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His quirk surges through him and into you tearing away every muscle and bone in your body. Your entire being becomes pain for that split second. His power takes to splintering your mind into a million pieces before immediately bringing it all back together again. Chisaki throws himself off of you eyes wide in what appears to you to be panic.

He stares at you shaking from shock and whispers, "Did I break you?" Words are a loss to you for a minute and so you simply stare in horror trying your hardest to process what is happening. A scream gets lodged in your throat, your eyes wide and clouded. Your mind is lost like it refuses to connect with the rest of your body for a moment.

"Shit Y/N. No, I didn't really want that." He admits aloud his hands are shaking as he approaches you again you flinch instinctively but he simply touches your cheek with tenderness. "Can I fix you?" He wonders, leading your head to the right slowly and then the left so that he can inspect you. Tears well in your eyes and you wish more than anything that you could just be held. There's a growing emptiness. A cavern in your chest where your heart should be. 'What is happening?' you wonder hopelessly to yourself.

"Either you're frozen in shock or...I destroyed you." He's covered in blood..."where did that blood come from?" You manage to whisper the sight having brought you a bit back into your body. He leans in close, taking you by complete surprise since he is not wearing a mask. You pull back and your hands cover your mouth worried if you don't he may become upset. "You don't recall?" He asks with a sort of scary grin slowly lighting up his once panicked face. "No sir?" Chisaki grabs your arms and pins them to your sides before slamming his lips into yours. A quiet little sound escapes your throat that just makes him want you more.

His body buzzes with lust for 'his creation' "Nothing and no one has touched these hands!" He exclaims with a maniacal laugh while grasping and un-grasping your hands in his. "He grabs you by the throat, lifting your aching body into him. Pressing his lips to your ear he declares, "Now you're truly mine." Your stomach fills with anxious little butterflies and your body feels like it could be filled with electricity.

You remember him but only in glimpses. You remember him keeping you, you remember wanting him and most of all you remember betraying him. "I don't deserve to be." You whisper eyes falling to the side in order to avoid his gaze. His eyes darken and he replies, "No pet. You do not deserve it but the alternative wasn't palatable." He yanks your head back by your hair earning him a pretty little moan.

"You will not leave this fucking building without me. Understood?" You nod and he slams you down harder than he should. Your eyesight goes white for a split second from the force to the back of your head. and he gets so close to your face you can feel his breath "Understood?" He asks again, eyes fierce and bright. "Understood Sir." You pant the words out like a dog in heat. Everything about him has your body nearly exploding with desire.

"Call me Master." Your already red face reddens even further and he smirks in response. He likes how docile you are. "Y-yes Master." You stutter out chewing on your lip. 'Everything is moving so fast.' you think to yourself scared if you speak something he disapproves of he will hurt you worse. Who was this? This Chisaki is so different from your Chisaki before...or are you different? "Where am I?" You ask with a quiver to your voice. Looking around it's all white and red with blood. This place is legitimately terrifying.

"I had to punish you." He says matter of fact and stands heading toward the door. You of course attempt to follow him as usual but when your feet touch the cool floor your knees resist the weight and you drop to the floor with a crunch and a cry of pain. He chuckles darkly in a way that turns your he's definitely the same...but you're the prey this time. The realization hits you hard and tears well in your eyes whether from pain or from fear you can't even tell.

"You will have to earn me back." And with that he leaves. Your heart splinters the way your mind had earlier only this time you're awake for the pain...all of it. Your psyche suddenly is completely incapable of handling separation from him. You gasp for air and gears streak down your cheeks like tiny rivers. You yank the needle out of your arm and drag yourself to the door where you force your broken body to stand. "Just one pull. He'll be there. He has to be. I'm his pet. Just one pull...Just one...pull...." Your hand pulls at the door with all the strength you can muster and...nothing. 'Locked??' your mind whimpers and you shake your head against the truth.

"No." You whisper pulling over and over and over at the handle. "M-Master?" You whimper hoping to call him that will turn to an opened door. "No please." You whimper before breaking down into pitiful sobs. Chisaki watches from the camera in the room where the doctor typically stays. His mask is back on as he stands in the other man's bedroom staring...with a brilliant grin. Finally he's got what he always wanted from you...everything.

You end up succumbing to exhaustion propped against the door. He only allows a few moments of rest worried his creation might end up broken. His body is sprayed in sanitizing spray before entering and his mask removed. He finds himself once again feeling quite a bit of pride when he opens the door and you look up at him with an immediate grin.

Your tired eyes are hardly open but you can see it is him. In fresh clothes and his mask. "My Chisaki?" You ask, your head is still feeling extremely fuzzy. "No pet, your Master. Now come." You follow on your hands and knees hardly able to muster the strength to do that. Small tortured whimpers escape your throat but still you push on trailing behind him. Your sounds of pain make him hungry and it shows in the way his gate turns almost feral.

By the time you guys get into the hall where he and your room are, tears are staining your cheeks and trail one by one behind you. "Can't." You whisper knees and elbows shaking violently against the movements you've done, completely refusing to carry you any further. He crouches down a wicked smile in his eyes and tilts his head blinking at you. "What was that? You are going to disobey so soon?" His question cuts a hole in your chest almost as big as his absence had. You shake your head violently causing you to feel disoriented "No Master I'll do it for you."

Every fiber of your being needs to please him. It's a new feeling for you. The intensity is disorienting and your obsession completely blinds you to reason...what in the hell happened to you? His quirk put you back together as his ideal perfect little pet. Every undesirable trait from his perspective was taken out. You are you but not you any longer. His power is beyond anything anyone could have ever imagined and now you were his puppet.

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