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A/N I posted this not too long ago but this is a revised version. I promise it's better than y last one lol Hope you guys enjoy and plz if you do don't forget to hit that star for mee thxx <3


"That was too close!" Chisaki growls stomping aggressively towards you stopping only inches in front of you before FatGum's head materializes again. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" The hero screams in a panic. "I see you took a liking to my kitten here." Chisaki growls and suddenly the hero's arm disappears in another burst of blood. The hero screams before being almost wholly silenced with the removal of his tongue.

"You ask way too many questions these days. Here we could've had a calm conversation but..." The man's other arm pops into oblivion. "I found you out here having no respect for consent." Chisaki finishes by giving a tsk tsk tsk sound. "Who else knows about my facility Taishiro?" Overhaul asks before putting his tongue back in place. The hero begins to hyperventilate, not able to comprehend your mentor's power. "I don't know what you're talking about!" The hero exclaims looking up at you and chisaki.

"You knew enough to go to my address." Hisses your protector who still stands directly in front of you. You tune out of their argument feeling a bit caged by your mentor you find yourself staring at his back longingly. 'He saved me again. He's so amazing...I love you.'

The silent realization rocks you to your core and paired with the noises of the two men you find yourself spiraling into overstimulation. Your body erupts in uncomfortable tingles accompanied by a big rush of emotions. Your anxiety taking over so suddenly causes their voices to become mixed together in a daunting cyclone of pressure.

Your vision starts to go blurry a bit and the voices around you slowly muffle into an echo. 'Shit not now. Not here!' You're no stranger to passing out with anxiety and malnutrition. It was more common than you'd like to admit, but not here...anywhere but here would've been a better place. Your bones hitting the concrete make a sickening crunch that you are not able to hear through the fog but for that second...Chisaki freezes.

Without a word Chisaki destroys fatgum's legs and he gets tied up by chronos while Chisaki frantically scoops you up. His mind is consumed with needing to make sure he gets you to where he can find out what's happened. "I will cure you." Chisaki says pushing through the crowd of confused club goers in the street. Eri's doctor would know but he can't let you see. Not yet you're not ready. It's not till he stumbles into thedoors of the door and you are in the car that he realizes you are in fact still breathing...Chisaki blinks at you for a moment the panic still pulsing through him needs to be sure you're alive when aloof a sudden..."GET ME HOME!" Chisaki screams in a panic realizing what he had just done.

"DRIVE MOTHER FUCKER!" He yells at his driver who does his best to manage putting fatgum in the trunk discreetly enough but now quickly too. He'd touched you for longer than a second which, considering he had always changed his clothing after your bumps in the hallways...was way further he considered himself comfortable going. Now what?

He had held you for minutes this time. He was at this moment very convinced his entire system is overcome with the filth of society. His adrenaline pulsing tingles all over his body that he could swear is full of virus. "Fuck!" he growls staring at you. The car finds its way to the Yakuza safehouse and Chisaki has his hand on the door before the car even comes to a complete stop.

You get jolted awake by the screech of tires and Chisaki bolting out of the car. You hear garbled yelling and then...there's chronos. "Hey, glad you're awake. Might wanna get over your crush kid. I don't think he can do it." You look up at your friend with wide eyes. Even with zero context your heart splinters.

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