaki grabs his gun, opening the chamber and checking his red bullets. "Alright be careful in there tonight." The words are kind but the tone is one of aggression? "I will, Sir. So who am I grabbing?" You ask with a smile your tail swishing around. "FatGum came across one of our facilities recently asking questions he shouldn't have. His real name isn't relevant to you because you're going to act like a huge fan. They always fall for that."

You roll your eyes at the description of your role here. 'So that's why he invited me along...' Your heart sinks into your stomach you'd hoped it was because he was opening up his life to you more...guess not. "You're not wearing that. Your knives are too obvious. Don't worry, the screen blocks Chronos from seeing. I will turn." Chisaki bends and pulls the outfit he'd been excited to present you with from beneath his seat. He curses himself internally for not presenting this like he'd rehearsed in his head....

Your eyes widen in surprise...this is the first gift he'd given you outside of keeping you safe and alive. Tears threaten to escape your eyes as you bite your lip for distraction. The outfit is a shirt made of a lightweight breathable material and a skirt that is made of PVC. The top has a piece of fabric that goes over your mouth. You open it up to find it has a skeleton on it in breathtaking purples and blues bringing a disoriented feel to the piece.

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